As more and more Republican scandals surface–from DeLay to Burns to the Blunts to Cunningham and so on–some have repeatedly complained, “Where are the Democrats?” implying that the Dem party should be doing more to fight Republican corruption. I have been countering their arguements by pointing out that Dean and the DNC did focus on DeLay’s scandals awhile ago, and to point out that it is OUR responsibility as well to be fighting Republican corruption.

Well, now the DCCC is coming out to take the fight against Republican corruption public. You might argue they should have started awhile ago, but true or not, here they come! See below.
For months now I have been targeting corrupt Republicans in places like Ohio, Missouri and Montana. My goal is to generate grassroots opposition to Republican corruption through letters to the editor. Other groups, like the Campaign for America’s Future, have their own list of Corrupt Republicans they are targeting. But today the DCCC has started their campaign to battle Republican corruption. So for those who are complaining about the absence of a Dem response, HERE IT IS and I hope some of you can scrape up some money to help them get it going.

Here’s a excerpt from their email:

In today’s Congress, there is a special breed of Republican to whom scandal comes naturally. At the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), we’re informally calling them the Double Dealing Caucus – and along with Tom DeLay, we’re naming Richard Pombo and Duke Cunningham of California, Bob Ney of Ohio, Rob Simmons of Connecticut, and Charles Taylor of North Carolina as founding members.

This week, Tom DeLay and the rest of the Double Dealers are home in their districts, comfortable in the thought that news of their ethical troubles are not making the front page news in their districts. Comfortable that their constituents won’t know that the interests they are serving are their own and not those of their communities.

This has gone on far too long. The DCCC is fighting back — we wanted you to be the first to know. This week, in papers across the country, the DCCC will be running ads that expose the truth about the Double Dealing Caucus.

By contributing today, you can help guarantee that ads like these will stay in papers nationwide.

I just want to say RIGHT ON DEMS! Welcome to the front lines of the fight against corruption!