I realized recently I’ve been getting some pretty decent political gossip, quotes and semi-inside stuff from a one way (not quite) a blog.

This site has entries from MSM political reporters and sometimes they let some gems out. They’re actually ‘on vacation for a week’ but here are some recent examples:

3. “George Allen is football analogies and chewing tobacco. That is an image he has carefully cultivated over the years . . Frist is doctor and AIDS in Africa. One is a career politician and one is a citizen legislator.” — A “source supportive of Frist” quoted in Chris Cillizza’s classic Must Read on alleged Frist-Allen tensions, which will be gobbled up by the Gang of 500 and very few others. LINK

“But, Mr. President, I will not be lectured about civility by the Junior Senator from Pennsylvania who has repeatedly disrespected veterans. Three times he opposed funding for veterans, votes in committee and here on the Senate floor. I ask consent that his voting record be submitted in the record on those issues.” — Sen. Harry Reid, in response to Santorum. (Per ABC News’ Ed O’Keefe.)
The Boston Globe’s Joan Vennochi says that top Democrats are too easily buying into the President’s plan on the war in Iraq.

“If you listen carefully, you realize Democrats like Kerry and Biden are saying that this war is being fought the wrong way, not that this is the wrong war. They have bought into the Karl Rove argument that might makes right. LINK

Paul Kane of Roll Call reports that Sen. Trent Lott has a proposal to change the Senate ethics rules to allow Sen. Tom Coburn to continue practice medicine, and by extension, allow other Senators to keep their outside careers.

Mary Ann Akers of Roll Call reports that the yacht on the Washington waterfront where Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham lives (owned by defense contractor Mitchell Wade, who bought Cunningham’s house and sold it for a whopping loss) is up for sale.

The fifth and sixth paragraphs of the Cincinnati Enquirer’s story on Gov. Taft’s final budget signing event of his tenure: LINK

“The usually celebratory event comes, however, amid questions about why the governor failed to disclose golf outings with people doing business with Ohio, including rare-coin dealer Thomas W. Noe. Noe is under state and federal investigation for up to $13 million in investments he lost for the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and the alleged laundering of contributions to President Bush’s campaign.”

“During Taft’s last three encounters with reporters, in Mansfield, Port Clinton and at the Statehouse, reporters pelted him with questions about whom he golfed with and who paid. He has declined to answer specifics on the advice of his criminal attorney, William Meeks.”

By now you have the idea. I’ve strung you along long enuf. Here’s the site:
