- Do you believe the Bush administration conspired to start an illegal war, resulting in the death of tens of thousands of innocent people?
- Do you believe as well thats it’s ridiculous to suggest that that same administration would conspire to blow up some buses (not talking specifically about London) killing hundreds of innocent people?
- People are asking whether a bank robber would mug someone on the street, and you’re telling them to take off their tin foil hats? Do you realize how fucked up that sounds?
As you can imagine I was banned from Kos, although I suppose I’m one of the people who could get back with an email, since I never actually participated in pushing conspiracy theories..I kept my thoughts on the subject to basically what I posted above.
I feel like an asshole for not supporting you guys over the pie ad fiasco, I fell under the category of “it’s Kos’ site, he can do what he wants” and while I still feel that way, I definitely have more sympathy for people who gave a lot of time, energy and support to that site, only to be spit out by it.
Anyway, I hope there’s room for one more here? I’m usually in a much better mood, I swear!
and if you want to wear your tinfoil hat, it always makes for nice party hat to celebrate your joining the Booman Tribune.
welcome also from Finland. Note that the minority AlterNative thinkers greet you first 😉
Do you know there was a photo of your sauna at the cafe recently? Or, at least, they claimed it was your sauna. 🙂
Let them claim!
My sauna has naked people in it – and I know that will not be published.
In due course – when I have mastered the mysteries of image posting and found an image posting site to my liking – I will publish a photo of the real sauna, wherein carefully posed ‘vihtaa’ will obscure the salient facts.
Until then, no sweat…
in order to speed up the delivery of the <ahem> sauna photos, might I suggest http://www.imagecave.com.
I’ve just started using it. Very easy and free.
I will investigate the aforementioned ‘host’ and refer to previous elucidations on the placing of imagery within this forum.
Bare with me viz
Glad to have you here! I can testify as a newcomer (I came over on the last boat) that this is a great place. Many of us who didn’t participate much in the Old Country are joining in discussion, diarying, etc., a lot more here.
I was wondering to myself today, not really wanting to say it aloud and stir waters, if we might see a new, small boatload arrive over the horizon, and here you are, fresh onto the friendly shore.
I’m so glad you dived right in.
End of metaphor!
you are HILARIOUS today! I have laughed out loud several times at your commentary. Thanks for making me smile on this Friday 😛
There needs to be an emoticon for blushing and looking pleased with oneself! (Thank you.)
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!
“..I came over on the last boat..”
make sure to say hi in the Froggy Bottom Cafe. It’s a good place to regain balance (and find a stiff drink) 🙂
There is always room for one more here in the Frog Pond. Welcome #1762!
How about a link to the diary in question!
That said, well come on in and join the group of non violent bloggers, who give 4’s first and think later.
What Kansas said is so true, she did come over on the first boat load from those distant shores and now she is here spreading good cheer everywhere.
BTW don’t feel bad, we did not need the support during the pie wars, the refugees did and we spread it around most diligently.
So come on over the Froggy Bottom cafe and get to know us and have some fun….Than you can go and check out my cooking diary…
Convergent vs divergent thought…
I think you’ll find a less critical attitude around here toward divergent thinking – there is less of a focus on ferocious debate, and no expectation of mass agreement. This is probably why I couldn’t even guess what percentage of Tribbers would self-identify as wearing tin-foil – I’ve yet to see a conversation here about what ‘we’ are or are not, should or shouldn’t be.
I’d like to point you toward BooMan’s What’s Booman Tribune About? diary. It turned into a big, happy love-fest, and makes for a great introduction to this place.
..is not accepted sauna apparel, but may be used to enclose sausage to be heated on the ‘stones’
* [new] Pleasse refer to (none / 1)
for further information
you can’t be me
by Sven Triloqvist on Fri Jul 8th, 2005 at 08:41:09 PM EDT
(I embedded the link so the page wouldn’t go so wide. – Susanhu)
Welcome and make yourself at home!
I found everyone here to be most welcoming and the pace much more mellow….I’d like to point you (if you haven’t found them already) to the “Recent Comments” — a VERY cool feature!
See you soon!
Welcome aboard.
You’ll find the first commandment here, as promulgated by Booman himself, is “Don’t be a prick.” Follow that and you’ll find things will go swimmingly in the frog pond.
Do check out the Froggy Bottom Cafe, it’s sort of the local C&J, where the 4’s are always on the house.
Regarding your original question, the logic is there, which is probably why it’s so frightening to even contemplate. Over in “the big city” (as I usually call it) I can see how this would be taken as soooo politically incorrect. After all, the media, senators, and what not might see it. 😉
That’s why framing is such powerful stuff. One the frame is accepted, anything that does not fit into it is discarded or jammed into place.
Now that a majority of Americans accept that BushCo. lied us into war, it is fair to question any accepted truth. Very hard to do because the premise keeps shifting. For instance, if we believe that x number of civilian Iraqi casualties were the cost of making war, what assumptions can we make about what BushCo. is willing to spend to further that war? Does it make a damn bit of difference to BushCo. whether the civilians are Iraqi, or Afghani, or anything else? I for one have a hard time imagining that individual life has any meaning beyond the political (Schiavo) posturing.
The raising of terror alerts for political gain has taken a terrible toll on Americans. While I have no data, I imagine that the pharmaceutical firms are making a tidy profit selling anti-anxiety, anti-depression meds because of the constant barrage of threat messages.
I have had a bad, bad feeling about this summer exactly because the BushCo. premise is starting to collapse. They have demonstrated that they’re willing to bet it all to achieve their objectives. A mad dog is most dangerous when he is cornered.
welcome aboard! Hey and come right on in and plant yourself down in the cafe’ for a nice welcome there. We are a different breed here and hope you enjoy your stay.
too. You’ll find these folks far more intelligent, reasonable, and kind-hearted than those of any other forum. And there’s much less ego, and many more open minds, per square inch of type too.
It’s the cream of the crop. (Spoken as one with the lowest of posting profiles, but I read often.)
I agree with you 100% in your view of the conspiracy stuff. I wouldn’t post on it because it will just stir up a shitstorm, and after all I don’t KNOW anything–I just find it quite reasonable to be suspicious.
For the record, I don’t suspect Blair of any complicity for a second. I think this hurt him badly, in more ways than one–it undermined his agenda for the G8 summit, on which he worked very hard. In fact, he’s been making life very inconvenient for Bush lately.
I like the idea of having a high standard for argument and evidence (and that’s certainly violated at times by people thinking on the edge). But I just hate the idea that certain thoughts, arguments, theories are unspeakable, and can’t be debated.
I have never seen that attitude here.
Yes, no, and yes. Welcome im wide awake. I’m sure you’ll find a far more tolerant and inclusive community here who may question your opinions on the merits while never attacking your intelligence or any penchant you may or may not have regarding your personal choice of headwear. You are certainly not alone in your exasperation at the refusal by so many to challenge the conventional sheepthink. I’m glad you’re here.