I shuddered as I read this:

“He’ll take the recess” appointment, said the administration source, who is familiar with Bolton’s thinking. “The president has made his selection, and the president is asking the Senate to confirm the selection, and if the Senate refuses to do that, then most assuredly Bush will make a recess appointment.”

This seems to be more than speculation; two months ago Bolton started pushing to double the State Dept office space of the UN Ambassador.

Previous ambassadors have kept a small staff in Washington in a modest suite. Bolton told several colleagues he needs more space and a larger staff in Washington because, if confirmed, he intends to spend more time here than his predecessors did.

“Bolton isn’t going to sit in New York while policy gets made in Washington,” the administration source said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the source lacks authorization to discuss this on the record. But Bolton’s efforts to obtain more space have encountered resistance. Two colleagues said Bolton’s request was inappropriate because he had not been confirmed.

Bush intends to shove Bolton down our throats no matter what. There will be no mistake: Bolton’s behaviors will reflect directly on Bush… Democrats in Congress have washed their hands of him. Considering Bolton’s frightening lack of human characteristics, I expect him to put on quite a show at the UN. He’s sharpening his claws as we speak:

Bolton – who lost the title of undersecretary of state June 1 when his successor, Robert Joseph, was sworn in – has spent the past four months in a transition suite at the State Department, and colleagues said he continues to ready himself for the ambassadorship.

God help the UN.
WaPost article via Truthout