This seems like a good time to mention The Whispering Campaign once again … and to thank all the folks who have been visiting and printing and copying and distributing our printer-friendly articles …
We have three brand-new items on the menu today:
If We All Had The Guts by Chris Satullo
Do People Really Still Believe This? by Riverbend
Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link from BBC News, September, 2003
And if you look around, you may see several other very interesting recent items, including:
THIS IS YOUR WATCH! An open letter to President Bush
A True US Patriot an anonymous contribution
Some ‘Christians’ Give God A Bad Name by Felicity Arbuthnot
Sun Revolves Around Earth; Bush Won Ohio by Bob Fitrakis
Unscrupulous Friends In High Places by Brad Friedman
and many more, with still others on the way …
We’re not asking you to print them all, but we hope you’ll find a few pages that you want to print. And from there … every little bit helps … so please drop by and help spread the word. We’re being the media, because somebody has to!
The Whispering Campaign
Visit. Print. Copy. Distribute. Repeat.
Knowledge Is Power! Pass It On!!
you have a most interesting spot to visit. Thanks.
Thank YOU, Brenda. We appreciate your support. Tell all your friends! 😉