Along with the tragic news from Iraq today
“[A]t least 26 people have died in a massive car bombing in Baghdad – almost all of the victims were children. The bomb went off next to a U.S. army vehicle. At the time U.S. troops were reportedly giving out sweets to Iraqi children. One witness said: ‘Children gathered around the Americans who were handing out sweets. Suddenly a suicide car bomber drove round from a side street and blew himself up’.” (DN! and WaPo)
comes this from Iraqiyun, an Iraqi humanitarian group
“128,000 Iraqis have been killed since the U.S. invasion began in March 2003 … 55 percent of those killed have been women and children aged 12 and under.” (World Peace Herald)
My mind reels at that. And Bush would have us believe that all those HUMAN BEINGS died so that not one precious hair of a single American’s head will be harmed.
(There’s a horrible number “1” missing from your text, Susan. Even if it were “only” 28,000, it would still be a nightmare.)
I always see one face. The photo of the little Iraqi girl that Sybil shows us from time to time.
And then there are our own. George Galloway ripped me open with this, from his speech following the London bombings:
Eighty-nine of our own boys, including the son of Rose Gentle from Glasgow, 19-year-old Gordon, were sent to die in Iraq on a pack of lies. The Prime Minister will not even meet Gordon’s mother. He will not meet the mother of a 19-year-old boy who was sent to die in Iraq. …
From “Man on Fire,” at Chris Floyd’s Empire Burlesque
I didn’t know that about Blair: That he is as big a fucking coward as Bush — he cannot face the mothers of the sons he’s killed.
And thanks for alerting me to the copy/paste error. 🙂
When does it become genocide? When? We killed 500,000 children in Iraq in the last decade, are we trying to beat our record?? The maimed and deformed still linger, and a new generation of victims are being birthed, both there and here as the Gulf War 1 vets begin to have children …. where does this end? Does it ever end?
These are the opening lines of a poem by Al-Jawahiri on the 1948 uprising against the British. I read them in “Bush in Babylon” by Tariq Ali and your diary brought them to mind again.
Iraq has gone through so much, endured so much struggle and bloodshed.
The obscenity of these deaths are staggering to me. I can’t imagine how the people who planned this, profit from it, revel in it, how can they sleep?
RubDMC’s Daily Witness today.