We’re deep into Happy Hour here on the Right Coast, so we’ve dimmed the lights, donated the leftover pastries to Daily Bread, and opened up the bar.
We’ve got a wide selection of international beers and microbrews, but mass-market American p*sswater is, I regret, unavailable. Oenophiles may be pleased to discover the latest arrivals from South Africa (the hot new place for wines, don’tcha know).
Mixed drinks aren’t my specialty, but one of the cadre of hosts should be able to help with your requests of Rob Roys, Harvey Wallbangers, and Pym’s Cups. Just don’t ask for a Screaming Viking.
So how’s your day been?
but Sven and I are crashing your lounge tonight with a live band, lights, and plenty of bed sheets for all.
Sven, you can borrow this:
I hope this isn’t a men only party as the drift was on the last thread.
So do you have some togas for the women folk, we need some beautiful ones, btw.
diane101, all of you! The only way to get thrown out is to attempt to steal the keg tap–in fact that may get you more than thrown out. 😉
Who do you think is in this pic, manegee, Sven, Brother, I wonder, I just took a ramdom snap……Please name point out which you are…..
That would be me in the middle, but as I am 1″ shorter than Man EG we must be standing on steps
I look so pale! maybe it’s the yellow…
You guys are so cute (mean that both in the pic. and in your virtual real life), so who is the remaining ufo in the pic, come on now, someone, fess up.
Not at all! I’ve got to go to dinner with the old man (I’ve never turned down a meal yet) but will back to party ’til the wee hours. I even put that phrase in the title!
Sadly I’ll be long gone -It’s 01.09 in Finland now, and tomorrow I have to go shoot a Tanzanian youth football team for charity…
Aim carefully. Those little fellas can be evasive, and you don’t want to run out of ammo.
What charity would want you to do such a thing?
Laurel and Hardly
Reporting for duty, Sah!
So Brotherfeldspar, what have ye for those of us with an allergy to Alcohol, what say ye Brotherfeldspar, you know those of us who drink and break out in handcuffs, straightjackets and jail cells when we imbibe in the spirits, lmao.
As for American P*sswater, I never drank the stuff, always straight up scotch or bourbon for this old Indian/Welshman.
I hope everyone has a great evening, I am going home in less than 55 minutes, kiss my kids, my wife, eat some supper and then attend a 12 step meeting to keep my head on for another day.
Ghost – we will take tea together in brotherhood, take time in the sweat lodge, and marvel at the wonders of the world.
Alcohol is a distortion.
One of my greatest friends here in the village is a gypsy gangster, who was an alcoholic. He’s been clear for 17 years and he’s the most loyal and moral person I know.
I had no morals or ethics, no values or principles, over the last 17 years, I have found a path of enlightenment that brings to me the greatest of all gifts. Humanity. I am a human being above all else and strive in all my endeavors to treat all whom I come in contact with in the manner in which I would want to be treated by them. However, as a human being, I subject to frailty and error in judgemnet when it comes to neo cons and the current administration, I do try, oh how I try to remain centered and focused when having to deal with this rabble.
On a personal note, if Sven, my hope is that one day before I die, I will have the opportunity to come to your wonderous country and met some of its glorious people and enjoy the pleasures it has to offer a visitor. I hope that time will come before my children are fully grown, so they can know what a peace loving culture looks like in real life.
Ghost – you would be my honoured guest. I think you would feel at home. This was a country of boreal nomads – forest dwellers. And you can feel it still.
Finns tolerate modern society, but put them too far from nature and they get restless. Even the top executives at Nokia clear their desks for 4 weeks in the summer and relish living as primitively as possible for that time. We need a closeness to nature.
Back to basics!
Just like that in Norway as well.
Thursday a week, I am heading for vacation back home.
A few days in Oslo and Bergen, then 2 weeks at the family
summer cabin on the south coast. No indoor plumbing!
‘curly’ is a sport and is braving it again this summer.
Are you from Norway? What a gorgeous country. I hope to visit someday.
Would you mind if I asked you a question about the history of the Finnmark area? I’m a writer and I need to know how the area would have been referred to in the 1600s for a short fiction piece I’m working on. I’ve googled around but haven’t found anything reliable. Apologies if this is in any way obnoxious, and thanks in advance if you’re willing and able to give me any information, or links, or whatever.
Regardless, I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful vacation.
Norway’s northernmost ‘county'(=fylke in Norwegian, previously, the term was ‘amt’) is Finnmark. Etymology: Finnmark=Lappland=the land of the sami people.
Finnmark (Finmarken)/Lappland was used generically for the northern areas of Finland, Sweden and Norway and also became the name of the county. Previously, the county was also known as Vardøhus Amt (Fylke)(there are various spellings of the word). Vardøhus fortress was first established ca. 1300.
I’m not sure when Finnmark took over for Vardøhus in common usage. This link has an old map from 1749 where both are used “Finn Marken Wardehuus Amt” (scroll to bottom of page).
And yes, we are looking forward to our trip.
THANK YOU. That’s an enormous help. You rule.
congrats, GD, for your sobriety. Hugs
The best dang Iced Tea you ever tasted!!!
A hint of Mystical Mint, a touch of Mango, with a perfect slice of lemon
mmmm sounds delicious shirl, thank you
Hows about some homemade lemonade too. I drink a lot of this and iced tea all the time. I have always made my own lemonade. Tastes good too…
I have some delicious decaf iced tea in my fridge.
For this batch, I used two bags of decaf Earl Grey, and two bags of herbal peppermint. It’s almost sweet enough to drink as is, but a little bit of sugar (or sugar substitute for the dieters/diabetics) helps wake up the mint, I’ve found.
I still partake of the fruit of the vine or grain (wine and beer) occasionally, but I have to be careful if I’m in a fragile emotional state…and too much caffeine does a number on my windpipe (heartburn), hence the decaf tea when possible…
I forgot all about that stuff.
We’ve only been in Puget Sound for 5 years out of Ohio, and I’ve only acclimated about 6-7 degrees F. I still need to think about flannel at 70F.
Mrs. Gooserock presently lives on the Planet of the 20-Minute Seasons, so she alternates between woolens and fans no matter what the weather.
We noticed that we’ve completely stopped seeking tree shade when we walk outdoors. I’m actually having trouble remembering why I would want iced tea or a frosty beer.
Of course I’ll never forget why I want the beer itself.
I drink iced tea regardless of the weather…even regular brewed is good in moderation, with one packet of artificial sweetener. Been hooked on it since I was 20 and dating a 34-year-old; it was our usual drink when he’d take me out to lunch…
the loved one and I drink iced coffee. it’s lovely, refreshing and seems to keep us perky!
It’s not happy hour here yet – we west coasters are way behind! Question for the assembled group – How may of you have followed the attempt to create a US Dept of Peace? A bill will be reintroduced in Congress this September. The Peace Alliance is working to get more reps. to sponsor the bill. Here’s their website: http://www.thepeacealliance.org/
Luckily I live in Finland, where peace is valued above all.
The bill currently has 53 sponsors and will need lots more. It will be interesting to see what kind of rationale is used by those that choose not to support such an initiative.
Exhausting. Wicked tired.
Let the thoughts flow
we could build a virtual sweat lodge and invite everyone to come and relax.
Ghost – sauna/sweat lodge is one of the most important ‘regular’ experiences I know – especially in the summer. To sweat, be open, talk, and then sit on the verandah looking out over the lake or sea – at sunset. Magical moments of complkete relaxation.
The sweat opens not only the pores of the skin, it opens the mind and the soul to the extraordinary possibilities of the world in which we live. I can’t tell you the wonderous revelations that I have found within myself because of the vision quests I have done in conjunction with sweats and spiritual growth within my spiritual journey.
I am totally in tune with you there
I’m gonna go for a run!
I actually have attended a sweat. Prayers and all. Extremely moving. Afterward smoked the peace pipe too. Awesome.
Magical moments of complkete relaxation.
The typing fingers are the first to relax. 🙂
(aah the comedienne has arrived)
Ommmmmm…is that the universal sound of my refrigerator I hear?
The drink being mentioned in the intro, I beleive, is properly spelled Pimm’s.
On that note, has anyone ever tried the number three or six Pimm’s? I’ve never even seen them in the supermarket here…
You are correct.
Of the other, only Pimm’s No. 6 is still made – based on vodka. Such small quantities though that I¨ve never seen it. 2-5 were tried but never caught on.
My bad! I’m not sure where I got the alternate spelling from. Maybe I was thinking of John Pym, the English Parliamentarian. Anyhoo, thanks for the correction.
Ok almost time for me also. I’m in Colorado so I have like a half hour to go at work. We brew our own beer at home. Much better than anything you can buy and there is a rule as you make beer you drink beer.
I sure hope the forest fire up in the mountains gets some relief today. It’s burned over 8,000 acres so far. Many thanxs to the wonderful firefighters. What would we do without them.
This morning I vowed to concentrate on work and try not to check the Trib so much but hey! A girl’s gotta have some fun, right?
I’ll be working late tonight so hold that beer for me.
to Unrecommend the last FBC diary. (We have 2 on the list at the moment)
Now where did I put my funnel…
from El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Poriuncula, our live band for tonight:
That looks like a nice rowdy band!
But hey, I have to go too it’s 2am…
They are very rowdy, I’ve seen them live five times. It also helps that they are peace activists.
They are so cool! Where did you see them?
Tucson and LA. Have you been to a show? They are AWESOME. They’re touring with Los Lonely Boys right now. I noticed on their website that they are making some overseas stops, I highly recommend!
I’ll have to look at their schedule and see if they’re hitting the philly area…I love los lonely boys too!
Ozomatli ROCKS! They have audio clips on their website for those interested. I recommend the video for “Saturday Night” if it’s your first exposure to the band.
amazing blend of Latin and Urban beats. They are avowed progressives with many of their songs calling for justice in our world. Their shows are spent dancing the entire time, ALOT of fun.
and audience into the street at SXSW and got arrested. Music and dancing! In the Live Music Capitol of the World? Well, we can’t have that can we? What were the police thinking??!! Austinites were horrified!
However, Ozomatli has no hard feelings – see this interview with the band.
Do you know Grupo Fantasma? They’re really popular in these parts. I see the have a clip of them with Ozomatli on that page. Also their video is pretty cool. (Link – lower right on page.)
I see they’re playing for free (cool!) at Scholz’s next week. I’m going to try to make it.
cool group too! Thx for the links to the interview and report, Ozo can be trouble sometimes, but in that “civil disobedience” type of way 😉
enjoy and have a wonderful night all, going home now, see you all tomorrow.
may it be spent with family and full of peace. See you on the flip ghostdancer!
Go in peace
good night!
The most disturbing shit I have ever seen on CNN….
Comments anyone????
I’m still at work 🙁
I’ll catch the replays 2night.
360 – courtship, and Texas women/children playing Stepford wives. Arranged marriages – not just virginal on their wedding days, but doing their first kisses after they’ve exchanged vows with the men found and approved by their fathers. That’s some scary and disturbing shit.
Looks like I missed that tonight…that sounds disgusting. And what about the poor girls without fathers; are they condemned to a life of spinsterhood, going around from door to door handing out tracts to bring people to the LORD?
Oh heavens no – they will no doubt be tempted into a life of sin and debauchery – and ultimately condemned to eternal hell.
Make mine an IPA.
mmmm…. OK time for the next round of stuff to take care of… get to the post office before it closes, feed the cats, throw in a load of laundry… good evening everyone.
That put me right to sleep last night, zander, so I didn’t get to say thanks. I hear you’re going on vacation — have a good one!
Ahhh, home and rested, at last.
This has been an exciting day at the Froggy Bottom, I got to wake up to a fresh room twice today (well it’s pretty fresh still, isn’t it?).
Someone mentioned something happening on CNN — I must have missed it. Could you fill me in?
And that Iced Tea I saw on someones table looked good. I think I’ll have that……
Go to this site to fill in your personal Right story:
At TedKennedy.com, we number over one hundred thousand strong – and we can affect the debate about the Supreme Court over the coming weeks. Your statements will explain why the progress we have made is so important to you or someone you know. This is not simply about online action. It is about making it clear in this debate about what these rights mean to Americans:http://www.tedkennedy.com/scstoriesHearing from you and many more Americans in their own words will be the way our community will join this debate. Each story will be a powerful reminder that a Supreme Court nomination must not create partisan division or be used to advance a narrow ideology. It is far more serious than any such consideration. Thank you for lending your story to help keep this debate steadily grounded in the rights and issues that affect us all. Sincerely,
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
They just had a moment of silence in respect for those killed in the London terror attacks.
Then they played the British National Anthem.
I’m not sure what I think of that, to be honest.
Am I becoming callous?
No answers, but I will say that uncertainty is good – it means you’re thinking….
but spouse was listening earlier when we were out having dinner (his decision — it was too damn hot to cook again); he mentioned “God Save the Queen”, but he called it “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” — I had to remind him of the alternate title (he was a bit sheepish about that). But evidently they didn’t do “O Canada” (the Canadian National Anthem), even though there’s still one Canadian team left in Toronto. Wonder what the Torontans (sp?) will think of that?
Are we going to have to live with “God Bless America” during the 7th inning stretch for the rest of our natural lives? I want to write a song called, “God Bless the World”…
No, I don’t think it’s callous. What is the likelihood that the person or persons who arranged for that to be done did so out of any sincere emotion? I guarantee, it was pro forma, engineered out of some sense of “this is the type of thing we ought to do, to seem like we aren’t callous”–which makes your worry about being callous positively ironic.
Random TV capture… um… because I can…
Good evening one and all from my own little corner of the world here in Tennessee. It has rained here now for over 48 hours. Such great sleeping weather, to boot. The rain is from Dennis and Emily, and from a front pushing in from NW holding us in a pattern of such moisture for a whole week. It was 76-77 degrees here and this has got to have been one of the most cool days in July ever. Scarrrrrrrryyyyyy! Good to know life is still good for all here tonight. I will have a glass of that wonderful iced tea mentioned above….with some mint in it too….:o)
over here! We’re on fire 🙁
So whatever happened to the toga party, manee….
Sorry about the fires there, keeping fingers crossed for here, danger is soooo high here and we have mulitple ones every year lately..
taking an intermission. We’re serving iced tea during the break, then will continue to Embrace the Chaos. (the name of Ozomatli’s 2nd album)
let me order some pizza for this party..any kind ok with you all here??????
doing rain dance and pointing to your area of the world. My daughter said just 30 miles from here it was overcast, some sun and rained off and on some today and my son 85 miles from here said it was sunny and not bad at all today…so guess I deserved some rain for a change..:o)..but will point it your direction.
Our corn is tasseling (sp) and needs the rain to develop
the ears and the soy beans are doing great. The cotton needs it to develop properly too. I need it to sleep by..:o) but most of all it will be record hitting for the coolness of the day. It usually is about 95 to 100 degrees here this time of the year.
Hi Brenda,
I remembered that you said liked sunrise pictures and so put one up of the Grand Canyon in the earlier edition of the cafe — which, naturally, closed before you showed up.
Turns out that GC pictures really inspire people so there were quite a few comments. If you want to see the piecture, here’s a link to it and the comments.
I sincerely want to thank you so much for remembering my desire to see them. Lots of hugs….I had to go and look up the diary to find it. God how great of a place. I have flown over the GC several times but never have I been on ground there. I intend on traveling once I retire and have the time to do such a thing. I want to sell my home and buy an RV and just travel if my health holds out. There is so much I do want to see.
NOTICE: I want to thank andif for the sunrise this morning. It was a very great give to receive here today. I was over on another diary and Kansas told me about it and looked it up. I sincerely want to say a big “THANK YOU” for the picture. So very lovely. I really need to get out and travel more…;o)
BTW, I want to see one more sunrise flying to it again….what a sight to behold, and enjoy. One must see it just once to endeavor the greatness of living and rejoice in God’s wonders.
I should refresh more often. I just posted a link to it and then saw this comment when the page refreshed.
I’m glad you liked it.
:o)..no problem here….thanks once again.
Well, fellow frogs, I have to bid you all a good night, from my lilypad. I must get some shut eye to fancy tomorrow at work!!!! What a day to look forward to…well at least I have a job to go to…I am very thankful. I even get to save some lives in the process. That is a very big plus for me, anyhow.
God Bless each and everyone of you here and my the luck of the Irish be with you always. Have a great nights rest and stay well and safe….and sending rain to the west. <<blowing hard>>
I hope everyone gets a chance to see tonight’s Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart. He is nailing l’affaire Plame. Oh, and Stephen Colbert had a bit too. I’m laughing so hard here I’m crying!
Check your local listings, yaddi yaddi yadda.
You’re not kidding. I knew it was going to be great and I tuned in last night but it was too soon for him to have got to it. Tonight though…everyone who can – check it out. You won’t be disappointed:-)
We retrieved my Florida mom from the airport today, an 80 year old New Dealer who’s nearing the end of her ability to fly cross country. So this is going to be a special get together. We’re enjoying a few beers and the Puget sundown among patchy clouds. Twilight will hold on near to the beginning of The Daily Show.
Mom’s car with it’s “Proud Democrat” bumper sticker shows the colors deep in the heart of redland. She’s enjoying Air America and Big Ed Schultz up here, but she’ll need a another day of rest before facing the full fury of Hurricane Randi.
Mom’s in her wool while Mrs. Gooserock is in shorts in front of her Personal Summer fan. The twa toto dogs are snoozing, so for this evening all’s right with one little corner of the world.
for us in the Lounge! 🙂
I wish the spouse and I were there too…never lived there, but somehow I’m homesick…
Was just talking to a colleague of the spouse’s today; he and his wife have bought a house in Vancouver WA and plan to retire up there in 2-1/2 years. Perhaps if real estate prices aren’t too crazy, I can talk the spouse into retiring up there in 9 years (assuming there’s still an America in 9 years)…
An Irish mist, please, 3 ice cubes… better make it a double and spare you the trip.
And no I’m not with anyone, and that seat is free.
HOW was my DAY ?!?!
Brutal! Worked like a demon, screamed like a Banshee, fought like a tiger, and now I’m as spent as well… too spent to come up with another metaphor.
Jesus. I wish I worked on THE DAILY PLANET !!
The loved one gets off work in another hour and I just can’t put a good face on it, so I’m hiding out here…. you know that way? So if I should get a call, I haven’t been seen.
Thanks. Nice place, by the way.
Irish Mist, 3 ice cubes, comin’ right up.
Welcome to the Froggy Bottom Cafe suskind, feel free to make yourself at home, and as Sven would say, “may the 4s be with you”
what the hell is that??? Long Island Iced Tea !!! Jesus Christ… that’ll kill me !! Just an Irish mist please, a double, not a triple.
and while I’m waiting can I have just any Irish whiskey in a shot glass please… the loved one is already home, and one of us is in the dog house and one of us is in the cat house, and things are not as happy as they should be… if you know what I mean.
can you dump the ice and bring it back in an old fashioned glass please?
wow !! you people are generous to a fault !!!
zander is the usual server so I’ll leave the drinks to her. Mind if I down it?
Like the saying goes, be careful what you ask for…
i hope you’re not driving…. did you hear the phone? i think i might have to go home and face the music…
maybe i have time for one more… i’ve got another 40 minutes before i have to go to work
pardon me, bartender, can i have an irish mist with three ice cubes? and a mild untipped cigar if you’ve got one.
I’m here with the band so I’m planning to hitch a ride in their bus.
Hi Suskind and welcome to the site, I noticed that you and neoconedagain, are just one uid number apart.
I sure hope you like it here and enjoy our little cafe du jour and the friendly folks hereabouts.
Hey night all, I am signing off, see you in the morning…
Drinks this evening courtesy of Drinkalizer.
You’re good! I would’ve expected you to be prepping for your launch tomorrow. 🙂
(your drink looks much tastier though)
I’m kinda’ prepared for take-off… almost fully packed, etc.. trying to convince myself to sleep at some point.
Promise that the moment I check in in a couple of weeks, you’ll dump all the relevant news on me?
I’ll make sure to be gentle when doing the dumping. Have a fantastic trip and be safe! <good vibes>
I am tryng to get the final goodby in somewhere, will this be your last postings tonight. Please have a great, safe trip and come back and tell us all about it..Ok. dear Zander we will miss you so much, especially I.
We’ll miss you! When you comin’ back? Will you bring presents? </end channeling of an 8-year-old’s thoughts on trips>
very nice, can I buy you one?
lovely place, really. one meets the most interesting people.
that’s lovely, can I buy you one?
this place is really quite congenial… one meets the most interesting people.
actually it’s just the kind of place the loved one would enjoy…. but the L.O. and I are on the outs… aw shit….. one can’t get away from it all after all…. you people carry on…. i think i’ll fall apart quietly in the corner….. aw shit…
If you need to vent, kvetch, or bitch, this is definitely the place…
Check back sometime Wednesday for the new…oh, wait, this is Wednesday??? Shit, just pulled an all-nighter because I couldn’t sleep…haven’t had a “grey night” like that in ages.
Good night…and good morning…
i’m just coming off work when the rest of the world is going on it, i guess.
thanks for the offer. it’s for real…. the loved one and i are coming to the end of our trail…. got locked out last night… no phone contact… well, these things happen.
Is anyone about? Who’s serving?
Bartender, could I please have an Irish Mist with three ice cubes? And a glass of heavily iced water on the side, if you don’t mind.
Thank you.