We know that since the fraudulent Voting practices of 2000 and particularly since the 2004 fraud, our votes do not count. Or at the very least can be manipulated to not count. If we cannot vote we cannot change anything in the democratic way. And standing in the way of changing the corporate fascist theocratic direction this country (and world) is headed in, we need to attack BIG BROTHER which is Everywhere!

We need to get behind the ACLU and other organizations with our support.

Please read this.

Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains:
The Growth of an American Surveillance Society
By Jay Stanley and Barry Steinhardt
January 2003 Technology and Liberty Program

Some Snippets below:
The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation’s premier guardian of liberty, working daily in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States.
American Civil Liberties Union
National Headquarters
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400
(212) 549-2500

There is no shortage of stories in the media today about the continuing assault on our privacy. But while the latest surveillance program or privacy-invading gadget always receives ample coverage, it is
much rarer to find stories that connect the dots and describe the overall impact on privacy in the United States. And without that big picture, the importance of the individual pieces often gets lost.

This new report from the American Civil Liberties Union seeks to provide greater understanding of how our activities are increasingly being tracked and recorded, and how all that data could be drawn together from different sources to create a single high-resolution image of our private lives.

For decades, the notion of a “surveillance society,” where every facet of our private lives is monitored and recorded, has sounded abstract, paranoid or far-fetched to many people.
No more! The public’s recent introduction to the Pentagon’s “Total Information Awareness” project, which seeks to tie together every facet of our private lives in one big surveillance scheme, has provided a stunning lesson in the realities of the new world in which we live. The revelations about the Total Information Awareness program have given the public a sudden introduction to the concept of “data surveillance,” and an early glimmer of the technological potential for a surveillance society. It has also confirmed the national security and law enforcement establishments’ hunger for such surveillance.

Yet too many people still do not understand the danger, do not grasp just how radical an increase in surveillance by both the government and the private sector is becoming possible, or do not see that the danger stems not just from a single government program, but from a number of parallel developments
in the worlds of technology, law, and politics.

In this report, the ACLU seeks to flesh out these trends, and, by setting down various developments together in one place, to illuminate the overall danger and what can be done to eliminate it.

The surveillance monster is getting bigger and stronger by the day. But the American Civil Liberties Union believes that it is not too late to build a system of law that can chain it. It is not too late to take back our data.

This was written in 2003- A lot more has happened since then.

Another Snippet:

* Black boxes. All cars built today contain computers, and some of those computers are being programmed in ways that are not necessarily in the interest of owners. An increasing number of cars contain devices akin to the “black boxes” on aircraft that record details about a vehicle’s
operation and movement. Those devices can “tattle” on car owners to the police or insurance investigators. Already, one car rental agency tried to charge a customer for speeding after a GPS device in the car reported the transgression back to the company. And cars are just one example of how products and possessions can be programmed to spy and inform on their owners.
* RFID chips. RFID chips, which are already used
in such applications as toll-booth speed passes,
emit a short-range radio signal containing a
unique code that identifies each chip. Once the
cost of these chips falls to a few pennies each,
plans are underway to affix them to products in stores, down to every can of soup and tube of
toothpaste. They will allow everyday objects to “talk” to each other – or to anyone else who
is listening. For example, they could let market researchers scan the contents of your purse or
car from five feet away, or let police officers scan your identification when they pass you on
the street.
* Implantable GPS chips. Computer chips that can record and broadcast their location have also
been developed. In addition to practical uses such as building them into shipping containers,
they can also serve as location “bugs” when, for example, hidden by a suspicious husband in a
wife’s purse. And they can be implanted under the skin (as can RFID chips).

If we do not act to reverse the current trend, data surveillance – like video surveillance – will allow corporations or the government to constantly monitor what individual Americans do every day.

Another snippet:

If we do not take steps to control and regulate surveillance to bring it into conformity with our values,
we will find ourselves being tracked, analyzed, profiled, and flagged in our daily lives to a degree we can scarcely imagine today. We will be forced into an impossible struggle to conform to the letter of every rule, law, and guideline, lest we create ammunition for enemies in the government or elsewhere.

Our transgressions will become permanent
Scarlet Letters that follow us throughout our
lives, visible to all and used by the government, landlords, employers, insurance companies and other powerful parties to increase
their leverage over average people.

Americans will not be able to engage in
political protest or go about their daily lives
without the constant awareness that we are –
or could be – under surveillance. We will be forced to constantly ask of even the smallest action taken in public, “Will this make me look suspicious? Will this hurt my chances for future employment? Will this reduce my ability to get insurance?” The exercise of free speech will be chilled as Americans become conscious that their every word may be reported to the government by FBI infiltrators, suspicious fellow citizens or an Internet Service Provider.

Many well-known commentators like Sun
Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy have already pronounced privacy dead.

The truth is that a surveillance society does loom over us, and privacy, while not yet dead,
is on life support.
Heroic measures are required to save it.

 Complete Document

In the ACLU document you will find why I am also concerned with RFIDs technology, Cell phones and Towers.

And to go along with why I am so concerned about the towers I’ll add this as apparently anyone can buy this stuff. Just found this public company that sells this:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

The TRJ-89 model was designed specifically for TACTICAL RESPONSE units required to deploy a blanket of RF silence during the following situations:  

Explosive device location(s) (bombs)

Hostage situations (campus environments)

Communication control during Riots

Military intervention

The TRJ-89 can be easily towed behind most vehicles, is electrically self sufficient, and has a maximum jamming radius of up to five miles.


(At the end of this advertising page is this 🙂


If we cannot get back the basic 4th Amendment rights-

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
– Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

nothing of importance will matter. Yeah we can talk about politics and keep trying to one up or impress others with our words and pseudo-intelligence, but they won’t and often don’t mean anything. I don’t like to play games, and to me if we lose anymore freedoms life will just become one long phony stupid dumbed down game.

I think we have already lost the ‘game.’ I will not shut-up quietly. I will not disappear into the wilderness-someone would ‘track’ me down anyways, but I will not live looking over my goddamn shoulder either.

All I ask is that we prioritize correctly. Without our true personal freedoms we have NOTHING and it won’t matter who is running for any office because SOON, if not already, It will be too late. If this doesn’t motivate us NOTHING will.