I tried this earlier, and got five signatures. Today you have a chance to sign a REAL Declaration of Independence. Declare yourself independent of the illegal war in Iraq. Say “Not In My Name.” Un-ratify the war in Iraq. Declare yourself independent from all those who said, “We know it’s illegal, but what can you do?” Declare yourself independent from all those who say they have no voice, no vote. Declare your non-support for George Bush and his genocidal mission in Iraq. Stop the madness. Do something sane. Join with all these other voices (including Veterans for Peace and National Lawyers Guild) and say no to the war in Iraq. Celebrate Independence Day in a Significant Way. Sign the Declaration of the World Tribunal on Iraq. End this war and bring the troops home
“The attack on Iraq is an attack on justice, on liberty, on our safety, on our future, on us all” – The WTI Jury of Conscience
Tolga Temuge,
International Media Coordinator
+(90) 533 644 4687
27 Jun 2005
`The attack on Iraq is an attack on justice, on liberty, on our safety, on our future, on us all’ – The Jury of Conscience
Istanbul, 27 June, 2005 – With a Jury of Conscience from 10 different countries hearing the testimonies of 54 members of the Panel of Advocates who came from across the world, including Iraq, the United States and the United Kingdom, this global civil initiative came to an end with a press conference at the Hotel Armada where the chair of the Jury of Conscience, Arundathi Roy, announced the Jury’s conclusions.
The Jury defined this war as one of the most unjust in history: `The Bush and Blair administrations blatantly ignored the massive opposition to the war expressed by millions of people around the world. They embarked upon one of the most unjust, immoral, and cowardly wars in history. The Anglo-American occupation of Iraq of the last 27 months has led to the destruction and devastation of the Iraqi state and society. Law and order have broken down completely, resulting in a pervasive lack of human security; the physical infrastructure is in shambles; the health care delivery system is a mess; the education system has ceased to function; there is massive environmental and ecological devastation; and, the cultural and archeological heritage of the Iraqi people has been desecrated.’
On the basis of the preceding findings and recalling the Charter of the United Nations and other legal documents, the jury has established the following charges against the Governments of the US and the UK:
- Planning, preparing, and waging the supreme crime of a war of aggression in contravention of the United Nations Charter and the Nuremberg Principles.
- Targeting the civilian population of Iraq and civilian infrastructure
- Using disproportionate force and indiscriminate weapon systems
- Failing to safeguard the lives of civilians during military activities and during the occupation period thereafter
- Using deadly violence against peaceful protestors
- Imposing punishments without charge or trial, including collective punishment
- Subjecting Iraqi soldiers and civilians to torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment
- Re-writing the laws of a country that has been illegally invaded and occupied
- Willfully devastating the environment
- Actively creating conditions under which the status of Iraqi women has seriously been degraded
- Failing to protect humanity’s rich archaeological and cultural heritage in Iraq
- Obstructing the right to information, including the censoring of Iraqi media
- Redefining torture in violation of international law, to allow use of torture and illegal detentions
The Jury also established charges against the Security Council of United Nations for failing to stop war crimes and crimes against humanity among other failures, against the Governments of the Coalition of the Willing for collaborating in the invasion and occupation of Iraq, against the Governments of Other Countries for allowing the use of military bases and air space and providing other logistical support, against Private Corporations for profiting from the war, against the Major Corporate Media for disseminating deliberate falsehoods and failing to report atrocities.
The Jury also provided a number of recommendations that include recognising the right of the Iraqi people to resist the illegal occupation of their country and to develop independent institutions, and affirming that the right to resist the occupation is the right to wage a struggle for self-determination, freedom, and independence as derived from the Charter of the United Nations, we the Jury of Conscience declare our solidarity with the people of Iraq and the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the coalition forces from Iraq.
The Istanbul session of the WTI lasted three days and presented testimony on the illegality and criminal violations in the U.S. pretexts for and conduct of this war. The expert opinion, witness testimony, video and image evidence addressed the impact of war on civilians, the torture of prisoners, the unlawful imprisonment of Iraqis without charges or legal defence, the use of depleted uranium weapons, the effects of the war on Iraq’s infrastructure, the destruction of Iraqi cultural institutions and the liability of the invaders in international law for failing to protect these treasures of humanity.
The session in Istanbul was the culminating session of commissions of inquiry and hearings held around the world over the past two years. Sessions on different topics related to the war on Iraq were held in London, Mumbai, Copenhagen, Brussels, New York, Japan, Stockholm, South Korea, Rome, Frankfurt, Geneva, Lisbon and Spain.
They have compiled a definitive historical record of evidence on the illegality of the invasion and occupation that will be recorded in a forthcoming book.
Tolga Temuge,
International Media Coordinator
+(90) 533 644 4687
We endorse the initiative of the World Tribunal on Iraq
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Sign The Declaration
Act Now for Harmony and Democracy (ANHAD) / India
Act together: Women’s action for Iraq / UK
Action Indict Bush-Blair / Japan
Acts-of-resistance.org / Belgium
AEPGN (Association des étudiants pour la prévention de la guerre nucléaire) / Belgium
Al-Awda NY/NJ / US
Al-Qalam Institute, Berkeley / US
AlternaTees / US
AMBDH (Association des Marocains de Belgique pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme) / Belgium
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee – NY Chapter / US
Amna Akbar / USA
AnaTolyan Frame Collective / US
Antroposofische Bibliotheek Brugge / Belgium
APIS Group / Serbia
Arab Cause Solidarity Committee / Spain
Arab Lawyers Association / UK
Architects for Peace
Asian People’s Alliance / Japan
Asian Women’s Human Rights Council
Asr Resource Centre Istitute of Women’s Studies / Pakistan
Association Belgo-Palestinienne
Authors for Peace / Denmark
Bains Connectives
Bak Cision / Korea
Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation
Bastaguerra / Italy
Ben Gallagher / US
Bergen County Green Party
Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation / UK
Beursschouwburg / Belgium
Black Radical Congress / US
Brian Dickinson
BRAL vzw (Brusselse Raad voor het Leefmilieu)
Brecht Forum / US
Brooklyn Greens / US
Bruce R. Hall / USA
BushMustGo! , Ithaca
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Campus Antiwar Network / US
Capitalism Nature Socialism / US
Center for Constitutional Rights / US
Center for Development Studies / India
Center for Economic and Social Rights / US
Centro de Documentacion en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo S.J.” (CSMM) / Ecuador
Chantal Chepil / Canada
Charlie Sharkey / Netherlands
Cheryl Chepil / Canada
Christenen voor het Socialisme
COCAB (Composantes des Communautés Arabes de Belgique)
CODEPINK: Women for Peace
Comité de Surveillance Otan
Comité pour l’Annulation de la Dette du Tiers-Monde (COCAD)
Communauté La Poudrière
Coney Island Avenue Project / US
Conscience International
Coordination des ONG pour la Palestine
Coordination of European NGOs networking on Trade (CENNT)
Council on International and Public Affairs
Counter Globalization Action
David Joseph Daratony / USA
De Groene Waterman (boekhandel / librairie)
Deanndra Eggers / USA
Direct Action Palestine / US
Donna Linden / USA
El Taller International / Tunis
Elizabeth Boontrager / USA
EPO (uitgeverij / maison d’éditions)
Eric Ehret / Canada
ESKUBIDEAK, Basque Lawyers Association / The Basque Country
European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights
Federacion de Asociaciones de Defensa y Promocion Derechos Humanos (FDDHH) / Spain
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Focus on the Global South
Fuat Erdem / Germany
Geneeskunde Voor de Derde Wereld
Global Action to Prevent War
Global Peace and Justice Coalition / Turkey
Green Party of New Jersey
GSARA (Groupe Socialiste d’Action et de Réflexion sur l’Audiovisuel)
Het Beschrijf literaire vereniging (literary organisation)
Humanistisch Verbond
Humanistische Jongeren
IDIC (Islamitisch Documentatie en Informatiecentrum)
Ilker Gurer / Turkey
Indymedia Belgium
INTAL (International Action For Liberation)
Internationaal Kunstcentrum DE SINGEL Antwerpen (International Arts Centre – Antwerp )
International A.N.S.W.E.R
International Action Center / USA
International Association of Democratic Lawyers
International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
International Criminal Tribunal for Iraq – Japan
International People’s Tribunal Secretary on US crimes in Iraq and Palestine, created by European Peace Forum in 2001 in Berlin / Ukraine
IPB (Interdiocesaan Pastoraal Beraad)
Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation (IDAO) / UK
Iraqi Network for Human Rights Culture and Development
Izmir Barre Association / Turkey
James Starowicz, Veteran for Peace
Jenny Murrell / UK
Jews Against the Occupation
Joseph Tougas / USA
Just Act (Support the United Nations!)
K.A. Roe / USA
Kathy Stone / USA
Katie Weddington / USA
Katman Interactive News, Critics and Analyse CenterKazimiera J. Cottam / Canada
Korea Truth Commission / USA
Korean Committee for People’s Tribunal on Warcrimes by Bush, Blair & Roh
Kunsten Festival Des Arts ( Brussels )
Kunstencentrum VOORUIT (Arts Centre – Ghent )
KVS (Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg Brussel – Royal Flemish Theatre Brussels )
L. Bagley / USA
Labour Committee for Peace and Justice – Bay Area / US
Lambdaistanbul LGBT Initiative
Laurie Gengenbach / USA
Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy / US
Les Brigittines
Les Halles (Theatre)
Lewes and District CND
Liga Voor Mensenrechten
Linda Leonard / USA
Lisa Virmigle / USA
LOKOJ / Bangladesh
Louis Paul Boon Kring
Manneken Peace Not War
Marie Major
mark manas / USA
Mark Smith-Poelz / USA
Mark W. Materne / USA
Martha M. Woods, Dr.
Mary Enright / USA
Masako I. Yamada
Matthew Good / Canada
Matthias Chang / Malaysia
MCP (Mouvement Chrétien pour la Paix)
Media International / Egypt
Middle East Children’s Alliance – California / US
MO (Mondiaal Magazine)
Mouvement Chr é tien pour la Paix / Belgium
Mouths Wide Open
MPDL (Movimiento por la Paz el Désarme y la Libertad)
MRAX (Mouvement contre le racisme, l’antisémitisme et la xenophobie)
Nalan Sarac / Turkey
National Lawyers Guild – NYC chapter
Natural Philosophers International
Nederlandse Humanistisch Vredesberaad (HVB – Netherlands )
New Jersey Solidarity
The Newtopia Collective / USA
New York City Labor Against the War
New York Committee to Defend Palestine
Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York
No to War in Iraq Coalition / Turkey
Not in Our Name Project / US
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation / US
NY Greens / Green Party of New York State
NYU Students for Justice in Palestine
Occupation Watch Center / Iraq
Orange County Peace and Justice Coalition
Östersund Network for Global Peace and Democracy
Papa Giovanni 23 / Italy
Paul Matters / Australia
Pax Christi
Peace Initiative / Turkey
Peace That We Love / USA
Peoples Peace Alliance / Pakistan
People’s Solidarity for Social Progress / South Korea
Polish Anti-War Committee / Poland
Project Censored
Protect All Children’s Environment
Radio Free Maine (Roger Leisner / USA)
Ralph Pence / USA
Red Europea de Comités Oscar Romero (Europees Netwerk Oscar Romero Comités)
RITS Hogeschool Brussel
ROSAS Dance Company (Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker)
Sacred Roots
Sahin Utar / Turkey
SALAAM Theatre
Sebastian Escagues / Canada
Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (SAF) / Yemen
Sharon Metcalf / USA
Society Culture of Peace / Germany
Solidarity / U.S.
Solutions for Humanity, Inc.
SOS Iraq / Belgium – Netherlands
SOS Kinderen Irak Netherlands
South Asian Women’s Institute for Peace Studies and Activism / Pakistan
Steungroep Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede in Guatemala
StopUSA / Belgium
http://www.studiolegaleinternazionale.com / Italy
Support Network for an Armed Forces Union
Swedish Network Against War / Sweden
Tabula Rasa Film productions ( Brussels )
Tamim Khoder / Lebanon
The Greens/Green Party USA
The International Critical Geography Group
Theater Groep Stan (actors company)
Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory / US
Théâtre 140 (Theatre – Brussels )
Thomas J. Kolish / Canada
Tina Louise Rothery
Transnational Institute
Transquinquennal (collectif théâtral bruxellois)
Traprock Peace Center / US
Tunceli Barr Association / Turkey
Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique
United for Peace and Justice / US
Uruknet.info / Italy
US Peace Council
UVV (Unie van Vrijzinnige Verenigingen)
Veterans for Peace – NYC Chapter
Victoria (productiehuis voor de podiumkunsten in Gent ) en Victoria Deluxe
Violence Against Women in War – Net (VAWW-Net) / Japan
Vlaams Guatemala Comité
VOOR MOEDER AARDE ( For Mother Earth is the Flemish section of Friends of the Earth International)
Walter Stolz / Netherlands
Western States Legal Foundation
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF-London)
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom / NY Metro Branch
Women’s Security Council / Germany
World Order Models Project
World Prout Assembly / US
Happy 4th of July! Celebrate Independence Day in a Significant Way. Sign the Declaration of the World Tribunal on Iraq. End this war and bring the troops home!
I signed !! It’s easy !!
Please share this with others ! Happy Independence Day!
Thank you.
We have been reading about those charges since March 19, 2003, the invasion of Iraq based on lies and propganda.
Each one of the charges has been proven.