I am heading to the store soon to stock up since I am told we have what is most likely going to be one big ass hurricane heading our way.  I’m far enough inland that I guess it sometimes knocks the power out and such things, but I’m likely to make it through the whole thing just fine.  After I process that though my mind begins to swerve dangerously and I suddenly find myself offroading.  My daughter told me that they say this could hit North America a level 4 and I find myself chanting panhandle quietly.  That’s right, Margaritas all the way around this weekend while I try to coax DENNIS into the Florida Panhandle.  I don’t care if I shower for a week (though everybody else probably will).  I don’t care if I eat cold pork and beans for 2 weeks (though the kids probably will). I hope my personality recovers from all the trauma that leads to this kind of darkness.  Maybe 2006 will put a balm on the wounds and until then Margaritas all the way around, put your tinfoil on and concentrate hard on DENNIS!  God I have totally lost my mind.  I have gotten so sick though of the spoiled God loves me and hates the rest of the world people who I seem to live around now 24/7.  It makes me want to run out when this has ravaged the place and ask everybody that I meet what they did to piss God off so much.  “I don’t technically live here and I’ll be leaving this place in my near future but wow have you guys obviously pissed someone off up there!”  I don’t think there is hope for me anymore.  I think my personality may have been permanently warped from being Bushwacked.

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