We’ve all put some thought into how to reclaim the moral high ground that is rightfully ours. Even as a secular humanist, I recognize the symbolic power that Jesus holds in our society. I like “Jesus was the first liberal,” but I don’t think it is historically accurate (not that he wasn’t liberal — even radical — just that he wasn’t the first). As an alternative, I came up with “Jesus Rode a Donkey.” I also think we can use this phrase to rehabilitate the donkey by showing it as the loyal and hardworking companion of Jesus.
Here are a couple of preliminary images (and yes, I know Jesus wasn’t a white guy, but I’m using stock images I thought most Americans would recognize as Jesus):
What do you think?
I know, kind of a weird diary from an avowed atheist. I think the symbolism can be used to our advantage to reclaim the non-nutter Christians who have been duped by the right. Realpolitik.
I agree as many on the left are Christians and it’s time that faction takes back some part of the religious aspect that so many ascribe to. Take away the rights main source of ‘godless lefties’ and make them waste their time trying to continue to say that liberals have no values or religion or spirituality when that is so patently untrue…yet has seeped into public consciousness due to the right’s concentrated attack on the left.
I really understand your point of view. . .but I think it would be a big mistake. . .the preachers would be preaching to their congregants how you have defiled things they view as holy. Won’t get you a lot of folks on your side, in my opinion.
No matter what you and I think, others view some things and some images as holy and you would most likely turn more people off with it than make the point you wish to.
Also, the historical Jesus that is believed in by the main stream Christians was presented as a very apolitical person in his times. . .leaving to Caesar that which is Caesar’s. . .depicting him riding a political symbol for the Democratic party would be a huge turn off to most.
And yet the right uses religion as a cudgel to beat us over the head and that is somehow ok. As it has done here, this image opens the floor for a discussion about what is appropriate in political discourse and what isn’t. Perhaps we might then expose a bit of hypocrisy in the right using Jesus for political purposes while denying us similar use.
Your points are well taken. I do think many would react vehemently to the image, and that is part of the point. It strikes a chord, and will hopefully stick with people — get them thinking. I learned in my Catholic upbringing that Jesus was undoubtedly political — and was killed for his politics. His parables were more often than not about social justice, and liberal positions are far more in keeping with Jesus’ teachings than those of the conservatives. Backing this up with Jesus’ quotes would bolster our argument that much more.
As for defiling “things they view as holy,” I would counter that graven images like the one I have “defiled” are supposed to be forbidden under Judeo-Christian doctrine — or at least should not be considered holy (made into idols). Anyone who protests too much needs to check themselves. Their protestation reveals that they are not following the teachings of their religion very well.
Just because one small group of heretical misfits uses Christ as a symbol, doesn’t mean rational people should. Here’s the full passage:
15 Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men. Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
21 They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.
22 When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
If you want to get a message across better to use “Matthew 22:21”. Most of the f*cking pin-striped biblically illiterate whacks won’t know what it means. But we will.
Been reading the Gnostic Bible a bit…
Although I think religion needs to stay the hell out of politics… I think one of the things that should get some attention is that perhaps Jesus wasn’t a celibate male… that he perhaps was married or had a female love interest. Someone he confided in and shared his work with… Mary Magdelene…
You know. The one the Christians call a whore.
Only two Mary’s to them. A virgin. The other a whore.
I think dispelling that would do much to save humanity from so much bloodshed hate.
Just my two pennies. π
I agree about the religion and politics thing, but I also acknowledge the reality of the religious right claiming Jesus for the GOP.
The Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ wife has gotten a lot of publicity lately because of the DaVinci Code.
Ah the Code. I’ve bought that for several people and my husband also bought me the illustrated version after I gave my hardcover to a friend to read.
I just like the idea of their being a woman in Jesus’ life. It repels the “women are evil and either whores or virgins” indoctrination for me. π
It made me start to try and find a way I could fit in with this G-d and Jesus “stuff” (for lack of a better term this hot and lazy Friday)
But I think my “religion” is an ever changing, very personal experience that will always continue… I just don’t think it can embrace the Christian bible though. No matter how hard I try to make it work and fit.
My friend has a post card on her fridge that says “Jesus was a Libera” π
Your second example (with a little better anti-aliasing around the hindlegs) is IMHO a powerful image for the audience at which you are aiming. This is THEIR image of Jesus – white, bearded, Essene (Oh no, all essene priests were married)
It will be, to them. shocking. They will say it is outrageous, blasphemous. They will come after you with their caring nukes and their elusive WMD.
But it doesn’t matter. They will remember this image. It will impinge upon their subconscious. Their pea-brains will struggle with the logical conflicts.
They will cast around for rebuttal images. All they will find will be Hannibal crossing the Alps and white men in howdahs with rifles.
You like elephants? Then never forget this image….
I have an uncle who still won’t talk to me after… two decades. When I was a teenage, I questioned the redheaded Jesus portrait that hung in my grandparents kitchen nook. (try drinking your Ovaltine as a kid looking at the outstrecthed body of a tortured, bleeding, pleading eyed man who is nailed to a cross)
no wonder they eat this torture up…
Anyways, It seems to be that Jesus was not pale skinned and had red hair.
Throw a turban on him, and darken his skin and the Christians will go insane.
Ahem, Janet – not sure about the turban – certainly not standard Essene issue. And red hair is certainly not impossible (look up Tokharians)
But you are right in that Jesus may well be judged as a potential terrorist on looks alone, and likely to be taken aside by customs officials if he tried to enter the USA today.
When asked “Are you or have you ever been a member of the communist party?” He might reply “Render unto Bush, that which is Bush’s”
Thanks Sven π okay maybe not a turban… but I doubt very much that if a long-haired redhead, wearing sandals showed up at my estranged family’s Talabaptist homes… that they’d shoot him off their property.
Yeah, not a great job with the masking. This was a quick rip from an image I found online. In the original, Jesus is surrounded by a crowd of people with palm fronds. One of the fronds overlaps the rear of the donkey, so I did a quick paint job to try and fix it. I’ll see if I get some time this weekend to do a better job. Then what? T-Shirts? Bumper Stickers?
An expensive T-shirt (4 colour). More practical as a bumper sticker – though I still have this image in my mind of the end of Easy Rider π
Great as a placard for political demos! And that way it might get seen – via the news – for a lot more people. Why not go open source and offer it is a file for people to download and print up as they wish – we can make sure you get the credit π
Like the idea except I think that Jesus should be depicted accurately-as a Jewish man of his times-and that would most definitely get peoples attention. Which I think also would lead to more honest and accurate discussions if he is depicted accurately. Truth in advertising and all that.
I am not religious either, but I think promoting this sort of image would be a mistake. He may, in the stories, have ridden a donkey, but I think it is counter-productive for it to be a Democratic Party donkey. Might be offensive to the more liberal gospel based and right wing christians alike.
I think concentrating more on the words in the biblical accounts might be better.. and drawing a subtle parallel to the policies. I’m not sure many right wingers have ever read them..
I was quoting one time the one about “if you have two coats, take one and give it to the poor” or something like that to a group of rather conservative christians, and I got told to…
“Stop spewing that commie nonsense!”