Due to the extensive coverage of the London bombings, other important news has been placed on the back burner. zander provided a round up yesterday of key Iraq stories and I’ve compiled a list here of other developments I haven’t seen covered yet at BT. Feel free to add your links to articles as well.
Taliban Threat to Kill US Captive
103 Iraqi Parliamentarians Demand Withdrawal of US Troops
Iranians to train Iraq’s military
Iran promises Iraq financial aid
U.S. Government Fining Activists for Taking Medicine to Iraq
Abducted Egyptian Envoy Killed in Iraq
10 Philippine Cabinet members and ruling party urge president to resign
And, this story is perhaps one of the most shocking I’ve seen this past week:
West turns blind eye as police put Saddam’s torturers back to work
Former Rep. Roemer won’t challenge Sen. Lugar in 2006
New Jersey moves presidential primary to February
Jeb Bush says he will end Schiavo inquiry
I was fascinated by the anchor thrown to Jeb by the investigator into Schiavo’s death. One gets the feeling that the investigator would have said “why didn’t you ask before you went off onto that limb, dingbat!”
I’m just glad this is over and Michael Schiavo can get on with his life. Bush’s investigation was nothing but a vendetta.
is a story that I completely missed and is a really sickening one. Do not disagree with this administration openly because you will be made to pay!
Here’s the web site for Voices in the Wilderness for those who would like to express their support.
assassination of the Egyptian Envoy to Baghdad and the
London bombing on the same day. The attacks on Arab/Muslim
diplomats in Iraq serves to isolate Iraq from the
Arab/Muslim world.
The the strategic motive of the London Bombing,
according to Robert Fisk and others is to isolate the USA.
The London Bombings have already started cries for Britian
to pull out of Iraq, leaving the USA without its strongest
ally in the country.
This serves bin Laden’s purposes very well. The USA is
trapped in Iraq, its position is untenable and leaving is
Oops I forgot to pimp my diary on the subject.
Meanwhile in Iraq
I had read it sybil and recommended it. All of us on these blogs have to keep reading about Iraq and know what is really going on there and in Afghanistan so that we may keep motivated to everything we can to somehow help stop the senselessness of that whole endeavour, in Iraq in particular. Also why I read the dailyiraq news which details each attack/death/wounded every day even though I get rather ill each morning when I read that days litany of horrors for the civilians and our troops.
Thank you.
I try to read and recommend Iraq War Grief everyday.
And Osama bin Laden said he would dry up the U.S. economy via our drawn out military struggle, just like he did to the Soviet Union.
Meanwhile, Italy sure seems ready to start pulling out, lest they be next for a train bombing.
Thanks for the great roundup. Information is certainly very scarce concerning the missing or captured Navy seal..that really worries me..then again Afghanistan seems to be the forgotten quagmire.
I had read the story about Iraqi police/torture and it’s no surprise at all that it has been completely ignored by our castrated media. Old torturers/dictators meet the new free torturers, right? Can’t get much more stomach churning that that.
I have nothing against the news covering the terrible bombings in London but continue to wonder why the media here has such tunnel vision and can’t report on more than one story at a time.
That’s a good point. Why does there have to be
Why does there have to be a TOP STORY.
So CNN can show a fancy graphic about it while playing spooky music in the background.
Oh yes, you nailed it. And the rotating word graphics
getting bigger and bigger as they come towards the
….and the chief justice did not retire after all, or did he, and I have not heard anything about it just yet?..:O)