In past diaries I have opined that Judith Miller’s refusal to testify before the grand jury investigating the Valerie Plame affair is rooted not in her desire to protect confidential sources, but rather in her belief that she herself is a target of the investigation facing possible indictment. I believe that the evidence in support of this theory is more in evidence every day.
At least two news accounts have hinted that special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has a journalist in his sights in his ongoing investigation.
The Washington Post reported on July 6, 2005 that “sources close to the investigation say there is evidence in some instances that some reporters may have told government officials — not the other way around — that Wilson was married to Plame, a CIA employee.”
And on July 9th The Los Angeles Times reported that “it appears clear that one possibility pursued by Fitzgerald is whether a journalist started a chain of conversations about Plame between reporters and White House officials.”
Other things are also clear. Fitzgerald has indicated in court papers that he wants to learn more about contacts Miller had with an “identified government official” that occurred on or about July 6, 2003 — the date Joe Wilson’s op-ed piece discrediting administration claims that Saddam Hussein had attempted to buy yellow cake from Niger — appeared in The New York Times. Fitzgerald also states that Miller’s “source,” whose identity he already knows, has signed a waver freeing Miller to testify about whatever communication she had with him. Fitzgerald has obtained blanket wavers from four White House officials, including Karl Rove, so it is probably a safe bet that Miller is “protecting” one of those four.
Miller, of course, is not the only journalist who has become a “person of interest” to the special prosecutor. She is, however, the only one who has claimed blanket immunity against even having to appear before the grand jury. Matthew Cooper of Time, Inc., for example, testified last summer along with Glenn Kessler and Walter Pincus of The Washington Post and Tim Russert of NBC about discussions they had with Dick Cheney Chief of Staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby after Libby provided a “personal waver” releasing them from any promise of confidentiality. According to press reports, the journalists sought and received additional assurances from Fitzgerald that placed limits on their testimony. “I personally called Libby about a waiver,” Mr. Cooper told The New York Times, “and he said that if it was O.K. with his lawyer it was O.K. with him.” Cooper has now agreed to testify a second time after receiving what he regarded as similar assurances from Karl Rove.
So in at least five other cases journalists, all of whom refused to honor blanket wavers signed by their sources because they might have been coerced, sought and received personal wavers and then agreed to testify. They also all apparently sought and received some assurances from Fitzgerald allowing them to limit their testimony.
Now what of Judith Miller? According to The New York Times:
Jack Shafer of Slate, a frequent critic of Miller, but a defender of her right to protect her sources, has been highly critical of her blanket refusal to appear before the grand jury. He wrote in Slate: “I don’t know of any court, let alone the Supreme Court, that is likely to hold that reporters possess a near automatic right to ignore grand jury subpoenas.”
So let’s add it all up: At least four other reporters on at least five other occasions refused, as did Miller, to honor blanket wavers that might have been coerced. The other four sought and received personal wavers. Miller did not. The other four negotiated with and won concessions from Fitzgerald. Miller did not. Only Miller claimed a right to defy the grand jury. In other words, Miller left no wiggle room for compromise on any grounds and set up a situation wherein Judge Thomas Hogan, a proponent of journalists’ right to protect confidential sources, had no alternative but to jail her.
Could it be that Miller, given a choice between subjecting herself to questions by the grand jury that might have delved into her own possible role in the outing of Valerie Plame, or going off to jail, chose the latter while camouflaging her decision with speeches about the need to protect a free press?
I am with you on this one and you have laid out a very good case…
Shall I mention the name Bolton, which I think may tie in here some where.
What Diane said.
I think Bolton is in this thing up to his ugly eyebrows.
Does JB fit into this matter as he has been running around with SECRET Memos between NSA – Chalabi – Feith – CIA?
2001 Nomination endorsed by Jesse Helms –
Earthlink – John Bolton
What Did John Bolton Do with the NSA Intercept Information?
Did He Violate National Security Laws?
I followed the PropaGannon diaries @dKos in February, but haven’t kept track since on the Valerie Plame investigation.
A few added comments on John Bolton @ dKos thread – link here
Diaries/Comments @BooMan
I have wondered myself whether one of the names he targeted was Plame’s. That would certainly explain why Bush won;t turn that data over to Biden et al.
Doesn’t it seem plausible that Miller was cozy with Rove and Bolton on the build up to the war, wasn’t she part of the feeding trough???
the way I see it there is a whole network of letting stories out, and it extends way into cable news media personalities. Part of the paid propaganda machine of Bush Co. Well gee whiz I just witnessed it today on Fox, how they spun the story, on the panels, however it was somewhat fairly covered on news ‘type’ shows.
At the head of the is the ‘double super secret source’ and Bolton is one of his tools., as I mentioned before somewhere today, Gannon said they/some reporters were at times briefed privately by unable to be named ‘Senior Source’. Who????would that be????
This may have been covered before as there is so much on this present situation I cannot read it all.
Miller is not protecting journalistic priviledge. She is covering her own ass. She is neck-deep in the neocon gang — think McQuire hanging with Sinatra’s Rat Pack — and got caught up in the glamour of conspiring with powerful men. I believe she’s a tough cookie but I hope as she talks to the other women in detention awaiting their conspiracy convictions that she’ll start to realize that she’s been used and is disposable. Her only salvation is turning state’s evidence…
release to reveal source from KR. KR’s lawyer denied
that he did and said there were phone calls to
him from Cooper’s lawyers. Cooper then said that he
meant ‘particular’ release when he said ‘personal.’
Why isn’t that good enough for little Judy.
She saw how popular Martha was after spending time
in the slammer so she is cloning Martha. 🙂
I think Miller wants to have her own way and also be liked. She never bargained for her reporting coming under the fire that it did. I guess she figured if it was in the newspaper of record it would just be believed. Guess again, Judy. Now she is savoring the more palatable image of “martyr Miller.”
August 26, 2002: Cheney declares that “we now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons…. Many of us are convinced that Saddam will acquire nuclear weapons fairly soon.”
September 24, 2002: The United Kingdom issues a report on Iraq’s WMD program, stating that “there is intelligence that Iraq has sought the supply of significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Iraq has no active civil nuclear power programme or nuclear power plants, and therefore has no legitimate reason to acquire uranium.”
Niger denies selling uranium to Iraq
BBC News Dec. 26, 2002 — Britain’s dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, which was released in September, says that Saddam Hussein tried to get “significant quantities of uranium from Africa”.
Iraq uranium row spreads to Italy
BBC News July 16, 2003 — The UK Prime Minister Tony Blair told Parliament on Wednesday that he stood by the UK’s uranium claim. “The intelligence on which we based this was not the so-called forged documents that have been put to the IAEA, and the IAEA have accepted that they got no such forged documents from British intelligence,” he said.
The UK has said only that its information came from foreign intelligence, but will not specify which country.
A furious Mr Straw told Colin Powell
British officials “at the highest levels” [re: Jack Straw – Ed] had persuaded the White House to keep Mr Bolton off the team negotiating with Libya to give up its nuclear programme in 2003.
Colin Powell plainly didn’t like what he was hearing. At a meeting in London in November 2003, his counterpart, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, was complaining to Powell about John Bolton, according to a former Bush administration official who was there. Straw told the then Secretary of State that Bolton, Powell’s under secretary for arms control, was making it impossible to reach allied agreement on Iran’s nuclear program.
Related Diaries/Comments @BooMan by Oui
is where the info on Plame’s identity/role came from. If, as I believe, it came from Miller’s long-time pentagon-connected neocon source either directly to her or through putative paramour Chalabi, then she would indeed have reason to take the contempt charge. In this case, she would either be wittingly conspiring to reveal protected information, or at least burning a very powerful source. Since this source is not on the WH staff, there is no pressure on them to release her. If she blabbed they would be facing serious charges.
If the Plame info somehow came from NSA documents and identities requested by Bolt-on, it is not clear whether he would launder them through a reporter who fed the tip to the WH and some GOP flacks, or why Miller would be special. Similarly, if the disputed ‘meeting memo’ were, in fact, genuine, it is not clear why Miller would be special in the prosecution’s eyes.
Another reason I thing the OSP is tied in is the story that Fitzgerald was also looking into the Larry Franklin espionage case, which also revolves around the policy of “fixing the intelligence” and the OSP.
I think Miller is more than a propagandist. For 3 decades she has been spilling White House propaganda and looks very much like an employee. An agent. Think about it, she had enough “pull” to ramrod a military mission in Iraq so she must be much more than a reporter. Just my 2 cents.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer has dropped investigations into the coin-gate and National City Bank scandals due to fears that their reporters may end up in jail.
Let’s hope the Toledo Blade sticks around for awhile. It may become the New York Times of the midwest…
The meme about the “chilling effect” on the PD of Miller’s fix has been circulated widely (primarily by journalists using the case to push for a federal shield law).
Before accepting that at face value, it’s important to consider a few things: 1) Ohio already has a shield law, 2) Clifton (the PD editor) has said that the reporters involved were willing to go to jail if necessary but the paper wasn’t. (Papers don’t go to jail.), 3) This is the paper where the editorial board voted to endorse Kerry but the Republican owner wanted to endorse Bush. (So they ended up not endorsing either after we mounted a massive mail/e-mail/phone campaign), and 4) (Perhaps most important) The PD was scooped big time on Coingate by the Toledo Blade which has done a superb job of investigative reporting.
I must admit to some skepticism that they really had something important or couldn’t have gotten it out if it was significant. Suspect that the editor may have used the Miller affair to play victim and get some positive press for what is a third rate newspaper.
Agree with you about the Blade and wish it well. In fact, given that it’s privately owned, they may be able to do more honest journalism than the calcified MSM.
I thought it was interesting on Keith’s show last night the guest (shit, I forget his name) said that a federal crime had been committed only if a person with the security clearance to know Valerie Wilson’s covert status intentionally disclosed that status. He didn’t know if Rove had that level of security clearance, and seemed to think it would be unusual. So Miller may have been part of a conspiracy, but she could not have committed a federal crime in disclosing Wilson as a covert agent according to these standards.
I think there will be a real break through when the reporting on this story starts to connect the dots between what happened to Joe and Valerie Wilson and what was revealed by the Downing Street Minutes. This whole thing is fall out from “fixing the facts around the policy” of waging an illegal and immoral war.
I don’t agree that Miller would be legally in the clear if she participated in the outing of Plame. She probably could not be prosecuted under the same 1982 statute that would apply to Rove, but there are lots of different statutes she could be charged under if she conspired with individuals in the Executive Branch to break the law.
Regarding the Downing Street Memos and Minutes, a major component of the strategy to “fix the facts around the policy” had to be the barrage of dubious WMD articles by Judy Miller that regularly graced the front page of the New York Times and then were eagerly cited on the Sunday morning news shows by people like Cheney. It doesn’t take rocket science to connect the dots between “fixing the facts” and Judy Miller.
This may be tinfoilish, but how do we know Judith Miller didn’t have the security clearance to know this? I’ve heard that the CIA cultivates sources in the news media, because it’s a convenient way to gather information without alerting suspicion. Other intelligence agencies might do the same, and we already know that the Office of Special Plans was designed to spread disinformation in the media. Miller is certainly acting as a conduit for administration misinformation, and it’s possible she was also providing information in the other direction found during the course of her “journalistic” investigations.
Miller might very well have intelligence ties, through which she might have learned about Valerie Plame Wilson’s work in intelligence. She could be the original source. Even if she’s not an agent in that sense, I would not be surprised to find that she’s being used by the OSP to spread the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Pentagon line in the media.
If she’s any kind of conduit for those people, it makes sense that she would tell Rove. It obscures the real source of the information, and provides plausible deniability for them. As much as the Cheney faction within the White House agrees with Rove, they’re separate factions (military vs. political) and if they had to cut him loose to save themselves, they’d do it. The question is which side is Bush himself on? Does he trust Rove or Cheney more, if in fact they’re at odds? My guess is that Bush sides with Cheney, which increases the likelihood that Rove is in trouble. But if we get Rove and the ultimate source was Cheney, then we’ll have been collectively played. It’s possible that Fitzgerald has figured this out, and it’s why he’s pushing so hard against Miller.
I first heard that she was going to jail, I knew that it would just be buying her some time at the most.
My intuition tells me that Judy Miller is in the thick of this, and that regardless of her “standing on principle” or “protecting her sources”…her misdeeds will come out anyway and she’s going down, too.