Happy Humpday Tribbers! It’s a short workweek for many of us and I for one, definitely enjoy the concept of a wednesday that feels like a tuesday but is way closer to friday than tuesdays in general… Abbott’s special bacon is fryin’ as always – for the west coasters, we’ve got breakfast, and for the more easterly types, well I can make a lovely BLT with fresh heirloom tomatoes.
The Café is up and open for business!
You all know the rules – in the Café, anything goes, but please remember to tip your server. Oh, and whatever rules Diane and co. have devised restricting large pics and wide comments and all that still apply. Unless it’s a really cool picture, then it’s ok. π
A quick view of the news today, it appears an appeal by HRC and a free stadium for the Mets was not enough to get the 2012 Olympics for NYC. Now, I am big a sports fan as they come, but does ANYONE (outside of the 3 folks pictured on nytimes.com shreaking with excitement) really give a flying crud? Do you watch the Olympics? Do you care where they hold it so long as your back yard isn’t flooded with porto-johns and juiced up, sexually ambiguous Russian swimmers? Not me. Just thought I’d ask… =)
*Small Editorial Note:* Folks, at the request of the FBCers, instead of recommending our FBC diary, add it to your Hotlist, please! I’m thinking we want to keep that slot in the Recommended Diaries section available for important stories for the Boomen and Women. Thank you!
Hope all is well with the Cafe crew and tribbers everywhere! What’s firing everyone up today?
Firing me up? Oh, let me see. . .Rove, Bush, Plame, Iraq, Africa, Libraries, Bush, Cheney, Rove, Bush, Rove, stuff like that. And you?
aww, that’s just the regular stuff…
Time to settle down with a buddy and enjoy the day!
Since work wants my attention I’ll just let critters do the resting for me.
Big Pooties in the Tree
I resemble that picture today. π
Loved this picture….just perfect for your day!
Sally Cat, thanks for that image! Yep, exactly how it should be. Made my day!
Yes, I’m “older” but I can still use some of those new-fangled hip-hop phrases like shout out anyway. So there. π
I looked after a friend’s 14 month old g-child the past couple of days while her mom was in the hospital bringing another bambino into the world. Now get this moms – she was in labour for 45 minutes! 45 minutes!! Holy short labour pains, Batman! Baby and mom are doing great and were released from the hospital yesterday.
I’m 45. The baby I looked after was an absolute angel – very bright and very easy to take care of. But, holy mackerel, did she wear me out. π
So, in praise of all moms and dads out there – young and older – who do this every day (I have my own, but she’s 27 years old now), I want to offer you a huge thank you. Parenthood is definitely the most challenging and rewarding job and I commend you all.
45 minutes??!! WTF? Somehow you hope that it was at least an excrutiatingly painful 45 minutes. At least I do. I’m mean.
Glad parents and baby are doing fine.
I had a friend who had a 45-minute labor with baby number 2…she said she would rather have it spread out over 5 or 6 hours, becuase it was all the work (and pain) crammed into one very short time frame…she likened it to a not-so-pleasant psychedelic experience!
Hey – I spent 38 hours in labour. I’ll take a 45 minute psychedlic experience anytime!
I had a fairly smooth 6 hours with both of my boys…I’m not sure how I would have done with a 38-hour labor! Bravo to you!
45 min. even on my fifth child labor lasted 8+ or so hours for my home delivery…
I never can figure out why some women can have these short labors. After my second child I met a neighbor who just had her third child, all three short labors, on one she had cramps and her dr. said get to the hospital and the baby was born shortly after she arrived there.
I have a friend who’s pregnant for the first time, at age 45, with TWINS. She is scared and happy. I am delighted for her (and for the twins since she will be a wonderful mom), but the very idea of it makes me want to go lie down with a cold compress on my forehead. And I say that as a woman who had her first and only child at age 38.
45! Twins!
Oh, and good morning, Froggies. I got distracted by pregnancy there for a minute.
Congrats to your friend….
For my part I’ll take another hot flash – yikes. Handling grandkidlets from the step-daughter is about all I can handle. But being a young grandmother (49) I get all the fun of kidlets and none of the headaches.
Good morning, everyone! I am all coffeed up and ready to start my day. Good thing since it’s just a smidge before noon here!
I thought (since I finally learned how to do it) that I would show you all how two of my boys and I spent a good portion of last fall. It’s not easy to stir up a lot of liberals here in Raleigh, but there’s a small but vocal group of us that show up at these things.
Anyway, keep that coffee hot, or, better yet, I’ll have a big one over ice. And don’t forget the whipped cream.
Great looking boys! Congrats on getting them politically active and aware.
The older one will be a senior in high school this year, and editor of the newspaper. He’s planning some features about the possibility of a draft, and also wants to print an opt-out form right in the newspaper to keep military recruiters from getting students’ contact information.
Plus, he has the nerve to wear a t-shirt that has a photo of Bush behind bars and says “Terrorist” across it. Here in the south even the high schoolers love their GOP.
Good job posting pics, and great looking kids, good for you for having such active children.
Hint, about pics. right click on pic, select properties and you will see the pixels, (1024 x 768 pixels, this is size of pic above) it should be less than 400x. You can resize your pics, in photo shop or other programs, or if you can’t send to me or susanhu and we can resize and send back to you..
It just makes pages harder to load if too many pixels..
And how are you doing today Laura, you sound well and happy…<<<hugs>>>>>
I’m doing well today…thanks for asking!
When I checked on properties it came up 400 x 300 pixels….and that’s what I wrote into the tag (or whatever the heck you call it.)
That’s strange, maybe our Katiebird or someone can help explain that. I don’t know about writing into the tag.
Are you just using the tag that you get from image hosting site, or are you adding to the tag. I never add anything into the tag line or url, whatever, I wonder if that could be the prob.
I add a width parameter to my photos when I post – copy the tag info from photobucket and then right after the img put the “width=320” into the line. Make sure there is a space on either side of the description.
< img width=320 src=”http://
here’s some info on the size discrepency. the image as hosted at photobucket is 1024 x 768. the pixel sizing placed into the tag causes the image to be “displayed” as if it were 400 pixel width. it would be a fair assumption to make that the the full image is downloaded from photobucket by the browser to the browser cache, the image is then resampled on the fly to the smaller size and then the resized image is displayed as it’s been ordered to, at 400 pixel width with corresponding height.
The information firefox provides me on the image as its displayed in my browser is this:
URL: http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b190/denn1214/DSCN0504.jpg
type: image/jpeg
source: Disk Cache
size: 185.73 KB (190189 bytes)
dimensions: Width: 400px, Height: 300px
Physical Width: 1024px, Physical Height: 768px
So there is a difference in download “volume” between a native 400 pixel image, and one “told to behave” as if it were 400.
::whew:: As an aside though. I find the photograph itself a very hopeful one, don’t you? Those are the type of people I want to leave my country to! Such good looking young men.
OH! and good morning everyone! I gotta run into work now but I’ll be back later to pass out the fours!
thanks for that explanation which was way over my head…but the gist of it is: my photo is too f-ing big.(?)
On the photobucket site there is an option to resize. It is set on 50% of original image and there is an option for 25% of original. It warns that once you downsize it you cannot return it to it’s original size.
Should I set it on 25% which is the lowest setting? You kids and your newfangled computers…I’ll never learn.
Laura, just above 50% which is highlighted when you click the edit button, there is 75%. I would do 75% NOT 25% .
25% will give a very, very small picture like a thumbnail.
And no, I don’t think she is saying that your pic is too big. . .I think (and boy I could be mistaken here), I think it is saying that the actual size of the pic is the larger size, but photobucket is displaying it on BooMan at the requested 400 x 300 size. So the size on the site here is just fine, but the original size of the pic is larger.
If I am wrong about that, I am sure someone will correct me.
There is nothing wrong with it here, and you didn’t do anything wrong.
<sniff>…thanks. No, seriously, I think she was saying that although it is appearing as a smaller (<400) photo, it is actually behaving like a larger one because it makes the page slower to load?
Anyway. I’ll not pretend to be technically literate anymore!
Then all of us who are using photobucket are doing the same thing. And that includes me. I am not so sure our concern ever has been overly about how fast or slow the page loads. . .but that some, for reasons beyond my limited techie-ness to understand, have to scroll from side to side to read because it pushes the margins out when wide pictures are posted. I have never experienced it and so I don’t have a clue as to what it is about, but I think it is related to the settings they have on the display in there system settings. I think it is related to what “bit” setting it is at, ie. . .16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit. . .and that’s me just pretending to know what all that means.
i hope im not making everyone’s head explode with my bad explanations!!! :::blushing::: the most important thing seems to be to keep the page width fitable on screen without a scroll bar. viewed from that standpoint it doesn’t matter how the 400 pixels is arrived at, as long as it’s arrived at.
but hey i like to talk a lot so here’s another try at explaining file size!!!!
the image itself never passes through booman tribune, all the data transfer happens between the image server and the local machine. to booman tribune the image is just a referenced location on the internet.
the downside to a larger image than needed for display is two fold. anyone using a dial up modem has to wait longer for the images on the page to load completely. if enough large images are used, at some point the dial up modem will be flooded with data. if you’re using broadband, this isn’t noticable. So what about it, modem users? how do the FBC pages load?Fast? Slow? OK?
The second concern is that if you’re the one using the free image server, you’ll run out of storage space faster. the 1024 x 768 image, resampled at photobucket to 50% (512 x 339) would occupy 1/4 of the disk space.
a little more errata and then i seriously promise to be quiet! (i can just hear my mom saying that too! π if you use firefox, theres a “page info” window available. it will show a list of every image on the page being viewed and you can see info about them (and compare your file sizes against the pros!). its under “tools” down to “about page”, or on a mac, “command + i”
Your pixel counter must be off. . .I get the same 400×300 that Laura has.
Maybe it’s your “crappy” version of windows. . .We’ll have to see if we can’t get you updated to XP, even though it is still windows, it seems to be the best version yet in MS long line of forever beta versions of windows. Sorry, I will refrain from going off on BG and MS.
Ohhhhhhh, maybe that is it,,,I have my screen set for a larger size….I will try resetting my screen and see what happens.
My great big giant apologies to everyone, in case you are interested I recently acquired a larger screen and have been trying to get good settings, so I can still read print, etc. Mine is set at 800 x 600…
I will report back if the settings make a difference..
Well I tried the setting changes and it still says the same pix count so that is not it…Oh my….now we really need katie bird to explain this.. I will try on explorer and see what it says for pixels…
Well I shall surely say no more about sizes of pic…
My second aplogies to all I have dogged about pixels…
Report: I just checked with firefox and it says the number reported by shirl above, so it has something to do with my browser, Opera,,,,I am so chagrined.
Laura and others I hope you will forgive me for my errant pixel counting.. I think I need to go back to computing school as there is a whole new area I need to learn about…I think I can change my setting on Opera, but I messed everything up when I tried to do this last week…If you don’t hear from me, send the Canadian Mounties…
actually you are correct. in fact everyone is. read my post above. the full size of the image at the server is 1024 x 768. the browser resizes it to 400. the full download occurs to the cache before the resize.
Hey bayprairie! Sorry to just disappear last night – I had a couple of drinks, I dropped a few comments here and there – and then I crashed without replying to any of them. Oops.
couple of drinks is good!!!
Hi – I just read about your travails in “Dixie” (and some nasty responses on that other site – sorry about that) But, regardless of where you live, you obviously have two fantastic sons. Maybe a mantra could be – family, not location, makes a home.
My son goes to college in Charlotte. He loved what he learned about this college, but we are New York, Jewish lib types, so were extremely wary about his choice. Next week we are flying down to meet his girlfriend’s “religious” family. OY – Meet The Parents, The Second Sequel.
As drawn by my granddaughter:
Left to right: my daughter’s fiance, my daughter, me, my granddaughter, cats on the bottom.
Apparently, the only one having a happy day was my future son-in-law. lol
Ooooh, Miss Catnip…you are so sexy with your luscious red lips! Can I commission your granddaughter to draw me?
Funny I have such red lips since I never wear lipstick. π
I’ll check on the grand-herb’s busy summer schedule to see if she can fit you in.
Catnip,That pic is too funny, I just love drawings that kids make, they are so revealing and honest, somehow, of their view of the family. I have laughed at many representations of me and our family as 5 kids and then grandkids went through this early drawing stage.
To Abbott, could you add to the diary, the blurb about don’t rec. these diaries but instead add them to your hot list by clicking on the + sign at the top of the diary..
Yes, I really am that skinny. lol
um, me too.
after a weekend of BBQ’s galore, well, I’m not even sure this artist could make me thin… to the gym I go!!!
Hey catnip. . .that is really a great pic by the granddaughter. She shows some really good potential in her art work. I think she has really captured quite a good likeness of you and herself (since I haven’t seen the daughter or the future SIL, I can only suppose that they are represented well also).
I’m sure you already encourage her, but she shows promise that really should be nurtured, if she has an interest in it.
Thanks for sharing.
She’s very artistic and loves crafts. She has quite the cupboard of supplies for her age. π
draw that well!
I invented the term “art blind” for myself as an analogue for “tone deaf.” In other words, I can see all the colors–I just don’t know what they’re for.
lol – “art blind” – that’s a great term.
And about the red lips — were you eating strawberries?
Very cute…
http://tinyurl.com/create.php booman gave me this link for making links shorter and not creating expanding thread so am seeing if I did this right. The link is to a series of Native American art/pictures.
I was up all night as I couldn’t sleep so now am just trying to stay awake as my sister is coming over to take me to Goodwill in hopes of finding some good books today. A day without a book is like a day without sunshine….which means bush must live in the depths of hell..oh right we already knew that.
I’ll try again that link didn’t work.
Have fun at Goodwill. Are you not feeling well or was it just a sleepless nite?
Hey catnip…I’ve had insomnia all my life-starting even before I was a teenager and I’ve since found out that the neuro disease I have also causes sleep problems and add to that I have something called Restless Leg Syndrome which causes disruption of sleep I sometimes wonder how I get any sleep…my internal body clock is also set opposite to most. I can sleep during the day much better than at night. Always been that way. Then on top of all that crap add the fact this neuro disease causes migraines from lying down-your lungs don’t breathe in/out correctly laying down and traps air like carbon monoxide poisoning sooooooo half the time I wake up with the beginning of nasty migraine…making all this too much fun for words, huh.
But…the trip to goodwill was great. I found a set of bookends that I can repaint(have famous Indian on pony in relief), a very heavy cat statute that I will repaint for another bookend, a slew of books-about 20-some fiction and ones like a history of the Ghost Dance, a fancy pot for a plant, mission style end table I’ll also repaint probably for outside to put plants on-I’m addicted to that new fusion paint this summer that goes on plastic etc-and few other odds and ends and all for less than 30 dollars…and thanks to my sister for paying for it. Couldn’t get back online when I came back as was too exhausted and the heat in particular does me in.
A portion of Hurricane Ridge, uphill of Port Angeles WA, July 2000.
Thanks gooserock. . .I just love your pictures everyday, keep them coming!
Gorgeous place with one of the finest 360° views imaginable.
We loved the loop hike that starts from Heart O’ the Hills, goes up via Heather Park and then down past Lake Angeles.
Okay that’s it – I’m loading the truck with the camping gear and heading out….
Geez that is a gorgeous place! Wonderful picture and so restful. I think I’ll make that my wallpaper for the day!
Vacations and camping…is it September yet so I can go???
North Cascades nat’l park in their segment on budget vacations. (I think it was CNN.)
It’s hard to think of many vacation regions with a broader mix of outdoor recreation, all within day-trip reach, than Puget Sound. The only exception is beach swimming. With our water temperatures, wetsuits or dry suits are definitely advisable for any kind of prolonged immersion.
I am offering these pics in supplication for my errant pixeling above, walk with me in my palm garden and
This pic. shows the walk from the back garden, turn left right before the wicker plant stand and you will soon be at my door. Come on in and sit with me a spell. We could blog together….<<<<big giant hugs to all>>>>
That looks so shady and lush and just what I need on this hellishly hot and muggy Southern day. I would love to come in and have a glass of iced tea with you….if you promise not to dog me about pixels. π
Glass of iced tea coming right up and noooooooooooooo I won’t be dogging you about pixels, I am pixel sorry as can be.
And here she is by the gate with her welcome gift, she always brings a gift to visitors..

But there is a dog and she (lady) is heading out, (my door is to the rear left), and going to greet the visitors.
It is currently 72 degrees at 10:49 AM and sunny…
And yes I violated the rules about posting pics as a reply, I hope no one will notice, shhhhhhhh…
I meant that my door is bottom left, I was distracted by Lady’s rear, I guess.
What gift is Lady bringing me? Usually most dogs just bring me a cold nose to the crotch. She’s pretty…what kind of dog is she?
She might have a cig, since she is my dog, but no I think it is a stick…She is a very good dog not to do the crotch thing, only on rare occasions and at especially embarrassing moments for guests. lol
I did have a pic with a spray of silk flowers that she carried around for weeks, but cannot find that one.
She is a mixed dog, maybe some bull dog, maybe some African ridge back, maybe some mastiff…She is the sweetest dog, but terrifying for mailmen and others and she like to stand or lay on the roof peak and bark down at all…She looks a little like a lion when she is up there, I must take a pic of her up there sometime.
No one realizes that there are stairs to the roof, as there is a room up there with doorway, instead they think she has climbed or jumped up there and can jump down on them…
it sure looks like she’s smoking – now if you could get her to play poker you’d have a fine work of art!
Lady does indeed look like she’s smokin π
Puppy Patch? π
What a cutie she is. We had some base neighbors who dogs, Doberman, would jump up on the entryway roof and “shout” at passerbys.
I wouldn’t be afraid of Lady, she looks like a doll.
This is where I usually hang out, either reading or just watching the birds. (Yes, I am an old bird-watching lady.)
I have been known to examine life’s mysteries (or the insides of my eyelids) from this vantage point as well. Of course, here in NC, the outdoors are out of bounds for me from June through September. Hell. on. Earth.

It doesn’t look hot at all, and I would just love to have a rest on that hammock, I do love them, but no room for one here…
It doesn’t look hot because these were taken in March! Right now it’s about 92 degrees and probably 90% humidity. But I have tons of dragonflies, yellow finches, ruby-throated hummingbirds and giant bees swarming around the rose-of-sharon bush next to the deck.
In a Wild Kingdom moment this morning, a finch landed on the deck with a giant Palmetto bug (*see note)in his mouth. He dropped it and it scurried frantically around before he caught it again and hopefully this time delivered a fatal peck to his vital parts.
*since I moved down South I have learned an important distinction between “Palmetto bugs” and cockroaches. Poor people (northerners) have cockroaches and rich people (Southerners) have Palmetto bugs.
Now that really does it!!! Will you adopt me, Laura? What a lovely home and setting and a Hammock too!!
(. . . Shirl is furiously packing her suitcase with gauzy cotton summer wear and browsing Cheap Fares for airline tickets. . . .)
Shirl, you’d tear your hair out after 24 hours in this suburban hell. You’d definitely have to take one of your magical voyages at least once a day…
Next stop: Stepford.
I have come to love my living alone aloneness very much over the past 5 and 1/2 years. I do crowds, groups, and others very well, but on MY terms.
I do seem to live in my own version of my world and am very darn happy doing it! I think there is a mental health term for that, but let’s not go there. . . .
I am wondering how you are doing with this hurricane coming, are you in it’s path, are you prepared and will you update us how you are faring this week..
It’s a good tired because I finally finished clearing the crap out of the living and dining rooms! Okay, I tossed most of the dining room crap in the spare laundry basket, but I did that so the spouse and I can sort through it in the evenings; most of the stuff is his and I’m not sure what he’s finished reading, what he wants/needs to save, etc.
I’m a little too worn out to vacuum, so I’ll do that tomorrow. I think I accomplished a lot today though anyway! π
Now I’m ready for a nap…
Congratulations! You should feel very proud that all of your extra dining room crap can fit in one laundry basket!
Since I separated from my ex about 5 years ago and set up house with the kids, I have become a minimalist. I can’t stand too much furniture or too many things on table tops. I only have a couple pairs of shoes, enough coffee mugs for my family and a guest, and no clutter. I like my house being open; my path clear.
My new husband, on the other hand, is a terrible hoarder. He calls it “collecting.” He “collects” 57 (I counted when we moved) boxes of old mail, the vast majority of it junk and much of it unopened and as old as 20 years. He “collects” many many boxes of old clothes from when he weighed 160…he’s now 240.
As you can imagine, it’s been rough going trying to merge our two philosophies and come to an agreeable solution. My solution is that I made him try on every item of clothing that he wanted to save. After a few humiliating experiences involving cackles of laughter from the teenagers in residence, he agreed to a major purge.
Now, on to the old computer manuals from machines that are completely obsolete…
With him, it’s newspapers and magazines; we subscribe to two major dailies (SJ Murky News and SF Chronicle), plus he picks up all the various freebie weeklies. But it takes him forever to read through them; he likes to read every single line, where I’ve picked up the habit of skimming through to find what interests me, and if I miss something I’ll go to the Internet.
Magazines: we both have some we like to keep — for him, it’s his railroad and Civil War magazines, for me it’s food, writing and crochet. It’s just a matter of sorting out the must keep from the can let go.
My goal is to have the place in order by either the 17th or 24th; my dad-in-law’s birthday is the 22nd and I want to have his birthday dinner here if possible! π
Hello. Hot here. Trying to stay cool and get some errands in. Kids are still “icky” (but at least no more puking – knock on plywood) and I’m “hopping” around to keep em comfy and content… It’s like trying to herd cats.
Still here… just chasing the white jackalope around and trying to catch up.
As to the Olympics… I’ve become sick of them. All those “human interest stories”… it’s like a pity party or a whine fest. Just show the competition for cripessake. I saw on History or maybe PBS that the Nazis did alot to the games to get the Nationalists in a frenzy. Can’t remember sheet right now about it… but since Hockey might be toast for the next games… I’m really out of the sports realm.
I might be getting a bumpersticker after all. All this time of keeping my bumper nude…
Amnesty International.
My ONE and ONLY Republican friend now concedes that those who voted against the Vets aid should be shot. I mentioned that Repugs weren’t pro-military just pro-war. I think ONE more is waking up.
If anyone has the votes for that Veterans two months ago, can you please post the vote? I’d love to send it to him while he’s dazed and confused. π
Around here most bumper stickers are of the “My Kid was Student of the Month” variety. I call those cars bragmobiles. My kid earned awards too, but he knew I was proud of him. Didn’t like advertising. My bumper sticker finally got dressed with a “Peace is Patriotic” sticker. Other favorites include “Hatred is Not a Family Value” and my traditional favorite since the 60’s – “Question Authority.”
I wasn’t summoned, but… hi there!
I’m just sitting here watching Lost and thought I’d sneak out to see if anyone was hanging out.
It’s so good to see you! What’s going on?
I am here, for the moment, not much talking on this thread this afternoon, or night for some..
Anything good on TV tonight…
Anything to talk about????
Zander what are you doing..
It’s the best.
And I’m messing around with Excel.
I’d feel more confident taking on quantum physics…. anytime I’ve worked with Excel, I’ve found myself inserting !&%$! with the notation that !&$! Excel won’t let me do ..whatever …
You, katiebird are a brave and multi-talented person…
Mostly, I think I’m like an electronic janitor:
“Hey, You — Fix this mess, will ya! I need it in an hour.”
But, tonight- I’m playing.
Time for a lounge, maybe? I’ll be there if someone posts one….
Why don’t you do a lounge…for tonight, Miss Canada..
It’s up… thanks god I can do a mean job of ..er… cutting and pasting html….
hey guys – I’m just… um… being a lush. The last couple of days have pushed me over the edge – supreme court, Plame, Miller and Cooper, Iran, Afghanistan – I just don’t even want to keep up right now… and that’s not like me at all.
mmmm, I want some Merlot. Hey, is this a lounge or what? Could I just go back and serve myself?
I think I used up my allotment of words for the day, but I can make sounds that will make you think I am contributing to the conversation. . .
Great diary Shirl – I just read it. My anger always seems to turn into a defeated cynicism – never the impetus for action… I have nothing but admiration for those of you who work differently.
Hey katiebird! I’m here. Just got through posting one of my inteminably long diaries. Diane will have her scissors out in a minute, I’m sure.
How’s everyone tonight? I think it is about beer 15, so I just recon I’ll sit a spell and sip on one.
What’s going on with y’all. (Geeze, I lived in Kentucky for 3 years, but that was over 30 years ago and I still can’t kick that y’all thing). LOL
It almost came to blows at one point, but I swallowed my pride and let it go.
in sneaking on at work :::looking here and there:::: π
What’s that? Work, bah!
(she says from the comfort of home)
Do you check “Keep album private” or not?
Any other gotcha’s?