[From the diaries by susanhu.] The Palm Beach Post has published an extremely useful and sad map – an interactive map unlike any other I’ve seen before. It is a map of death: military deaths in the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq as distributed across the United States. The total: 1,949.
How many casualities has your town, city or state suffered? And what are the names of those lost? When, where and how did they die? Just click on any red, orange, yellow or green dot on the map and you’ll find out.
Puerto Rico, 20
Hawaii, 5
American Samoa, 4
Federated States of Micronesia, 2
Virgin Islands, 2
Alaska, 1
Guam, 1
Northern Mariana Islands, 1
United Kingdom, 1
You can share your condolences via the linked guestbooks or search for specific service members by date, type of incident, location, state, rank etc.
This is the map that all Bush administration officials should be forced to click on every single day until all troops return home safely. This is the map that they should be using to memorize the name of every single soldier that has died because of their incompetence and lies.
This is the map of death.
They claim that they attacked Iraq so the war on terror would not be brought back to America’s shores. Well, it has been brought back to America – in body bags and coffins that the public are not allowed to see. This administration has brought the war on terror to America via every single serviceperson and civilian who has died. While so many mourn quietly, the White House officials look the other way. Force them to see the truth.
If there was a similar map of Iraq, I believe it would be covered with blood red dots that would almost fill the entire country. How many more people have to die?
Thanks for this, catnip. I had actually thought of doing something similar, using the Faces of the Fallen from WaPo as a source, but this site did a far better job than I ever could.
What an amazing amount of death and sadness. It really stings to look at it all put together like this.
Looks like soldiers from all of those so-called liberal states make up the lion’s share of casualties. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Rove. Is that what you call giving “therapy” and “understanding” to the terrorists?
Catnip, here’s a site with a map of Iraq showing war fatalities. The map is animated, with dots appearing as the date moves forward from March 20, 2003.
This map does not show Iraqi fatalaties.
Thank you for the link. The exploding red dots say it all.
I’ll have to do a search to see if I can find a similar map of Iraqi casualties.
Here is a side-by-side map view of US war casualties and red states/blue states.
I was wondering about that! This side by side comparison really tells the tale, doesn’t it? No wonder the liberals are so into ending the war, they are the ones losing the most people.