These faces make me think of so many things…
friends, co-workers, classmates, people I have known here in the Bay Area who came to the city to make their way in the world….people I might someday have met….and now, likely won’t.
They are us. And by “us” I do mean all of us. All of us in this small world of ours…
and if we are ever going to turn back this tide of terror, I am convinced it will be because the majority of “us” decide to reach out and define a new “we”….a new kind of brotherhood and sisterhood…
a new equality of compassion and respect…
and it will be because those lured into tolerating the mindsets of terror, the mindsets of hate and of war, will look into the eyes of those we have lost and see themselves.
Peace to you.
And peace to you too.
There are so many who have suffered and continue to suffer. Innocent, yet dead for the whims of a diseased mind.
There are also these:
No faces. Only numbers. A final injustice.
“If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships – the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.” -FDR
We had made so much progress as a nation and a world since then… and now we are backsliding…
Until we change our foreign policy and reign in the abuses of our corporations, we will continue to create enemies the world over. It doesn’t matter how many “terrists” we shoot, for each one killed spawns three more in his/her place. You can’t shoot an “ism,” you have to fight it in other ways (uh oh… Karl Rove is gonna say I’m recommending therapy again, isn’t he?).
Maybe England can lead the world in the proper direction after their tragedy in the way the U.S. was unwilling to after 9/11… I can only hope so.
The people in the US were willing. It was the government that wasn’t.
We had the good will of the world with us, and BushCo abused it.
…as those who will not see.
Please keep expanding your thinking!
When we can truly think and believe that planet earth is our home, then ALL are family.
Thank you.