I have a harder time battling gravity in order to get to church in the summer, since the church I attend lacks air conditioning and compensates for that by moving the service to an earlier hour. Doesn’t take much for me to rationalize staying in bed, as I’m sure Godde understands. I’m always glad when I do, because I get to be around other people who genuinely care about social justice because of their faith. It’s just, you know, actually getting there that poses a problem on summer Sunday mornings. Today was definitely worth the effort.
Summer services are different not just because they are earlier, but because we meet in a different space, the choir takes the summer off, and we have piano music rather than organ music. Services are held in the more informal space of Hobson Hall, where we usually gather for donuts and coffee after Mass.
Also, we have someone new filling in for our usual accompanist–young guy, 20-ish, I’m guessing. He seems to be just playing music he knows–not always church music–for the parts where we usually have music but are not singing hymns. One of the things he played had me wracking my brain trying to remember what it was–it was by Bach, I’m pretty sure, and I used to play it myself eons ago.
But what totally took me by surprise was when I was walking up to communion and heard something familiar but really unexpected in church.
Da dum da dummmmm…. Is that what I think it is? Or is there some other song that has a similar beginning? No, by the time I got up to George, our rector, to take communion, I recognized that this really was The Pink Panther Theme by Henry Mancini.
I started to break a smile, but held back from doing a full-out laugh–’cause I do have that much of a sense of decorum. I looked at George’s face as he said the words “The body of Christ, the bread of heaven” to see if I could find any signs of that same smile. Yep.
After communion, but before closing prayers, George commented about enjoying our sly smiles, a mix of joy, grace, and foolishness, that seemed to say “This is secretly fun”, and said we ought to have that music during communion more often.
Just as the service ended, the pianist launched into an encore rendition of The Pink Panther, which was met with laughter and applause from our little congregation. A woman sitting near me remarked, “When I first heard that music, I thought, ‘I hope there aren’t any visitors here who are offended by that. But then I thought, ‘What the hell!”
Have I mentioned that love the spirit of this church of mine?
Anyway, George had mentioned Bush’s speech during the sermon today, and after church I overheard another parishioner talking to him about how awful Bush is. I mentioned that I haven’t even heard the speech yet, because normally I get those things filtered through Jon Stewart, but The Daily Show was in rerun this week. The thing is, if I actually try to watch the man, or listen to him, I just really, really hate him. It would be easy just to wallow in that feeling, but I don’t want to.
I asked George (my priest, not the bad George) if he’d read Ann Lamott’s piece on loving George Bush. He hadn’t, which actually surprised me because I know that he likes her writing, and we’d talked about having her as a guest speaker/preacher at some point a while back. Anyway, I just looked up the article so that I could send it to him, and while I’ve got it on my screen I thought I should post the link for anyone who missed it the first time and would like to read it. It’s a Salon article, so if you want to read the whole thing, you need to watch a little ad first for a free day pass.
Loving Bush: Day 2
Even though I’m addicted to hating the president, I’m trying to forgive him — as Jesus would. It’s not easy.
My mother might find a thin gold chain at the back of a drawer, wadded into an impossibly tight knot, and give it to me to untangle. It would have a shiny, sweaty smell, and excite me: Gold chains linked you to the great fairy tales and myths, to Arabia, and India; to the great weight of the world, but lighter than a feather.
Sometimes I could put the chain on a table, and work it gently, letting the slink work itself out of the knot, but other times I had to use a needle to loosen the worst of it, poking at it lightly with the needle so I wouldn’t break any of the links.
Yesterday, though, I put the chain back in the drawer and went inside to read the paper. This was a big mistake. Our pastor has been trying lately to convince us to act more like Martin Luther King, but I have to say, some days go better than others. I not only hate what the White House does — I hate almost everyone I’ve ever heard of in the White House; except for Laura, and the dogs. Or at any rate, I like the springer spaniel, Spot Bush.
I’ve known for years that resentments don’t hurt the person we resent, but they do hurt us. In some cases, they kill us. You die of hatred for your ex, your parents, for people who have ripped you off, for your leaders. I’ve been asking myself, am I willing to try to give up a tiny bit of this hatred?
Yeah; finally; theoretically. And that’s a start. I used to tell my writing students to start their work anywhere they could, and then to let themselves do it poorly. This is the secret to life, and good writing. I was surprised by how reasonable this sounded. I wondered if I could try to love Bush, like Jesus or Dr. King would, without having to want to sleep with him, or have him for lunch, or a second term. I am sure that Jesus would not make me have lunch with him. Jesus ate with sinners. (Of course, they ended up killing him; so there’s that.) He’d eat with Bush, even if he knew that Bush would probably call the police or Ashcroft on him later for his radical positions. He’d do it, because He is available to everyone. His love and mercy fall equally upon the just and the unjust, upon the quick and the dead.
This is so deeply not me. How could I ever get anywhere near this, and with what? My mind? Yeah, right.
So I sat there in church working this through in my mind, tugging at it, yet hunkered down on the inside to protect myself from having to take it in, and then the pastor said the most stunning thing I’ve ever heard her say: “When someone is acting butt-ugly, God loves them just the same as God loves the innocent. They are still just as loved by God.” I was shocked. I thought, Boy, are you going to get it when Mom finds out. Also, I thought she was talking about the White House, but then she kept on preaching, about Jesus, and Dr. King, and — if you read between the lines — the people in my church. All of us — and there are some exquisitely good people in this church. It was outrageous. She said you don’t have to support people’s political agenda, but you did have to love them, if you want to follow Jesus. She said you could tell if people were following Jesus, instead of following the people who follow Jesus, because they are feeding the poor, sharing their wealth, and making sure everyone has medical insurance. Then I zoned out.
I saw Bush’s face in my head, marching on the aircraft carrier with his little squinched up Yertle the Turtle mouth, like a 5-year-old whose dad owns the ship. But then I saw the photo ops where he’s signing papers, and I stopped there. I didn’t think about his legislation and tax cuts — I just experimented with the idea that Bush is just as loved as the good people in my church, just as loved as my 8-month-old niece, Clara. I stuck with it. And there was the tiniest of all possible spaces in my knot, the lightest breath between stuck links. I saw the face of a boy I used to know, superimposed on Bush’s face, a boy named John who liked the smartest girl in first grade. When she wrote at her desk, she squinched up her face fiercely, intently, and Johnny thought that expression was what helped her be so smart. So he did that, too, for years.
For a few moments, I could imagine Bush in first grade, doing this. Then I imagined him as one of the people in my own family, who failed at school or in life, who got lost or bitchy or drunk, all that innate beauty that had gotten so fucked up. Like mine did.
I have to admit, though, that Day 2 has been a bit of a disappointment.
It began well enough, and ended in beauty: a molten autumn sunrise, a silver moon. But the hours in between did not go nearly as well as I had been hoping. They went quite poorly, actually. I thought at one point I’d isolated the problem, however, the facts kept getting in the way. I was very loving, until I read the morning paper. I realized Veronica would not buy this. But Veronica says God honors the struggle. God is in the struggle with us. I sure hope this is true, or I am doomed. It also occurred to me, on the second day, that loving Bush would be the single most subversive position we could take. Bush and his people love to hear our hatred, because it so weakens us. It’s their only hope.
I got the chain out of the drawer, and gave it another try but I didn’t have any patience for it. It crossed my mind to take a hammer to the miserable gold chain and bust it up into tiny pieces; maybe it was a waste of time even to try to restore it. Still, I am going to try to not hate so much, just for today. And of course, I am also going to continue registering voters, sending money to the ACLU, and a few of the Democratic candidates. I have to believe that if I do this, it will cause change — that there will be more give, and give means there is more light between the links. You never know exactly where the knot is going to release, but usually, if you keep working with it, it will.
I admire Ann for making this effort, and I think about it every time I start to really hate Bush. I have never decided to make a conscious effort the love Bush as she has. I almost choke on the word if Bush’s name is in the same sentence. But as a Christian who tries to walk the walk, even though I admittedly fail much more often than I would like, I found it thought provoking and worth sharing.
Unfortunately, every time someone invokes Christ & Bush in the same breath I think of this passage:
Then they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who were selling and those who were buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves; and he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. He was teaching and saying, `Is it not written,
“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations”?
But you have made it a den of robbers.‘
And when the chief priests and the scribes heard it, they kept looking for a way to kill him; for they were afraid of him, because the whole crowd was spellbound by his teaching. And when evening came, Jesus and his disciples went out of the city.
Even Jesus had a temper at times.
Speaking of church music, I am like her; the music is much more moving to me than the liturgy, though ocassionally a good sermon can win over both. Unfortunately, these days most of the music in the Catholic church is crap. I hope some day they slap themselves on the forehead realizing that some of Western civilization’s greatest composers wrote music for our liturgy and it’s been sitting in a box rotting for decades.
As for Bush and his cronies, I , too am not a big fan. A year or so ago on the anniversary of 9/11, they sang “America the Beautiful” as the closing hymn which is my favorite patriotic song. I especially like the verse with “America, America, God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul with self-control, Thine liberty in law.” On this particular day, I was weeping on that verse, partly because of 9/11, but also because of the robber barons who were sucking our country dry.
Saturday, we sang it as the closing hymn at mass and I had just heard that there had been a second confirmation of Rove as the Plame leaker, and felt a sense of optimism as we sang it. Here’s hoping.
I cried during that verse too and had to stop singing for a few bars.
hating Bush to mourning him.
When I hear on the news that a person has been executed, I mourn the loss of life. Not just the physical life of the person (and his/her victims), but the loss of what potentially could have been a great life but for wrong choices made at the wrong times.
That’s what I’ve been trying to do for Bush, mourn him. Maybe it was a little too much privilege, maybe Mommy and Daddy covered for him too many times instead of letting him learn from his mistakes…his life could have been so much different if he’d made better choices…
Must be an oxymoron to those who take the Bible literally.
but I do hate what he and his cronies are doing to this country and to the world. It is the actions not the people. I don’t really recall what hate feels like. Not to make myself sound like a saint or something cuz I most assuredly am not but all of existence is to be loved for being exactly what it is. Each of the ten thousand things is perfectly what it is. Consequently I accept it as such.
But we don’t have to accept the unacceptable.
In this I use two different definitions of acceptance. The first is a form of acknowledgement. It is as it is. Only when we see things clearly and accept them (and ourselves) for what they/we are, only then can we clearly what action needs to be taken (or not taken) next.
Awareness, acceptance, action… in that order.
Accepting that things are as they are is simply being a part of the reality community as we like to call it in this parts. Clear away our pre-conceived notions, mind as an empty vessel, without agenda, no coloring of reality as the sense sense it.
Only then does the next right thing become clear. Only then is the unacceptable seen for what it is. Just because something is doesn’t mean we cannot taken action to change an outcome. No one is required to be a doormat. Not as individuals and not as a nation, a political party, a race, a gender, a socio-economic class, or as an electorate.
We have choice. We also have responsibility. With self-awareness comes both.
I do not feel the need to love Bush. I simply need to accept him as the sick and suffering human being that he is, the same sick and suffering human being that I am. His pain must be great, his suffering of a sort that I do not wish to ever have to experience (my own being enough for me thank you very much). Cause and effect. Every action has a consequence, both physical and spiritual. I am glad I am not George Bush. I pray for the sick and suffering.