[From the diaries by susanhu.] This may be old news to some, but now Raw Story seems to have confirmation from staffers. Apparently Rehnquist is going to retire tomorrow:

Rehnquist’s retirement was suggested earlier today by conservative columnist Robert Novak who relies on a bevy of anonymous Republican sources.

Novak suggested that Rehnquist’s departure could allow President Bush to nominate Alberto Gonzales. The veteran conservative pundit said he expected no change in the ideological balance of the court.

“Word from court sources that ailing Chief Justice William Rehnquist also will announce his retirement before the week is over,” Novak wrote today. “That would enable Bush to play this game: Name one justice no less conservative than Rehnquist, and name Gonzales, whose past record suggests he would replicate retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on abortion and possibly other social issues. Thus, the present ideological orientation of the court would be unchanged, which would suit the left just fine.”

Novak again. Why isn’t that guy in jail, anyway???

If there ever were a wake-up call, here it is, our very own snooze alarm reminding us what’s at stake. Scary times.

Link to a little more here.