I’m ready to sit back, listen to my friends and have a couple nice glasses of wine.
I think that tonight, I’m going to put those great pillows we bought last week and stretch out on the floor in the corner. Then later, when I slide peacefully into sleep, no one will notice.
You’ve been through it! I hope you can sleep late tomorrow.
I’ve missed almost the whole day’s cafe, dammit. But gee, there was a lot of interesting stuff going on all over the site today. And I’m expected to work for a living, too?
I had peach cobbler. After reading all the nummy recipes in Diane’s diary I had to use up the peaches I bought yesterday. Boy was it good!
After eating lentils and rice and drinking iced green tea all day…being oh-so-good to my body, I decided to blow it all to hell by having a ginormous bowl of cobbler with ice cream. At least it was low(er) fat ice cream.
Well, due to a thyroid thing I gained 40 lbs in 4 months last year and I’m trying not to do that again without actually giving up eating any of the things I like. ‘Moderation’ has become the mantra. Unless there’s homemade macaroni and cheese involved, then all bets are off.
LOL!! In which case, let’s see, Second Nature gets a minus 4, Indylib gets a minus 3 (but only because SN claims to be a bigger glutton; we have no actual proof of that)and I am a mere minus 2??? Clearly, I’m not eating enough key lime pie! Must try harder.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie in the BooMan gluttony contest! Now come on, Second Nature, give me back that trophy so I can cut it in half and give Ssupersoling his rightful share. Second Nature! You come back here with that!
Oh man, how can I revel in my largeness when a worthy fellow glutton feels this way? Ok, I’ll give you the trophy, but I get to keep the crown. I do get a crown right?
The…absolute…biggest ;O) laugh I’ve had all day. OMG, more than a woman! The crown and sash she can have! Well, maybe if I ask her nicely……nope, nope, nope!
Thanks zander. Ending the day with a laugh…. and a prayer for Military Tracy and her family.
Heads up for anyone with access to CBC Newsworld… great segment on right now… Dead or Alive: The Hunt for Bin Laden – a look at the CIA with 5 million dollars in cash to spend in one month in Afghanistan seems to have replaced regularly scheduled programming….
I just saw a couple of references to a Kos purge…is this something new, or just another name for PieWars?
Saw one reference in the old FBC (before I noticed the “We’ve Moved” sign”, no wonder there were peanut shells crunching under my feet) and another in Mrs. Pastor’s WYFP diary over at dKos (more a Carnacki/WYFP cross — sharing wedding good stories/horror stories).
Just curious — I’ve been AFK all day spending time with the spouse. Didn’t find shoes (yet), but did pick up a few assorted household necessities.
Well, I tried to find the one story I saw, something from Kos about how he came to ban some people. But, I couldn’t find it. But they talk about it at the Welcome Wagon and there are several links there.
She was perkier. The best thing was that four doctors came by while I was there and one of them ordered a new blood test that will (I hope) rule out some bad stuff.
Also one of my sisters came in from out of town, and that helped. Mom & I have just about exhausted our supply of original material. I haven’t seen her in almost a year so we had a lot to talk about.
…I’m passing the mic to my not-quite-8-year-old Josie:
an original musical
• An angelic-looking ballerina doll with her tutu around her neck as Dracula’s Daughter!
• Two more ballerina dolls as her Two Best Friends!
• Their tiny toy dogs as the Terrifying Vampire Dogs!
• With Extra Special Guest Star Rescue Buzz Lightyear as Dracula!
• And featuring Holiday Barbie as Dracula’s Daughter’s Mom!
Thrill to the musical all of 30th Avenue is talking about!
[You’ll have to imagine the musical excerpt here, all sung by Josie including the creepy organ music.]
Chorus: Dracula’s dauuughterrrrrr!
(creepy organ music–dunh dunh duhhhhh!)
Dracula: Darling, you must driiiink bloooood!
Dracula’s Daughter: Daddy, I don’t liiiiiike blooooood!
Dracula’s Daughter’s Mom: Darling, blood is gooooooood for youuuuu!
Dracula: Listen to your moooooootherrrrr!
What a great performance Josie, I enjoyed it no end. Would you like to meet my 9 year old grandson…I think you two would get along well…
Thanks Lynn S.
Hey lady, if yo’re around, I’ll be on the lookout for ya! How’s the weather?? Are ya’ll playing fun games? Did ya eat rations for dinner? Still got electric and water?
Think I’ll have me a beer now and just chat with everyone. I promise not to punish any of you with my “singing” voice. I like you all too much for that.
Hey Indy. . .good to see you. Yep, in the hot summer days I really enjoy a good cold beer here! Really glad you like the vibes, but I have to question your choice of jokes. . .especially after the “groaner” I left Omir with on Booman’s front page post yesterday. I still hear faint echos of his pain. . .
I get it from an old boss, I think, whom I absolutely adored. Even though he had the corniest sense of humor on the face of the planet, he still made me laugh. Also, I can be weirdly gullible for someone who’s relatively intelligent, so he was always getting me with the same lame jokes–like any time I’d tell him I couldn’t hear what he’d said he’d give me the straight-man face and go, “What?” So I’d start repeating myself and then he’d laugh and I’d laugh. Idiots.
What have I been up to? Yet another jeans size since I ate that damn key lime pie. š
More seriously, I struggle with autoimmune endocrinological disease and lately life has been unfortunately centered on that. But I’m a huge fan of finding the bright side of things, so mostly I’m keeping busy being grateful for the blessings I have rather than pissed off about what I don’t.
So when’s this huge frog gathering at your place and do I really have to bring my own potty? š
My sympathies for your health concerns. And the “silver lining” stuff always seems to work best for me too.
Oh, I so relate to the gullible, and you can add naive in there too. . .and let’s not bring up the jean sizes, K?
I love a bad joke just as much as anyone. Groaners are just so much fun!
The virtual huge frog gathering, which is a wild rumor started by Second Nature and perpetuated by Kansas and Catnip. . .helped along in no small part by myself. . .Is whenever we make a date for it. And since you all have such implicit instructions on how to get here, I imagine there is no stopping it now.
It will be great fun even if it is virtual, but I think our experience in the cafe will bode us well. No you don’t have to bring your own potty, but as I said I have only one so the other options may be creative but interesting if we have a couple a hundred froggies show up! The potentials boggle the mind.
Sorry I was so slow to respond to you, but Diane called me and forced me into uncontrollable laughter as she was <s>chastising</s>. . .er suggesting to me I may have wished to have said something a little differently. My sides still ache. I don’t know what gets into us all on Saturday nights, or wee hours of the morning, but I haven’t laughed out loud this hard for most of a whole day in a long, long time.
An unidentified toddler is drawn to the Pied Gooserock while waiting for a Puget Sound ferry. Since I’m playing Irish music, the place is momentarily a pub, and kids are welcome when accompanied by parents.
In honor of the company present, here in ABC music notation format is a lighthearted Irish reel called “The Woman of the House.”
I swear there’s no photoshopping here. Just as I was pulling into the store to buy my lotto ticket, the odometer did this:
Surely such a portentious Odometer Palindrome means I’ll have won that lotto, and by Monday afternoon will be shipping kegs and wine barrels to all pond dwellers, to celebrate having purchased the Republican Party.
I just wanted to remind everyone that in less than eight hours, we’ll be getting together for bagels, cream cheese and stories as Sunday Griot returns after a weeks’ absence.
And in honor of the movie I saw today, this week’s Sunday Griot will feature bats.
The lack of interest in the FBC sauna has forced me to reconsider. I’m adding a screen for showing virtual movies, with surround löyly.
We’ll be re-running ‘Aalto cowboys go modernist’ (Finland 1957, D: Aki Kaurismäki. Sven Triloqvist, Turk Thrust) “Existentialist Finns contemplate wooden structures while saying or doing very little. Slower than Father Panchali. It’s was one of the first in a Nouvella Vague of ‘Still’ pictures”
I’ve also picked up the DVD of ‘Fatty McButterpants’ (USA 2005, widescreen, D: X.S. Kilos. Wanda Lard, Fred Bacon) “Groundhog Day revisited. Fatty is forced to eat the same cake over and over again, while casting a larger and larger shadow over the entire town. The groundhog never sees daylight.
And I’m trying to track down a copy of ‘Zander & Shirl’(USA 1991, D: Ridley Scott. Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon. “Nothing has dated about its tale of two bloggers who decide that being outlaws and eventual death on their own terms is better than putting up with any more nonsense from husbands, boyfriends, rapists and offensive strangers”
I’m ready to sit back, listen to my friends and have a couple nice glasses of wine.
I think that tonight, I’m going to put those great pillows we bought last week and stretch out on the floor in the corner. Then later, when I slide peacefully into sleep, no one will notice.
You’ve been through it! I hope you can sleep late tomorrow.
I’ve missed almost the whole day’s cafe, dammit. But gee, there was a lot of interesting stuff going on all over the site today. And I’m expected to work for a living, too?
It’s not fair is it?
Yesterday was especially weird for me.
All that talk the day before about Renquist retiring. I thought I’d come home to big news. But,
nothing about it at all.
It’s so confusing!
Yeah, now that you mention it, what’s up with that? All that build-up, then pfft.
I had key lime pie today.
I just thought everybody ought to know.
I hate you. I had to share that.
Not really (you know that). But I wish I had Key Lime Pie today.
Envy is a horrible, horrible thing.
I had peach cobbler. After reading all the nummy recipes in Diane’s diary I had to use up the peaches I bought yesterday. Boy was it good!
After eating lentils and rice and drinking iced green tea all day…being oh-so-good to my body, I decided to blow it all to hell by having a ginormous bowl of cobbler with ice cream. At least it was low(er) fat ice cream.
Twas banana cream pie what done me in. . .and I am glad it did!
You are very funny this evening, Ms. Katiebird.
She smiles modestly (But she’s not really surprised)
Over the course of the past week or so, I have eaten almost an entire key lime pie and almost an entire tub of Cool Whip. Beat that.
I laugh at your inept eating. hahahahha. I could scarf it up within 24 hours.
Well, due to a thyroid thing I gained 40 lbs in 4 months last year and I’m trying not to do that again without actually giving up eating any of the things I like. ‘Moderation’ has become the mantra. Unless there’s homemade macaroni and cheese involved, then all bets are off.
Can we give negative ratings for torture?
LOL!! In which case, let’s see, Second Nature gets a minus 4, Indylib gets a minus 3 (but only because SN claims to be a bigger glutton; we have no actual proof of that)and I am a mere minus 2??? Clearly, I’m not eating enough key lime pie! Must try harder.
Oh my God! I win the biggest glutton award? I’m not even prepared with a speech! Oh, who to thank?…
Just smile modestly and accept it with grace. You deserve it, I’m sure.
Key Lime Pie? That’s nothin! Last night I ate a whole Entenmanns chocolate cake by myself. Hell yeah. I was fat and lovin it. I do love chocolate :O)
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie in the BooMan gluttony contest! Now come on, Second Nature, give me back that trophy so I can cut it in half and give Ssupersoling his rightful share. Second Nature! You come back here with that!
I think it is rightfully his because he actually ate an entire chocolate cake while I only said I could eat a whole pie.
I never win anything š
Oh man, how can I revel in my largeness when a worthy fellow glutton feels this way? Ok, I’ll give you the trophy, but I get to keep the crown. I do get a crown right?
So… um… why does this seem like such an unlikely thread for a light beer?
I am honored to recieve the Booman Gluttony Award. I will wear my crown, I do get a crown right?, with pride.
I will fight to the death for that crown. But you can have the “Fatty McButterpants” sash. Wear it well, my dear.
O.K., it’s a trade then ;O)
I dare any of you to grab that crown or sash… you’ll have a fight on your hands…That is Tarnrarin Chansawang, Miss Jumbo Queen 2005.
The…absolute…biggest ;O) laugh I’ve had all day. OMG, more than a woman! The crown and sash she can have! Well, maybe if I ask her nicely……nope, nope, nope!
Thanks zander. Ending the day with a laugh…. and a prayer for Military Tracy and her family.
Peace, and good night
OMG. . .stop, stop. . .I can’t breathe. . .laughing too hard. . . tears running down cheeks (on my face too). . .OMG!
I haven’t laughed this hard since I talked to Diane a half hour ago. . . .literally ROFLMAO. . .
Heads up for anyone with access to CBC Newsworld… great segment on right now… Dead or Alive: The Hunt for Bin Laden – a look at the CIA with 5 million dollars in cash to spend in one month in Afghanistan seems to have replaced regularly scheduled programming….
DEAD OR ALIVE: THE HUNT FOR BIN LADEN – an unscheduled rerun… ?
So I had to run out and get some. I’m Back!
Katiebird – I’m not sure if it’s been much of a problem or not, but right now I’m getting an ‘image not available’ x for the pic in this diary.
The permanent link for that pic is .. here.
I moved it and am pointing to another place. Try refreshing — I think it works now. (thanks!)
Did you mean that all the drinks are on you tonight?
Why of course!!! The bar is always stocked and always free!
I just saw a couple of references to a Kos purge…is this something new, or just another name for PieWars?
Saw one reference in the old FBC (before I noticed the “We’ve Moved” sign”, no wonder there were peanut shells crunching under my feet) and another in Mrs. Pastor’s WYFP diary over at dKos (more a Carnacki/WYFP cross — sharing wedding good stories/horror stories).
Just curious — I’ve been AFK all day spending time with the spouse. Didn’t find shoes (yet), but did pick up a few assorted household necessities.
Today was a good day…
Well, I tried to find the one story I saw, something from Kos about how he came to ban some people. But, I couldn’t find it. But they talk about it at the Welcome Wagon and there are several links there.
(I’m sorry I can’t be more help)
I figured it out from the Welcome Wagon…I can see deleting the diaries, but banning the posters and recommenders? That sucks…
Guess having an actual Real Life does have its benefits…
How’s Mom doing, BTW?
She was perkier. The best thing was that four doctors came by while I was there and one of them ordered a new blood test that will (I hope) rule out some bad stuff.
Also one of my sisters came in from out of town, and that helped. Mom & I have just about exhausted our supply of original material. I haven’t seen her in almost a year so we had a lot to talk about.
…I’m passing the mic to my not-quite-8-year-old Josie:
an original musical
• An angelic-looking ballerina doll with her tutu around her neck as Dracula’s Daughter!
• Two more ballerina dolls as her Two Best Friends!
• Their tiny toy dogs as the Terrifying Vampire Dogs!
• With Extra Special Guest Star Rescue Buzz Lightyear as Dracula!
• And featuring Holiday Barbie as Dracula’s Daughter’s Mom!
Thrill to the musical all of 30th Avenue is talking about!
[You’ll have to imagine the musical excerpt here, all sung by Josie including the creepy organ music.]
Chorus: Dracula’s dauuughterrrrrr!
(creepy organ music–dunh dunh duhhhhh!)
Dracula: Darling, you must driiiink bloooood!
Dracula’s Daughter: Daddy, I don’t liiiiiike blooooood!
Dracula’s Daughter’s Mom: Darling, blood is gooooooood for youuuuu!
Dracula: Listen to your moooooootherrrrr!
[People, you cannot make this stuff up.]
What a great performance Josie, I enjoyed it no end. Would you like to meet my 9 year old grandson…I think you two would get along well…
Thanks Lynn S.
Lol, indeed! Especially as a fanatical Buffy and Angel fan, I just love this. Your daughter must be a pistol!
Un rec. the old diary, please
I tried! I swear, I tried! But I just couldn’t do it!
Hey lady, if yo’re around, I’ll be on the lookout for ya! How’s the weather?? Are ya’ll playing fun games? Did ya eat rations for dinner? Still got electric and water?
Ah, it has been an exhilarating day.
Things are feeling good in the Universe.
Think I’ll have me a beer now and just chat with everyone. I promise not to punish any of you with my “singing” voice. I like you all too much for that.
So Prost!
You always have fine beer, good vibes, and great jokes. Skol!
Hey Indy. . .good to see you. Yep, in the hot summer days I really enjoy a good cold beer here! Really glad you like the vibes, but I have to question your choice of jokes. . .especially after the “groaner” I left Omir with on Booman’s front page post yesterday. I still hear faint echos of his pain. . .
What have you been up to lately?
:: whispers :: I like bad jokes.
I get it from an old boss, I think, whom I absolutely adored. Even though he had the corniest sense of humor on the face of the planet, he still made me laugh. Also, I can be weirdly gullible for someone who’s relatively intelligent, so he was always getting me with the same lame jokes–like any time I’d tell him I couldn’t hear what he’d said he’d give me the straight-man face and go, “What?” So I’d start repeating myself and then he’d laugh and I’d laugh. Idiots.
What have I been up to? Yet another jeans size since I ate that damn key lime pie. š
More seriously, I struggle with autoimmune endocrinological disease and lately life has been unfortunately centered on that. But I’m a huge fan of finding the bright side of things, so mostly I’m keeping busy being grateful for the blessings I have rather than pissed off about what I don’t.
So when’s this huge frog gathering at your place and do I really have to bring my own potty? š
My sympathies for your health concerns. And the “silver lining” stuff always seems to work best for me too.
Oh, I so relate to the gullible, and you can add naive in there too. . .and let’s not bring up the jean sizes, K?
I love a bad joke just as much as anyone. Groaners are just so much fun!
The virtual huge frog gathering, which is a wild rumor started by Second Nature and perpetuated by Kansas and Catnip. . .helped along in no small part by myself. . .Is whenever we make a date for it. And since you all have such implicit instructions on how to get here, I imagine there is no stopping it now.
It will be great fun even if it is virtual, but I think our experience in the cafe will bode us well. No you don’t have to bring your own potty, but as I said I have only one so the other options may be creative but interesting if we have a couple a hundred froggies show up! The potentials boggle the mind.
Sorry I was so slow to respond to you, but Diane called me and forced me into uncontrollable laughter as she was <s>chastising</s>. . .er suggesting to me I may have wished to have said something a little differently. My sides still ache. I don’t know what gets into us all on Saturday nights, or wee hours of the morning, but I haven’t laughed out loud this hard for most of a whole day in a long, long time.
An unidentified toddler is drawn to the Pied Gooserock while waiting for a Puget Sound ferry. Since I’m playing Irish music, the place is momentarily a pub, and kids are welcome when accompanied by parents.
In honor of the company present, here in ABC music notation format is a lighthearted Irish reel called “The Woman of the House.”
X: 132
T:Woman of the House, The
DBBA B2BA|GABd eBdB|A2GB A2Bd|eB~B2 eBdB|!
|:f2fd edBd|edfd edBd|f2fd edBd|eaag abag|!
f2fd edBd|g2fd edBA|GABG A2GA|1BGAG EGGe:|2BGAG EGGE:|]!
If there’s a call for it later, I’ll be happy to play for a step dance or two.
Reminds one of what’s really important in life.
Had a delightful conversation about pierced earrings with a 6 year old or so young lady at IHOP this morning. š
It has been funny and wild all over the pond today and tonight. I’m still laughing over the Fatty McButterpants sash.
You guys don’t even think about behaving yourself. I expect to be entertained by reading your exploits as I have my coffee in the morning.
Night all. You run a fun cafe, Katieb.
I swear there’s no photoshopping here. Just as I was pulling into the store to buy my lotto ticket, the odometer did this:
Surely such a portentious Odometer Palindrome means I’ll have won that lotto, and by Monday afternoon will be shipping kegs and wine barrels to all pond dwellers, to celebrate having purchased the Republican Party.
Back away from the camera, Gooserock. You are obviously spending waaaay too much time looking through a view finder, lol.
I’m so excited we won!!
I just wanted to remind everyone that in less than eight hours, we’ll be getting together for bagels, cream cheese and stories as Sunday Griot returns after a weeks’ absence.
And in honor of the movie I saw today, this week’s Sunday Griot will feature bats.
Draw me a pint of Guinness, then.
The lack of interest in the FBC sauna has forced me to reconsider. I’m adding a screen for showing virtual movies, with surround löyly.
We’ll be re-running ‘Aalto cowboys go modernist’ (Finland 1957, D: Aki Kaurismäki. Sven Triloqvist, Turk Thrust) “Existentialist Finns contemplate wooden structures while saying or doing very little. Slower than Father Panchali. It’s was one of the first in a Nouvella Vague of ‘Still’ pictures”
I’ve also picked up the DVD of ‘Fatty McButterpants’ (USA 2005, widescreen, D: X.S. Kilos. Wanda Lard, Fred Bacon) “Groundhog Day revisited. Fatty is forced to eat the same cake over and over again, while casting a larger and larger shadow over the entire town. The groundhog never sees daylight.
And I’m trying to track down a copy of ‘Zander & Shirl’(USA 1991, D: Ridley Scott. Geena Davis, Susan Sarandon. “Nothing has dated about its tale of two bloggers who decide that being outlaws and eventual death on their own terms is better than putting up with any more nonsense from husbands, boyfriends, rapists and offensive strangers”
Huh. Guess I’ll have to bring my own lesbian porn.
(That’s a joke! Whenever you look at me like that, it’s a joke. /Krusty the Klown)
I have an old VHS of ‘Catholic High School Girls in Heat’ somewhere in the cellar – but it’ll be tricky smuggling it in past Diane…
“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”
Shirl comes instantly awake from a semi-sombulent stete. . . Lesbian Porn? Did someone say Lesbian Porn?
Eyes drifting shut. . . foggy froggy thoughts. . .oh, it must have been that PBS program about Lebanese Corn. . .silly me.
You already had me with “We won’t be foiled again,” over on that other thread, but this is ridiculously hilarious!
Even an audence of 1 is better than none at all š
I contain multitudes.