Chuck Pennacchio for US Senate has a diary up on dKos. Go and give our pro-woman candidate for PA some love if you’ve still got a sign on over there.

Candidates have come and gone in Pennsylvania’s 2006 Senate race, but I keep my eyes on the prizes.  And so, too, must you stay focused with me–with us.

I will never be intimidated for ours is a citizen campaign in the truest sense of the word.  The Party establishment can’t touch me–they can’t touch us.  

In fact, after trying to ignore our successful outreach campaign in Southeast Pennsylvania (November-December 2005), and after wanting to laugh at our statewide organizing feats (January-May), establishment figures and unwitting surrogates now try to attack us, and the values we stand for.

Also, don’t forget to support him at his website, Chuck2006.