MSNBC CSPAN2 is carrying it live. Pesky David is asking Scottie more questions about Karl.
In an online chat today, WaPo‘s Dana Milbank was asked, “What odds would you give at this point that this will lead to Rove’s firing?” Milbank replied:
My predictions are often comically off, but here goes: This is Karl Rove’s town, and the rest of us — President Bush included — are just living in it.
See also: Milbank’s fast summary of the WH briefing today, “Spokesman Holds Tongue During Intense Grilling,” which also provides links to the video and transcript.
Go Scottie!!
It’s your birthday.
Ohhh … apparently now we have to wait. Grrr. Scottie is NEVER on time.
How old is he today? 39?
That title is enough to make me smile all day!
They are hostile again!
Oh yeah!
Scotty ain’t looking so good today either!
He did this yesterday too. He pronounced peninsula as peninchula.
oooh i so hope someone posts the minutes to that briefing ^_^
Don’t know what I would do without you guys giving these alerts, just tuned in and Scott looks very subdued (or worse) today and just caught the latest pounding.
Go press, finally!!!!!!!!
Had I been in his shoes (eeuuuwww! revolting thought), I would have called in sick this week. Maybe for the rest of the year.
that the real reason Ari Fleischer (former press secretary) resigned was because he knew about Rove outing “Joe Wilson’s wife”, and wasn’t willing to cover for him if asked about it by the press.
Maybe someone should track him down and at least get his views on the job Scott’s doing…
I think he quit before Wilson’s wife was outed. Ari Fleischer resigned on May 19, 2003 and Joe Wilson’s wife was outed in July.
according to Dana Milbanks’ chat that SusanHu just linked to on the front page:
I just looked at the list of briefings from the official WH site. Check this out!!!
Coincidence? I think not! Didn’t Novak’s column come out on the 14th (wire on the 11th, published 14th, right?)
Sorry. I should have said he announced his retirement on May 19th, 2003.
Perhaps Fleischer overheard Rove’s statement that Wilson’s wife was “fair game”, knew what type of scum Rove was, put 2+2 together and figured out that whatever was coming down, he wanted no part of it?
It would be nice to find a Republican with at least a few morals…
Yeah, I was looking into that. He did announce it, but I can’t find anything saying that he named a specific ‘last day’. Everything I’ve found just says ‘will retire in July’. Which makes it less of a mind-blower, but doesn’t necessarily mean that he didn’t pick that exact day to leave because he knew that the Plame sh*t was about to hit the fan.
You heard the Q why Bush only took ONE question today instead of the customary TWO questions .. in his press conf. with the PM of Singapore.
As I noted down yonder, that one Q was about the Supreme Court.
Would Rehnquist’s retirement help Bush right now to get off the Rove story?
CNN just had snippets of today’s feeding frenzy, Scottie’s gonna need a little therapy before long. (hee hee) One of CNN’s reporters (I forgot his name from 3 minutes ago… sheesh) says that Bill Frist is absolutely NOT defending Rove, distancing himself quite obviously. They also had a sound byte from the Dem press conference this morning (a Dem stroke of genious). Hey, maybe Rove’s ship isn’t exactly sinking just yet, but it’s listing just a bit. CNN added that in the coming SCOTUS appointment battle(s), Bush will need Rove more than ever and it will be interesting to watch how it all unfolds. Grab a six pack and a lawn chair, Tillie, this is gettin’ good.
Who can stand the way he, scott, answers the questions and diverts the subject back to the same old tired talking points, and what’s the deal about veto, he doesn’t think anyone should have veto power over the nomination, is that going to be a new talking point, they want veto power!
Boy what stonewalling,,,,,woweeeeeeeeee
Basically, it’s I’m the President and I can do whatever the hell I want.
room who could maybe ask him if it’s appropriate for the president’s staff to have such philosophies of presidential power when the presidential staff is currently being criminally investigated.
And they want to add that to paint the Dems as obstructionists, look for ads to come out and talking points..
The ‘dems want veto power’ simply diversion attempt here.
I think they will try to come out strong on something, to take the attention away from Rove even center it on Scotus…oh you know the methods, we all know the methods they use….
Rove must be working feverishly right now, trying to call in his debts, float a few new ones.
Ok, I am shouting at him now, just answer one damn question in a straight out way, not the dammmmmmtalking points..
Is that Scotiie’s orange alert tie?
Yes, Scott, you are offensive. Next question?
Oh just admit it Scotty! You’re a liar! Geez…
to the first reporter who gets Fitzgerald to call bullshit on this excuse that Fitz doesn’t want Scottie to comment.
Actually, I think it’s entirely possible that Fitz really doesn’t want Scottie to comment … and that he didn’t want Scotty to comment earlier, either. But I can also see the WH ignoring Fitz’ preference when it suited them, and being oh-so-respectful of his wishes now.
This contradiction has been duly noted in the Q&A, but Scotty either ignores it or — at least once, I think — pretends that the earlier comments all pre-dated the investigation.
Another possibility is that Rove is now more of a focus of the investigation, and so commenting really is less appropriate now than earlier. (Though of course Scotty takes advantage of that to dodge any unpleasant question, however removed.)
It’s been a rough couple of days for Scotty, and if there’s any justice left in this country, things will get worse. I almost feel sorry for him.
Mmmph … [cough] … nngh … BWAA-HA-HA-ha-ha-ha-giggle-snicker. Well, not really.
Back to Air America.
us stuck at work it really helps feel like we’re part of the action. The video yesterday of Scotty Mc-Dodge-A-Question was priceless. Is it too late to invest in the company providing him with anti-persperant?
Kudos to David Gregory, and even if they try to shut him down the rest of the WH corps is keeping the pressure on. The only way the WH press corps can regain their credibility is to ask these questions again and again until Scotty Mc-Weasels-A-Lot resigns, and won’t THAT embolden the press corps (after smelling blood, and realizing their power)!
I also want this pressure on the Democratic Party too. 1) it allows the Democratic Party to get their message out if the answers to tough questions can be clearly articulated, and communicate solid policy ideas and differences with this Republican Party; 2) it keeps the Democratic Party on their toes.
I bring this up because I am very disappointed in the rumblings of questionable ethics by Nancy Pelosi regarding some travel expenses and reporting — and that being a reason for why the Democratic Congressional leaders are not pushing harder for ethics investigations. Now, it seems like my email box is filled daily with DeLay charges, and ads being run by the DCCC specifically trying to expose the Abramoff scandals and tying it to anyone that has drank from the DeLay Green Tea. I think these rumblings about Pelosi are Republican attempts to spin, but if she crossed the line I will most certainly hold her to the same standards as every elected official should be. D’s or R’s, all play by the same rules.
The Democratic Party has THE issue to run on for decades, one that every economic and moral class of people can grasp easily — and that is the high road on ethics. If we can’t show the differences between this WH and Congress under DeLay on the one hand and the Democratic Party as an alternative, then for the first time I would agree with those that say the Democratic Party is beyond repair.
Wow, way off topic … again, thanks for the updates! 🙂
Yes David Gregory and MSNBC News got a “keep up the good work” note from me yesterday. I also sent something to the webmaster of the White House Correspondents Association web page, since that was the only email adddress I could find. She did reply this morning to say my comments would be forwarded.
It’s part of my kinder, gentler approach to the press now — trying to change their behavior by heaping praise when they act like reporters, as opposed to heaping scorn on them for acting like jerks, which has been my previous strategy.
If someone does something you like, I think it is a good idea to let them know, maybe it will give them courage or make them feel like heros fighting the good fight and those feeling can encourage more of the same.
There was a diary quite a while ago (couple of months) in which we discussed the care and feeding of reporters, and the consensus was the very point you’re making here. Everyone wants to feel like a hero, like their work is making the world a better place.
“You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”
Good. Someone needs to provide the carrot. But it should still be “carrot-and-stick.” These are mere reporters. They aren’t as smart as Pavlov’s dogs were.
Oh, and Pavlov’s dogs did not have editors, (Republican) publishers and the misguided “Society for Professional Journalists” to deal with.
The circus comes to town and I miss it. Hopefully CSPAN will have some video later today.
I want to see how long they can keep this going.
press corp beating Scotty up with what Karl Rove has done to Scotty’s credibility? I loved the reporter asking if Scotty’s attorney would answer questions for them like Karl’s did, and then asking if he did have an attorney……I think Scotty’s wheaties were floating a little high in his tumtum right then. I also noticed when Scotty left the room a bunch of the press all laughed together at something inaudible that one of them had said and it wasn’t one of those “good kind” of group laughs.
The press conference hit msnbc minutes after ending with scottie evading questions….
I did not see the beginning of the PC, did gregory go after him again or what….what happened, the first half, I just got in right before kinsolving asked his strange sounding question.
Thanks a heap for giving me an up to minute report as I don’t have cable. Actually the comments you make are better than seeing the real thing and much funnier.
repeats this tonight — I had to escape my stuffy apartment for an air-conditioned library (yay modern technology!).
Nice work AP – lots of Dem focus here…
I have full confidence that the President will get to the bottom of this and if Karl Rove is indeed responsible that Alberto Gonzales will prosecute him to the full ext..ext..(snort…guffaw..)to the full BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA (sorry I just couldn’t maintain it….)
Josh Marshall is on with Al Franken.
usually make it to the Sundance telecast — there was one several weeks ago where Marshall had his dog with him (high cuteness factor, as the spouse said). Hope this one makes it as well, though I’m a couple weeks behind in my Al viewing (they’re all on DVR at least).
Oh crap, I miss all the good stuff. Why do we have to work anyway? Oh I forgot. To PAY KARL ROVE’S SALARY…lol!
LINKS to audio/transcript via WaPo…. scoot down the page / it’s linked in the middle of Milbank’s article
Thanks and wasn’t Milbanks article great?
Hillary: “I’m nodding.”
Atrios makes me giggle.
Stupid As Rocks
I know some conservatives throw this stuff out there just to try to confuse the issues, but I’m pretty sure John Pod honestly believes he has a real point here. He was very excited about it yesterday at the Corner:
Very slowly for the very stupid people among us: