Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
God Bless America. Bring the troops home!!!!!!
Off to Mission Bay for a day of water, wakeboarding, hot dogs, brats, corn on the cob and fireworks watched from the boat tonight! Have a safe and fun day Friends!
Happy 4th to all the BooTribbers!! Hope you all get time to spend with friends and family, eating good food and having fun.
I just finished shopping for today’s cookout. Got watermelon chillin’ in the fridge. Yum. Nothing better than cold watermelon on a hot day.
Tonight we are going to watch DC fireworks from the Pentagon. A friend who works there has invited us to go there to watch. Should be an interesting evening…
Below is the invitation to our 13th Annual Fourth of July party here in Chapel Hill. We should have 300 people today!
Jane, Lily and I are hosting our 13th annual Fourth of July party this year. It’s from 4 to 8 on Monday. Side dish pot luck. The weather is promising and the crowd will be large. It would be great to see you and yours.
If you are able to be here, I can’t say whether you’ll find our American flag at half-mast or upside down. But it’s a pretty safe bet it won’t be flying normally. I’m so distressed by the Bush sadministration that I can hardly breathe some days. The man should be in jail for what he’s done to this country.
Half-mast applies when someone has died, of course. The tens of thousands of people killed in Iraq qualify in my book. A flag flying upside down is the international symbol of distress. If the collapse of integrity in business, religion and politics doesn’t count as distress, I don’t know what would.
Chances are I’ll go back and forth on the flag thing. Half-mast for two hours and then upside down. Or maybe Bush will resign over the weekend and I can fly it properly.
Mild-mannered protest in the 21st Century. We do what we can.
Hope this finds you well and enjoying your freedom.
Besides not wanting to fight traffic and crowds, I am staying home today to do some thinking, and maybe some writing, about freedom. I want to look around and list all of the freedoms I have and enjoy (and probably take for granted.) I want to think about how I got those freedoms, and what they mean to me. I want to quietly honor all who fought and gave of all they had, so I could live this way.
Tonight I will be able to see the fireworks from here. I want to see each powerful burst of color as a symbol of the freedoms we have, and as a powerful promise of how hard we will fight to preserve them.
Happy Fourth to all of you from Canada! Eat, drink, be merry and remember why you love your country. Its promise can never be shattered by the likes of George W Bush. This presidency is only a temporary diversion, albeit one with huge consequences, but that man will never destroy your country – your love of it will ensure that.
Soundclash at The Guardian. “Listen to what happened when anarchist protesters attempted to challenge capitalism using drums and cymbals; the police challenged them right back with sirens and helicopters. The resulting soundtrack begs to be remixed as ambient trance. Listen to the sound clash…”
AS Americans strut around waving the flag, I would like to start with; FUCK BUSH, and his sorry-ass administration. FUCK the media, and fuck the sorry-ass Americans so caught up in material goods, that they can’t see their country is going to HELL…..
Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY to those that are aware of what is going, and the sacrifices that they soon may choose to make.
After President Bush’s call, during his speech, for people to fly the flag this day to show their support for his policies I was expecting my small NM village to be awash. Instead people who normally fly the flag on National Holidays aren’t.
I don’t know what this means, or that it means anything, but it is very strange.
July 4th, 1855, Whitman published a litle book of poems at his expense. I’ll throw this one in, just where the book fell open:
TO the garden, the world, anew ascending,
Potent mates, daughters, sons, preluding,
The love, the life of their bodies, meaning and being,
Curious, here behold my resurrection, after slumber;
The revolving cycles, in their wide sweep, have brought me again,
Amorous, mature–all beautiful to me–all wondrous;
My limbs, and the quivering fire that ever plays through them, for reasons, most wondrous;
Existing, I peer and penetrate still,
Content with the present–content with the past,
By my side, or back of me, Eve following,
Or in front, and I following her just the same.
Happy 4th BooMan and to all! Umm, your pie is a little overdone. Better serve it ala mode.
PIE!!!!!!!!! I have a piece of rhubarb pie that my mom gave me…. yummmm.
God Bless America. Bring the troops home!!!!!!
Off to Mission Bay for a day of water, wakeboarding, hot dogs, brats, corn on the cob and fireworks watched from the boat tonight! Have a safe and fun day Friends!
Happy 4th of July to everyone. I am getting ready to get off to work. Will check in on you folks this evening. HUGS all around.
Work?! Hope you get some fun time too! (Unless work is also fun.)
I saw this post, and now I’ve got that damn “Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet” jingle going through my alleged brain… 🙁
Happy 4th to all the BooTribbers!! Hope you all get time to spend with friends and family, eating good food and having fun.
I just finished shopping for today’s cookout. Got watermelon chillin’ in the fridge. Yum. Nothing better than cold watermelon on a hot day.
Tonight we are going to watch DC fireworks from the Pentagon. A friend who works there has invited us to go there to watch. Should be an interesting evening…
Below is the invitation to our 13th Annual Fourth of July party here in Chapel Hill. We should have 300 people today!
Hope you can make it!
Besides not wanting to fight traffic and crowds, I am staying home today to do some thinking, and maybe some writing, about freedom. I want to look around and list all of the freedoms I have and enjoy (and probably take for granted.) I want to think about how I got those freedoms, and what they mean to me. I want to quietly honor all who fought and gave of all they had, so I could live this way.
Tonight I will be able to see the fireworks from here. I want to see each powerful burst of color as a symbol of the freedoms we have, and as a powerful promise of how hard we will fight to preserve them.
May you all have a wonderful Fourth of July.
what a way to start my 4th of July 🙂
were there other photos beneath those?
Double entendre – how clever you are! And a DJ fan as well – I only wish their season weren’t going in the same direction as I hope Bushco’s is.
Happy Fourth to all of you from Canada! Eat, drink, be merry and remember why you love your country. Its promise can never be shattered by the likes of George W Bush. This presidency is only a temporary diversion, albeit one with huge consequences, but that man will never destroy your country – your love of it will ensure that.
Bonne Fete!
I hope everyone in this lovely community has a fantastic holiday!
Here’s a story about a book that concerns two things of much interest these days: baseball and spies.
It’s The Catcher Was a Spy, about Moe Berg, by a writer called Nicholas Dawidoff. Fascinating portrait.
Come on over for my Yves veggie dog barbecue!
Soundclash at The Guardian. “Listen to what happened when anarchist protesters attempted to challenge capitalism using drums and cymbals; the police challenged them right back with sirens and helicopters. The resulting soundtrack begs to be remixed as ambient trance. Listen to the sound clash…”
What’s next?! Podcasts!
I want a podcast. The Froggy Bottom Cafe definitely needs a podcast.
Jeter and happy anything don’t belong in the same sentence!
Happy 4th.
A People’s History of the United States: Dramatic Reading of Howard Zinn’s Classic Work.
The cast included Alice Walker, Kurt Vonnegut, Danny Glover and James Earl Jones.
I’m listening now. It’s fantastic.
AS Americans strut around waving the flag, I would like to start with; FUCK BUSH, and his sorry-ass administration. FUCK the media, and fuck the sorry-ass Americans so caught up in material goods, that they can’t see their country is going to HELL…..
Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY to those that are aware of what is going, and the sacrifices that they soon may choose to make.
After President Bush’s call, during his speech, for people to fly the flag this day to show their support for his policies I was expecting my small NM village to be awash. Instead people who normally fly the flag on National Holidays aren’t.
I don’t know what this means, or that it means anything, but it is very strange.
Have a safe & happy holiday.
Booman: someone has hacked this site and put (shudder) a NEW YORK YANKEE! on the frontpage.
I trust this blatant obscenity will be expeditously removed.
Happy 4th Everybody!
July 4th, 1855, Whitman published a litle book of poems at his expense. I’ll throw this one in, just where the book fell open:
TO the garden, the world, anew ascending,
Potent mates, daughters, sons, preluding,
The love, the life of their bodies, meaning and being,
Curious, here behold my resurrection, after slumber;
The revolving cycles, in their wide sweep, have brought me again,
Amorous, mature–all beautiful to me–all wondrous;
My limbs, and the quivering fire that ever plays through them, for reasons, most wondrous;
Existing, I peer and penetrate still,
Content with the present–content with the past,
By my side, or back of me, Eve following,
Or in front, and I following her just the same.
I just gotta make a few changes to your selections…
Another David Ortiz walk-off game-winning homer
Ribs, not dogs
Peach cobbler
by Jasper Johns
There ya go! that’s more like it!