Update [2005-7-6 15:16:4 by susanhu]: Judith Miller is in custody and will be confined to a jail somewhere “in the D.C. area.” The judge rejected all of Miller’s requests — including her request to surrender and to choose a prison.

Update [2005-7-6 14:37:10 by susanhu]: JUST IN, per Catnip and CNN: Matt Cooper will testify. I read elsewhere thsi morning that he’s been deeply conflicted about this and that Time told him they’d stand by whatever decision he makes. Cooper is very worried this will tarnish his reputation and hurt his reporting. I can’t blame him. It’s particularly cruel that he’s the one having to make such a difficult decision. Someone else should be in the dock.

Earlier: There’s nothing quite like having one’s idle conjecture be confirmed by the Washington Post. On July 3, BooTrib asked, “Was Judith Miller a Source?”

Lo, and verily, it came to pass that Atrios — in his post, “Judy, Judy, Judy” — plucked this quote from today’s WaPo:

Fitzgerald may learn more details from Cooper’s notes. Sources close to the investigation say there is evidence in some instances that some reporters may have told government officials — not the other way around — that Wilson was married to Plame, a CIA employee.

To which Atrios adds a profound “Fuckin’ right.”

Mo’ mornin’ muck: “Should Karl Rove Be Put to Death?,” by BooMan, “Novak stonewalls press corps as Times reporter faces jail,” at Media Matters, and “COUNTDOWN TO THE POKEY” at Wonkette:

Today is the day that Matt Cooper and Judy Miller might get thrown in the hoosegow for refusing to do that thing they were supposed to but didn’t and there’s some WH guy involved and it’s all very ironic. In any case: THROWING PEOPLE IN THE HOOSEGOW IS EXCITING. …

And, Democracy Now!‘s Amy Goodman interviews Newsweek‘s Michael Isikoff on Rove. (Listen/watch.)