This seems like a good time to mention The Whispering Campaign once again … and to thank all the folks who have been visiting and printing and copying and distributing our printer-friendly articles …

We have three brand-new items on the menu today:

If We All Had The Guts by Chris Satullo
Do People Really Still Believe This? by Riverbend
Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link from BBC News, September, 2003

And if you look around, you may see several other very interesting recent items, including:

THIS IS YOUR WATCH! An open letter to President Bush
A True US Patriot an anonymous contribution
Some ‘Christians’ Give God A Bad Name by Felicity Arbuthnot
Sun Revolves Around Earth; Bush Won Ohio by Bob Fitrakis
Unscrupulous Friends In High Places by Brad Friedman

and many more, with still others on the way …

We’re not asking you to print them all, but we hope you’ll find a few pages that you want to print. And from there … every little bit helps … so please drop by and help spread the word. We’re being the media, because somebody has to!

The Whispering Campaign
Visit. Print. Copy. Distribute. Repeat.
Knowledge Is Power! Pass It On!!