“I want my representative in the U.S. House of Representatives to vote to impeach President Bush for the high crimes described in the case for impeachment [PDF format] made by Veterans For Peace, and have the case prosecuted and tried in the U.S. Senate. Signatures on this petition will be delivered to the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee and to the ranking Democrat on the Committee.” Sign the petition. (Via Salon‘s Daou Report.)
I used to think impeachment talk was futile, but not anymore. Now I believe it will help Democrats brave enough to raise the issue in the 2006 campaign.
Me too, Steven. This is highly uncharacteristic of me. Something’s snapped inside me. It’s time.
the time for accomodation is over. The Democrats are suffering from battered spouse syndrome, and it has to end.
That is the reason we need more people like Dean and Reid.
Love or hate Dean, he doesn’t take any crap from republicans.
you got that one right!
They’ve been far too timid in demanding any accountability. The Republicans have obstructed any investigation including the planned part II Senate Intelligence Committee inquiry into how the policy makers used the pre-war intelligence. Anybody hear a peep out of Rockefeller or any other Dem on that one?
I think it’s time to turn up the heat on the Dems and let them know that politics as usual ain’t gonna cut it anymore. That goes for you too Mr. Biden, Mr. Kerry, Mrs. Clinton. If our leaders will not hold this Administration accountable, our democracy is broken.
Susan, something has snapped inside of me back in 1999 when I realized dubya was running for prez. I have not been a happy camper since and it has gotten worse every day since. I turn off the tv if and when he is speaking or his picture comes on. I simply can not stand the sight of him! It is getting as bad with a lot of the republicans I see getting up to speak. I watch c-span mostly and I simply can hardly tolerate the committee meetings anymore.
Remember what it was like to feel optimistic? Despite Clinton’s flaws–and he has a bunch–at least during his terms I felt like there was hope for a better world. All that ended for me in the fall of 2000. I just want to feel hopeful again.
you know Gina, I have heard a lot of ppl say this lately. You are right, you know…we were on the road to such a great world to live in and grow and help others…then all hell broke loose…
Brenda, our experiences sound very similar.
I remember in 1998-1999, when I was helping on some environmental causes and some people — nameless — who were “high up” in the groups were keen on that governor in Texas. I was stunned, and told them from what I heard he had almost no experience of any kind, and was riding on his father’s name. But they liked him, and said — even if he destroyed environmental laws and programs — it’d be what it took to get people rising up to fight to save the environment.
I was so disturbed by Bush’s primary campaigns — and appalled by what his campaign did to McCain in So. Carolina — that, in the WA state primary, I voted for John McCain, just to oppose Bush. (Gore was a shoo-in on the Dem. side.)
I was for Bill Bradley and not keen on Gore because he didn’t project the attributes that would attract the American people (albeit superficial, but there nonetheless).
Then I held my daughter in the middle of the night after we’d voted. She was 18 and had voted for the first time. She could not comprehend that Bush had won. Her grief really stirred something more in me.
Susan, by living in the state of TN, I have become very aware of the state of Tx and all the other surrounding states that have changed since I have moved down this way. I am very disheartened by what has happened to the south. I think it is quite evident that the southern baptists here have really gotten mean and hostile to everyone and everything. I am a baptist from the north and I can not see that they are doing any good in their ways of christianity. They have made me ashamed of them and that church. I still have family in Il and in Ks and they are so radical it is not funny. I cringe to even be around them anymore. It seems like they have lost all sense of common sense and reason about themselves.
I have seen Gore since all this shit has come down and I must say he has come off being a great speaker on the whole mess. It is a shame he couldnt do that before. I had a moderate republican friend of mine who was flying back from some meeting with business and he was sitting by some one who was with the republican party (quite by accident) and she said the election had already been decided and this was back in mid 1999.
So what do we really know about what is going on in politics!? It just blows my mind to even think of those days and again in 04. I trully get sick to my stomach to even discuss the past nowdays.
I remember Ramsey Clark coming out early on saying we need to impeach dubya for what he is doing. I just never thought that it would get this bad. I always thought there were enough wise old men and women in congress to stop this madness..Boy was I wrong on that one!!!!!! I can now see that I was way off on that one. These ppl are very sick puppies with all the power they have obtained.
Yes, Susan, I do think we are riding in the same boat here…….
Sounds like you’ve had some painful times, Brenda.
“t seems like they have lost all sense of common sense and reason about themselves.”
And, you know what, they’ve become — not just “holier than thou” — but also very mean-spirited
How often do they get to relish “God’s wrath” and murder in the name of “freedom”? Rove uncorked that bottle, unleashing pent up hate within the socially acceptable context of “good v. evil”.
I remember discussing GW with a friend and wondering how so many people could be so deceived. We concluded that a vast majority weren’t deceived, they bought in for the superiority that sanctioned greed, death and destruction.
I remember TV commentators defending the “it’s fun to shoot people” remark. We’ve got one sick, sick society.
Susan, I think it is stunning how this rep. group we have now is doing such great harm to our future in our children. I think sometimes it is harder for them to comprehend that they lost on the first go-around as they did. It has to be hard for them…Give her a big hug from me if you will and let her know, she is not alone out there…
Yes. It was great that so many young people came out and worked and voted in 2004. I just hope they don’t get too cynical and give up. It’s easy to do.
My daughter will keep on. I think we’re going to work hard on Sen. Maria Cantwell’s reelection. She’s going to need a lot of help.
Susan, you know my political history. I sometimes think down this way, that I am a stronger political person than some democrats are. They seem so meek and to have given up on many things. Some have good republican friends and will not go against the grain to upset them in the least. Even speaking out is a sin down here. :o( I HAVE BEEN SO FREAKIN FRUSTRATED THAT i SOMETIMES HAVE THOUGHT I WOULD LOOSE MY MIND. and maybe have..:o) I just keep going on and forward and getting nowhere it seems. I have wished I were free from my job enough that I could run for office. I do not have themoney to do such a thing in more ways than one. and my family forbids me not to do such a thing…they say I would be sick for real in doing this. So, I just keep pluggin on and come to booman to rant and rave and let out my frustrations and be around ppl I can believe in and trust. I keep telling my young grandaughter that she is my future and I expect her to make wise and great decisions for my future as well as hers too. She is just 14 going on 24…:o) but she is so wise beyond her age in things of this matter…she has listened to me for so long, some of it has sunk in I think.
Your granddaughter is such a lucky girl to have your influence. (14 is a tough age, as I recall :):))
oh yes it is a bad age for getting your bearings straight. She has great parents and a good support system around her…I can not take total credit, but she and I are very close. I would not take any amount of money for that. I am very proud of her. She will call me when dubya is speaking and asking me if I am watching or what do I think of what he has said…etc…we reflect and discuss that which she wants to discuss. She has some bright and exceptional insights on things…and not cus she is mine…she is just that intutive.
Consider it a simple act of patriotism this fourth of July!
to my email list.
Great, Janet! That’s what we all need to do.
Done, thanks!
I missed this important piece of the puzzle.
“On the eve of the allied invasion, a classified report by the National Intelligence Council, the intelligence community’s center for strategic thinking, “predicted that an American-led invasion of Iraq would increase support for political Islam and would result in a deeply divided Iraqi society prone to violent internal conflict,” Douglas Jehl and David E. Sanger reported in The New York Times last September. In December 2004, Jehl reported a few weeks later, the NIC warned that “Iraq and other possible conflicts in the future could provide recruitment, training grounds, technical skills and language proficiency for a new class of terrorists who are ‘professionalised’ and for whom political violence becomes an end in itself.”
The bastards knew what they were sending troops into, yet failed to protect the troops they’d sent on a wild WMD goose chase. They knew that their war made the entire world more dangerous, and they didn’t give a damn. If this isn’t treason, I don’t know what is.
you got that one right! it was for revenge and the $$$$$$$$ AND billions of it too…..shame, shame, shame on them for the sake of being nice and not swearing here…
well, my fellow Americans, I have to retire for the night. I have an early meeting in the am. So see you next time. Sleep well…”LOVE AND PEACE”
It’s 4th of July, after all– what’s a hot dog without relish?
That felt good