Seriously people. Do I really need to open up a can o’ whoop ass on you all? This is ridunculous. What the hell is Seattle Liberal talking about (do other people even write diaries on this site? I thought it was just me, Susan & Boo… lol) are people running around crying a river about dkos? Really? Are they? That’s pretty pathetic yo.

Or perhaps it is therapeutic. I dunno, but in any case, what diff does it make to anybody but those who are complaining and those who are listening to the complaints? I don’t read those diaries and I am the standard-bearer for everything Boo (or at least I play one on TV…) šŸ˜‰ Who gives a fuck? How is it ruining the atmosphere of the site?

You know what ruins the site for me?? The fact that no one pays attention to me (don’t even bring up my recommended diaries, that’s just charity and I know it!) šŸ˜‰ I mean, I ask, beg & plead to be banned and does anyone oblige me?? Nope. I’m still here, polluting BooTrib with my nonsense and wasting precious diary space.

So bottom line before I check out and go back to wasting everyone’s time with snark, live and let live. Yeah, Markos can be a dick. Yeah, it sucks to get banned somewhere you felt was home. Yeah, BooTrib is way different (I mean, they even let people like catnip in!) and everyone is welcome. Yeah, you may want to vent for a bit. Go for it. No sweat off my back. And the bottom line for SL & such… get over it. It’s a blog.

Okay, enough of me… can someone at least mega troll me so I don’t feel like all my pleas go in vain??


Love and kisses,
Your friendly neighbourhood spiderleaf.

Update [2005-7-14 12:40:53 by spiderleaf]: Okay, this is tragic. Anomalous gives me a mega troll 0 and no one cares… no mad diaries on ratings abuse, no whiny comments (other than A’s complaining that no one paid any attention to her giving me a 0…) šŸ™‚

What is wrong with you people?? Have you no honour? Have you no loyalty? Disgusted is what I am.

(about what I have no idea, but it sounds good…) šŸ™‚

… there, does that make you happy now Anomalous??