Tuesday, 5 July 2005, 10:54 am
Article: Scoop Link New Zealand
Dr. Yasser Salihee, Translator and Friend
Thanks. Your comments mean alot. There has been a number of police actions directed at Sunni clerics that I probably could have reviewed, but this is the first piece that really felt like Negroponte’s Honduran fingerprints were all over it.
by Hal C on Tue Jun 28th, 2005 at 05:49:35 AM PST
More below the fold »»
More and more, we are recognizing that it is Iraqis who are taking the greatest risks in the fact-finding business. It is they who go to bomb blast sites, they who talk to insurgents, they who go home late at night after we are safe in our barricaded compounds. At the time of his death, Yasser had been doing byline pieces as a special correspondent for Knight Ridder News Service. I last saw him just over a month ago, as he dropped off pictures for me of his family before I left Baghdad.
Salihee, 30, had the day off and was driving alone near his home in the western Baghdad neighborhood of Amariyah when a single bullet pierced his windshield and then his skull. He was shot as his car neared a joint patrol of American and Iraqi troops who’d stopped to search a building for snipers. American and Iraqi soldiers are frequently targeted by suicide car bombers.
The U.S. Army is investigating the incident.
U.S. Humvees blocked three of the entry points to the intersection that Salihee was approaching. The one he was driving toward was manned by Iraqi and American soldiers on foot. It’s unclear how well he could have seen those troops, and whether they were standing in the road and waving motorists away, or taking cover by the side of the road in case of sniper attack.
They Don’t Shoot Reporters, Do They?
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Without Eve
“Collateral” Damage will sink US adventures in Iraq – Mesopotamia
US Marines accused of murder ◊ Ambassador Samir Sumaidaie
… & Afghanistan.
Afghan Adventure – Two Missing US Soldiers Are Dead ◊ by susanhu
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From TalkingPointsMemo
I emphasized the last sentence.
The US Army is investigating…Not much consolation for the family of Yasser Salihee and not much comfort to other reporters concerned for their safety. “The army is investigating” usually means the army will find a way to protect itself in this case.
Thanks for posting this, I had seen that another reporter had been murdered but I hadn’t seen the story he was working on. And it does sound like Negroponte all over-death squads are his trademark.
Will this insanity ever end?
that’s odd…I got a hit on my blog from the Netherlands last night for a story I wrote on June 29th that made this same connection. Not so odd, because when you google Salihee’s name my story shows up in the top 3.
But since Hal C. pretty much hinted at it…even before me…I’m not gonna get too pissed off.
you gotta love the blogosphere
Yasser Salihee’s Final Report
and hell there’s also the Guerilla News Network blog that wrote about it and linked to me the other day…and the World Socialist Web Site that wrote about it on July 1st.
Credit to Hal, though…not the diary writer.
“The US Army is investigating…”
“The army is doing whatever it can to make sure they
do not get blamed for this killing, a killing that is starting to look very much like an assassination.”
By Tony Perry, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer (Reg req’rd)
CORONADO — The music was loud and the beer was flowing, but there was an undercurrent of sadness this weekend at McP’s, a legendary hangout for Navy SEALs.
One of the U.S. military smallest and most secretive combat units, the SEALs had just suffered the worst one-day death toll in the group’s history. Eight SEALs were killed last week in the crash of a Chinook helicopter in the mountains of Afghanistan while on a rescue mission. But the news may get worse.
“The entire SEAL community is devastated,” said a SEAL who, true to SEAL secrecy, would only give his name as David. “It’s devastating, but it’s also humbling. It shows you how dangerous this job is.” The SEALs killed in the Chinook crash were from squads based in Virginia Beach, Va., and Pearl Harbor.
The SEAL unit was formed in 1963 at the urging of President John F. Kennedy. Until last week’s helicopter crash killed eight SEALs and eight Army soldiers, the largest loss of life among the Navy commandos was during the Vietnam War, when five SEALs were killed in a helicopter crash.
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In early spring 2002, American intelligence agents tipped off authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina that something wasn’t quite right with the “Benevolence International Foundation.” Their reaction was swift, special forces stormed eight offices of the Islamic foundation in Sarajevo and in Zenica. They found weapons and explosives, videos and flyers calling for holy war. More importantly, however, they discovered a computer with a mysterious file entitled “Tarich Osama” — Arabic for “Osama’s Story”.
AP – Al-Qaida has supporters the world over.
AFP – Despite a worldwide manhunt and an assault on Tora Bora
in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden has managed to evade capture.
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in Kunar Province, a mountainous region of Afghanistan near Pakistan border.
US Navy Seals in Afghanistan
BBC Radio reported a few minutes ago from correspondent in Afghanistan.
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BBC – just minutes ago …
HELMAND July 10, 2005 — Suspected Taliban gunmen ambushed a border patrol in the desert near the frontier with Pakistan, killing 10 Afghan soldiers and beheading them all, a provincial governor said Sunday.
The victims were part of a 25-member patrol in southern Helmand province that was attacked late Saturday by militants driving four four-wheel-drive pickups, said provincial Gov. Sher Mohammed Aghunzada. “The Taliban cut the heads off all the soldiers who were killed,” he said. Aghunzada said the dead soldiers’ bodies had been recovered.
The news comes a day after a purported Taliban spokesman, Mullah Latif Hakimi, claimed that the rebels had beheaded a U.S. Navy SEAL commando missing since June 28 in mountains in eastern Kunar province, also near the border with Pakistan.
BBC – Afghanistan Enduring … and enduring …
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