Many here at BMT have asked me why I’ve Kosovered…just watch what they do to this poor woman…to get an inkling as to what I and many others have experienced at their bloody hands…
Below are excerpts for those of you who have vowed to never return to the land of “reality-based” apparatchiks:
by annieblue [Subscribe]
Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:00:14 EST
Monday, July 11, 2005
Tinfoil Hattery?
Via Alternate Brain, London Underground Bombing ‘Exercises’ Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack:
A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.
On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which bills itself as a ‘crisis management’ advice company, better known to you and I as a PR firm.
Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time with the Anti Terrorist Branch.
Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.
Here come the smug illuminati thugs, including the usual suspects>>>AnnArborBlue & Addison, with a full frontal attack (excerpted comments):
[new] sigh (none / 1)
I hope Addison is around….I don’t have the stomach for this shit again.
by bluestateLIBertarian on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:01:48 EST
* [new] snicker hack cough…ahem n/t (none / 0)
by Earl on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:12:20 EST
* [new] I guess I saw your tinfoil signal in the sky. (none / 0)
by Addison on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:31:08 EST
[ Parent ]
* [new] I am Douglas Adams’ bowl of petunias. (none / 1)
My tinfoil sense was tingling and I knew something was amiss. So I stopped reading Blink — it’s only ok, I think it would’ve been a great 10 page Scientific American article — and refreshed Daily Kos. And what do you know, I was right, here’s some conspiracy masquerading as “speculation.” However, I’m still quite tired, so this is all I’m doing:
105 Comments You Should’ve Read Before Posting This Diary
This is a repeat diary, so it should be deleted.
This is a simple cut and paste diary, it could get Daily Kos in trouble for copyright violations, so it should be deleted.
Markos explicitly said he doesn’t want this sort of innuendo on this site, so it should be deleted.
Here’s the important bit: the theory itself (the UK or the US version) makes absolutely no sense beyond the superficial “wow” factor of the coincidence. Now of course you don’t have to delete it because it’s a nonsensical non sequiter passing as “evidence” — we’d lose a lot of diary volume if people starting doing that — but I sort of think it’d be a good idea. My opinion, of course, means nothing. So whatever.
Ok, sleep time.
by Addison on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:30:34 EST
* [new] Is there like a lottery (none / 0)
or something to determine which tinfoiler gets to post this diary each night? Do you guys draw straws? Is it an employee of the month type thing?
I’m sorry, but this really has been covered an unbelievable amount, and people at this site really find this theory reprehensible. The biggest problem with it, besides that it would require the most massive coverup in the history of anything. Is that there isn’t really a motivation for Blair to do this. He was out of political jail once the olympics happened. If there’s no reason for him to do it, nothing afterwards makes a lot of sense.
You’d better do as you are told-You’d better listen to your radio
by AnnArborBlue on Wed Jul 13th, 2005 at 02:51:22 EST
If the author makes a comment, she will be troll-rated out of existence. Watch and see.
Has this type of bullying, sanctimonious behavior spawned a sizable exodus from Dkos? You bet your ass it has. At least 30 recovering Kossacks have found refuge here in the last 48 hours. Shall we make room for more?
I can relate.
Kos is becoming full of “Reality-Based” meanies.
But I kind of think some of the commentors undermine ‘thought’ diaries on purpose- who wants to contemplate evil conspiracies?
To me when there is evil (for the lack of a better word) in the hands of power- anything is possible.
Just ask the religious nuts.
So troll rate the bloody trolls. I can see why some of the people over there are annoyed, but they’re getting completely out of control. Kos has created a situation where any dickhead feels they have permission to attack people and hand out ones.
Fair point, but many of the biggest brownshirt trolls there are former front pagers and TUs. If they start berating, bullying, swearing at and shouting down people…and you justifiably hit them with a (1), they cry foul and gang up on you and hand out zeroes.
DKos is officially a joke.
Yup, Kos and co seem to have let themselves fall too far over the line.
I have a lot of sympathy for them: it is galling to see silly conspiracy theories being repeated again and again, especially because the believers will often not actually argue the point.
Their solution doesn’t seem to be optimal though. They might have been better off creating a thread for the theory, closing off comments on offending diaries and redirecting them over to the crazy thread.
BRAVO! I see you are a man of his word. I noticed that you went over there and appropriately down-rated the egregious trolls. Prepare for their retribution.
All I did was give honest ratings. If they want to abuse the rating system that’s their problem. I didn’t recommend the diary either.
it would be the last dkos diary you recommended. That can be fatal, didn’t you see the heads on the pole at the gate?
I recommended it just for the hell of it. I’m fully ready to be banned from there at this point.
of Pakistani descent, Muslims, middle-class, university-educated. They may have coordinated
the attack with some other events, like the G8
or Bush’s presence in Britain. Their motives may be
discovered through the investigation.
comprehensive guide to the RNC talking points?
my counterpoints gleaned from a ton of Rovian reading today and yesterday.
Thanks for the breaking news!!!
Quick…activate your tin force field, for I am especially interested in the “controlling hand.”
Patsies abound, just ask Jack Ruby.
in retaliation?
Wanna bet, it’s Ireland?
shhhh, I’m getting more messages, maybe they meant
Have you heard something from your Illuminated Primus that? I’ve kinda been hoping they’d let me in sometime, but I never thought it would be as a result of a posting on Kos. I mean, I’d much rather be part of a global ruling cabal, secretely manipulating the fate of nations and rolling on a huge pile of gold coins than teaching ESL day in and day out. Teaching is not a bad job, but global domination has been a lifelong dream of mine.
In any case, since you seem to be of the opinion that my comment was nothing more than snarky mockery, maybe you can tell me why. What am I missing about this? Why are my questions irrelevant? Tell me, please.
They’re handing out badges? Cool, in that case where do I sign up?
Personally, I thought your comment was almost the only reasonable one on that diary.
I actually don’t know if they’re giving out badges or not. I used to have a lapel pin, but I bought that myself at a gaming convention, so I’m willing to bet it wasn’t official. Then again, we ARE talking about the Illuminati – maybe I’ve already joined. Or, maybe I’m in a sleeper cell, so super-secret that I DON’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT!
You’re right, though – there wasn’t much of coherent criticism on that post, in large part because the issue had been hashed through at some length on the post Addison linked to – which was an absolutely identical (same news article, verbatim, with next to no explanation or discussion from the OP) post from the previous day.
Hey Zwack, Yes, I wrongly assumed that you were engaging in snarkery. I have edited my post to remove your, now seen in their intended light, valid, innocuous, and respectful comments. Sorry to have grouped you with that bunch. I apologize.
No problem.
Might I suggest that if you feel this way about kos, that you stay away from there so you do not have to experience that kind of activity. I do and if I go and find such activity, I leave asap. It is not what I want in a reading sight. I am an adult and I have the power within myself to do and say what I want. I happen to choose where I do it. I do not like that sight any more. so I stay here. I hope you soon get that way as well. I know the betrayed feeling you feel..I felt it once too, but you soon will get over that feeling if you just settle down and start to feel like a trib.
Please for your own sanity, leave it behind. wash out the hurt and become clean and refreshed here. Surely you have a great mind to think with and you can contribute so much here. Besides, I have learned that we here are more mature with our thoughts than over there, anyhow.
Just a thought.
Yeah, what Brenda said.
What alohaleezy said.
neo –
As a fairly new member here myself, believe me when I say I understand where you’re coming from in posting this. What’s happening at dKos is, IMHO, like a car crash; it’s tough to look away. And I appreciate that you feel comfortable enough here already to share your observations.
But I think we need to turn away from the wreck, and start focusing on other things, even if it does give us some perverted glee to see the carnage over there. Judging by your first diary, you have some considerable writing skills. I’m looking forward to seeing what you can do with them other than skewering dKos.
We have been happy to welcome you here. We suggested the guidlines of this site. May I please ask that this be the LAST diary I see from you and others with DKos in the title and DKos as the subject matter.
Sorry abut your hurt and the problems you encounter at another site, but we do not do this type of diary over here. If you want to write in general terms about ALL blogs and the effects of restricted speech, then do so. Please let us end this type of attack on other blogs and members of other blogs.
I am just one member here, but this is not what I want this blog to become. If it continues, I will move on from here as well, I suspect others will also. I am not interested in restricting anyone’s free speech, and I know people feel they need to vent, but please vent over there or in a much broader and more productive way without personally attacking any specific blog owner or specific individuals that are members of other blogs.
I think we have treated you respectfully. We are asking that you respect us and this blog and especially Booman. If you can’t do that, then it seems that you and others who continue these attacks are intent on doing damage here. I don’t want to see this blog torn apart, it has its own merits and its own directions.
Thank you
neoconned —
Here’s the thing. I have had my words copied and pasted into posts over on dKos to make a certain person’s point and it really pissed me off (especially when I called that peron on it and got no response). This kind of thing cannot end up being anything but a childish back and forth of the most inane nature.
PLEASE respect BooMan and all that he has done here, by leaving this over there!! — really. If you feel this strongly about it, sign up with another user name and fight the fight you need to. Just don’t drag this site into it, there are a lot of us who go back and forth, there is just no need for this kind of diary. With all due respect, what purpose does it serve?
Hello Brinnaine, I respectfully note your opinion.
You asked me what purpose this diary served.
I wrote this “diary” in part to respond to multiple requests from boos here who 1) wanted to know what the nature of the purge related crimes were and/or 2) wanted to know why I got bounced.
Selfishly, it was also a cathartic tactic for me, and I do hope it was not an unbearable imposition on others here.
I will not impose in this manner any longer. I really appreciate all of the positive feedback I’ve received, including all of the knowing nods, cups of coffee and smokes at the café, the “right-ons”, the “me-toos” and the virtual hugs.
I can also appreciate the expressed sentiment to produce, not destroy.
I’m almost there, a l’il stuck in kos, but trying to kick it into Boodrive.
Hiya there!
Thanks for the response. I really do see your side of it, and feel it too. There have been many things that I have been tempted to rail on about, but then I ask myself: don’t I have better things to do? π
I appreciate your responding to folks’ inquiries, it is nice to be responded to when asking a question, but I do think you could have been a wee bit less inflamatory? Lynching? See what I mean?
Presonally, I don’t care one way or the other, but I do respect BooMan and Susan immensely and would hate to see their great work distracted from…there are many ways to raise these issues without being inflamatory.
I hope to see more from you soon!!
BooDrive, here we come! π
I hope I’m not speaking too soon here, but it looks as if this is over. I’m betting that neoconnnedagain got the point π so we can probably lay off now. Neo, I don’t know what’s in your mind right now, but I want to thank you for absorbing this info without coming back in an angry/defensive way. You didn’t make things worse, bless you.
I really look forward to seeing you and everybody else over in the cafe. And speaking as a cafe addict, where is it this morning?? (The thing about this place, neo, is that if I really want that coffee I could open the cafe myself until the daily proprietor gets there.)
Sure, triple-shot americano for me. What are you having? It’s on me. BTW, I just posted my thoughts.
Hey! Who you callin’ unwashed?? I swear I took that shower last night.
On you?? I’ll have a large iced mocha cappuchino with a slice of pumpkin bread, please, thank you very much.
You got it! Alas, I seem to have lost my way to the café. Would you mind walking me there, I can’t find it.
Oops! Didn’t mean to leave you standing there all forlorn and craving caffeine. Okay, take my e-hand and I’ll walk you over to the Recommended Diaries. See that big sign that says FBC–Humpday Edition? That’s Abbott’s way of advertising Froggy Bottom Cafe, Wednesday. That Abbott! That’s what you get when you have too many b’s and t’s for your own good. Now order me my latte and I’ll be back soon!