I wanted to see if we could get a list up of Boomaners who are planning to going to go to the Kos convention in June 2006. Since I’m a combat veteran of the pie wars I’m trying to decide if I ought to go or not. It would be nice if I knew Boomaners to look for there who would hold my hand and remove the pie shells and spray whip from my room every morning while I’m showering. Since I have discovered that a certain Boomaner here has some sort of crush on Mattman (I saw him first!) I don’t want them spending time together or anything like that!
Not I. I’m chained to my desk. I don’t know of anyone who is, and I’m still a regular over at Kos.
Put up a poll :o)
Not me either. Now if there was a BMT meetup….
I’m thinking Shirl’s house. Sounds like we could pitch tents on her property and, of course, Diane would provide all the food.
I have a tent. Do you think Mattman would come?
That didn’t sound right!
that even sounds wronger than the original wrong that it sounded to me.
You just keeping digging that hole a little deeper with each post, don’t you?
Now, who is this mattman?
Now I really want to know!
and I suppose you guys will all flock over there and read his pearls of wisdom. I miss him. I admit it. Maybe I shouldn’t have broken up with Kos cuz now I don’t get to see his friend. You know….it’s that girl thing. Then there is this one Boomaner just drooling on him over there. It is more than I can deal with somedays.
I know what you mean. I used to hate when the other girls drooled over my Carnacki. I’m sure his wife did, too.
I never suspected. My husband’s name is Matt so sometimes I wonder if Mattman isn’t just him Kossing at work. BWAHAHAHAHAHAH…..Yeah Right!
You should just go with that possibility. It might help heat things up if you know what I mean.
Remember when Carnacki confessed he had a crush on the Overstock.com girl? I was so jealous.
Have to go for the Gold Diggers?
of me too. She just has to be with me being half in love with her husband.
PS… I LIKED the beard
Hmmm…I’m not sure I like that last sentence…it sounds a bit like “she’s making me sick” — please tell me that’s not what you meant! What am I doing that is annoying you? I’ll stop, promise!
Hillary. He’s too much of a gift to the world for one woman to try to own. Oh Well!
I’m confused today. I have resigned myself? I have dissolved myself? I have accepted that I’m no better than Hillary and may one day be president?
LOL! You are cracking me up — you still drinking margaritas from last night??
Wish I was….
Erm, “hanging over”, well, maybe not, too many things hanging over these days in any case!
Shirl lives in Idaho, right? That’s close to me and I’d hitchhike if I had to!
I had never planned to attend the Kos convention. Totally unaffordable for me.
Maybe we could have this whole thing organized, and the invitations sent out before Shirl even gets up this morning!
What a surprise party that would be. 🙂
I am going to try to attend but won’t be sure until I see the final cost.
One possible!
Of course, I’m no Mattman. 😉
I like ya just the way you are!
Ditto! Don’t mind me and my “fascinations”. I am sometimes fascinated by strange things! Perhaps my husband will also come and if you are there you’ll experience what I’m talking about.
I would LOVE to meet your husband!
I believe! If enough folks on Booman go I’ll go. I don’t do many things for me right now. It would be fun and it would be a real pick me up for me before the 2006 elections! Hey, are you gonna drool on him too?
Who, me? Like I said, I don’t drool intentionally, but if anyone encourages me, I will! Though in your husband’s case, it’d probably havta be a shared drool and you’d get some too!
I’ll talk to the spouse about it (and the friends in Vegas)…we won’t know if we have the $$ to do it until about February or March of next year.
I know my husband would get a huge kick out of meeting some of the people who help me keep my sanity through some of the tough things that have happened lately and being pinned down in the reddest state, and my son requires a lot when he is home. He goes to kindergarten next month….I have to get a life now!
My husband says that the situation is desperate! Send money and beer!
Money we ain’t got, but maybe I can find someone who wants to drive a few cases into the eye of a hurricaine!
YeeHA! How long of a drive is it? (See, this is something I would have done in a heartbeat before I had kids….yes, I am lucky to still be alive, don’t I know it!)
possibly be able to spell hurricaine right (or at least misspell it consistently!)
Consistency is important when parenting. It totally messes them up when you do it over and over and over again. Nobody rich ever likes us! We laugh way too much and when I’m really tickled I sound like a horse…….but it’s a compliment…..does anybody have any idea how funny a woman in our culture has to think something is to allow herself to laugh like a horse? Is your sister going to alright in this thing?
I’ll get a huge kick out of meeting you — whereever it happens (and I know it will, just don’t know when yet!!)
Oh, kinder next month, mine goes off to FIRST grade! Do they have all day kinder in AL? Did you guys go to the “Open House” or whatever yet?
Last school yer was a HUGE learning experience for both me and my oldest — me more than him I think!
since I’m still over there (though over here more).
It’s like the workplace; I can be civil to just about anyone, but it doesn’t mean I’ll hang out with them at the bar after work.
Wonder if the Committee can get Keith Olbermann (aka my imaginary 2nd husband) to do a “How to do Serious News without taking yourself so goddammed seriously” segment… 🙂
I don’t think asking Keith, Carnacki, Mattman, and Al Gore to make themselves present and available to their supporters is too much to ask!
You bet your ass! 😉
How did the dentist appt. go and what kind of provisions did you get? the spouse and I were just watching some hurricaine stuff and I’ve been thinking about you! What kinda board games do you have ready to go?
and oil. I got more bottled water also in smaller bottles to freeze so that they can be used against the body if we lose AC for a long time and people get hot. I got some good ideas from some Boomers in Florida, or who have survived Florida. Batteries, radio, couldn’t find any tap lights though. We have lots of canned goods and things that will last for a while without refrigeration. We have a grill with a propane bottle to cook with if and when we lose power. I’m told that this place usually loses power for a little while when something this big hits around Pensacola. We are making sure our cell phones are charged and the vehicles all have gas, and we have a vehicle charger for the phones. As far as games we have Monopoly UGH!….my husband always wins…friggin Trump! We have Cranium which seems like the family favorite because Trump doesn’t model clay well or hum tunes well…..he he! Then when we want to toast him my daughter and I drag out the Scrabble and the little vein in his temple starts to pulse halfway through. He never figured out how to lose, I have never known anybody like him fighting the power. I knew he was coming back from Iraq though. His aura is all wrong……it says DO NOT SHOOT ME, I WILL NOT KILL YOU IF YOU DON’T ATTEMPT TO KILL ME. Monopoly though is different. We draw up divorce papers if we attempt to play Risk……what a stupid maniacal dice throwing game from hell. No brains involved much……just be an asshole and throw dice well. Something W ought to be good at. I wonder if he would pray before he throws the dice?
My husband said that they will generate their own power on post if it gets knocked out!!! He said that I can go to his office and shower if things completely suck after Dennis visits and they will have AC going if the base is running! If you are coming to my house bring your ID so that you can shower on post and sit in the AC!!!! YeeeeHawwww!
Oh, VERY good — now I can stop worrying!
Hee hee — I can just see me speeding my way across I-10 — all the cars going the other way!! In my younger days perhaps….
I am so glad you all are all stocke dup and ready to go…fun game my kid and I saw on Zoom yesterday:
Get a bunch of cards with words on them…split up into teams, one member of the team is the “artist” and looks at the card, then that person gets blindfolded and commences to draw a picture of whatever it was…teammate guesses what it is. SOrt of a poorman’s pictionary (with the added whackiness of having the person drawing blind!)
Have fun, lady, I gotta got fold laundry…yippie! It’s Friday night! I expect updates throughout the weekend!
I am also a pie war refugee. I admire anyone who can be civil to some one who has wronged them. Personally, I can hold a grudge with the best of them.
brave it with you. I don’t have anything happening at that time next year and school will be out and the kids on summer break. Also interested in the event that Teresa posted though too.
Buyblue.org is considering being present and as a director of buyblue it might go with them. I’ll be wearing Buyblue t-shirts and hats and stuff not orange if I go.
The other is that it might be the same week as my preferred whitewater rafting trip in Idaho. Depends on Idaho snow pack next year.
BF loves Vegas and Independence Air has decent rates from DC, so we’ll probably make a weekend of it. Him gambling, me politicizing and schmoozing.
A more than possible!
Are you talking about me? You are just going to have to SHARE! 😉
I may be in Vegas next summer but it will only be because I have old friends up there that we go visit (usually in June)…if it happens to be around the time of the convention, I may pop by…but we couldn’t afford to go this summer and there are no guarantees about next summer either…though I’m hoping! 😉
Oh Yeah! You know who you are!
And we talk about you behing your back too:
From Matt on Monday:
I’ll try to get my sorry ass over to BMT. Please tell MT that I miss her badly.
Feel better? 😉
You are making shit up now! That’s nice that he said that. I really do miss him! I always had this natural tendency to follow his train of thought…..sigh. It’s so nice to get along well with the guys when it happens!
intentionally, so you’d better be prepared to back that up, if you do mean me….
BTW, I know for a fact that he isn’t your husband kossing! 😉
Just how is it that you are so sure that it isn’t my husband? You act like you know him well or something.
Getting to know him better — we’ve been emailing back and forth since I offered to help him with the HTML stuff in your diary that day….
No worries, though, I’m married too and I’m MORE than happy to share him with YOU (of all people, you should know that what’s mine is yours….not that he’s “mine” in any sense of the word mind you!)
Silly me, I forgot about when you threw yourself at him that day. God this is fun!
I guess he’s just another Bill Clinton and I’m gonna have to share him with world!
He’s a Greek!! (And even though I’m only 1/2 Greek, we have bonded over our Mediterranean blood!)
a Geek! This does not help me with my Mattman fascination since I have always found Greek men sexy! You aren’t helping at all!
…the Greek Geek (ok, you’re rubbing off on me!)…that’s why I could gallantly hop in and help him (as he has so often professed to be on the “little bus” when it comes to all things technical…which is why I STILL don’t have a pic of him….imagination can do incredible things though!)
And whaddya mean I’m NOT helping??
Dammit, I just wanna come hang out with you!
Hope your daughter’s dentist appt. is nothing more than a cleaning!
Found a couple of extra oil lamps. This hurricane thing is beginning to look a little mean! A wire had come loose on her braces, poor kid. She didn’t get my teeth. I didn’t have do the torture. Why do all the guys with smart genes have crooked teeth?
It IS!! How far inland are you??
Tell your daughter that when I had my braces, my dad, I love him to death, but he is an economist, took me to the Georgetown dental school to have student-dentists work on my teeth….cheaper that way. Sometime in my second year of brace-dom, I took WIRECUTTERS to my braces because the stuff that had done in there was rubbing HOLES in the inside of my upper lip…very painful. BUT! the look on the student-dentist’s face (never had the same one twice…) when he said “open up” and then “hey, what happened here?” was worth all the pain!
Neither his supervisor or my dad was very happy about it, but then I showed them the leasions in the inside of my lip….
Anyway, tell your daughter that it’ll all be over before she knows it (I still had my braces on in my HS senior picture — closed mouth smile for obvious reasons) and that those little rubber bands they give you (but that you never wear) make really good hair bands for small braids and corn rows and such.
You all PLEASE stay safe, ok??
promise! I feel for you guys stuck with the braces. They have come a long way though these days from what I saw some of my friends having to endure! Thank God!! She is going to move to the rubber bands next month..that doesn’t sound like fun. This Ortho really seems to know what he is doing though and she has adapted to wearing them more smoothly than I anticipated. Course it seemed like a horror 20+ years ago!
Re; the horror show … yes, my braces were 25 years ago… I sure hope those students learned a lot!! Who knows, they are probably out there making mouths happier and brighter than ever! 😉
I’ve never thought of myself as one to bat her “virtual eyelashes” (as I have no practice with it in real life at all, lol), but I guess mattman, just bring that out in a girl! (yes, this is LOADS of fun! If this thread doesn’t get his butt over here, I don’t know what will….)
Hey how’s things on the hurricaine front? It’s back to being sunny, hot, and opressively humid here….bleeach.
Dentist this afternoon and seeing about a few more provisions. I think this may actually be fun if we happen to be in it’s path if all the tornadoes avoid us. Lot’s of family boardgame time.
having lived down souther in Texas than I am right now, I’m a bit leery of hurricaine “fun”…… if I’m being overprotective just tell me where to get off!
I think I’m about 70 miles inland so my husband has said that tornadoes will be our worst foe, and that the power will most likely go out for awhile. If this guy hits Pensacola to Mobile he isn’t being fun and nice to me. If he hits further East he will be only annoying. If any Boomer needs to escape and Enterprise is looking good email me at liberalbarking@yahoo.com and I will gladly provide directions, hots, and cots! I will check my email for as long as I can very very frequently. I hope my favorite Infidel Pig will be alright!
Ok, then — tornados…do ya’ll have a basement?
That one thing I HATE about Texas: no basements!!
Have we heard from IP lately? Is he closer to the shore than you are?
The whole state is a bed of clay and I guess the rain makes them undesirable too. We have a bricked in foundation under our back porch with a small doorway to get into. They have unbelievable tornado sirens here too, but I haven’t seen a REAL tornado before so who am I to talk about loud sirens……if I saw a real tornado I might understand.
Do ya’ll live on base?
Honey, I don’t think you want to see a ‘real’ tornado… hey do you have all your important stuff (records, passports, family pix, etc.) in some kind of waterproof/windproof box/container or something??
I’m sorry, I’m being a real nanny…any time you want me to stop, just tell me that you have it all under control (as I am sure that you do).
but I’m within a nice distance and all the vehicles have full gas tanks. I do have a fireproof waterproof safe type thing with nothing in it right now! I can fix that tomorrow though. Since I know that if we are out of power for an excessive time I will still be able to get myself and the kids a shower and some AC if its terribly hot I feel greatly relieved. I agree with you……I don’t think I really want to see a real tornado.
There was a time I was seriously considering going but not anymore. Have any of you ever been to Vegas in June? HOT, HOT, HOT. I still go to Kos to see what is going on over there every day. I never left but had come here in the very beginning and stayed because the atmosphere is great.
Honestly though I find out all the “Breaking” news right here. I just go over to watch brinnaine flirt with Mattman…..I mean help Mattman with his HTML
More likely to go to democracy fest if they have it someplace northern and cool.
I really hate to miss a party. Wish I could go along, but alas no. If there is ever a BT event, I promise not to miss it – I love the idea of a campground full of fellow travellers.
I try to visit Kos often, but usually get totally turned off. I wouldn’t dare start to publish the names of frogs that I have fallen for. You are incredibly brave.