“July 23, 2005: Seattle Labor Temple at 2800 1st Ave in Downtown Seattle July 23, 2005, 1:00 PM.
Congressman McDermott has confirmed that he will participate. Also invited are Congressmen Inslee and Smith, and Senators Cantwell and Murray.
Showing of DVD, dramatic reading of the DSM. Sign up here!“-from AfterDowningStreet.org.
From Howie Martin’s blog
Sadly I don’t live in Seattle
or I’d attend.
i was thinking that maybe this’d inspire people to do the same wherever they are.
Forty Events on July 23rd
Mourn the Losses, Learn the Truth, and Investigate the Lies
There are currently 40 events planned around the country for Saturday, July 23, the three-year anniversary of the famous meeting on Downing Street. It’s definitely not too late to make it 41. Early next week we’ll announce these events to the media.
Find one near you: