[From the diaries by susanhu.]
Beware, Eegee is one pissed off Latino right now.
Military officials gave a report detailing the torture that has occurred at the Guantanamo Bay prison in a hearing today before the Senate Armed Forces Committee.
You want outrage? Here’s outrage:
Interrogators subjected a suspected terrorist to abusive and degrading treatment, forcing him to wear a bra, dance with another man and behave like a dog, military investigators reported Wednesday, saying that justified their call for disciplinary action…. More below:
They said they recommended that Army Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller be reprimanded for failing to oversee his interrogation of the 9-11 suspect at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
But Gen. Bantz J. Craddock, commander of U.S. Southern Command, said he overruled their recommendation and will instead refer the matter to the Army’s inspector general. Craddock concluded that Miller did not violate any U.S. laws or policies, according to officials familiar with the report.
AP via Yahoo – emphasis mine
The Bush Administration is a failure.
The Republicans are unfit to govern.
Tell everyone you know that these fuckers are torturing people in our name AND refusing to hold anyone accountable.
Here is what they are doing in our name:
According to investigators:
_A Female interrogator in one case smeared what she described as menstrual blood — it was fake — on a prisoner, but they recommended no further action on the allegation because it happened some time ago. The woman was disciplined, investigators said.
_A Navy officer threatened one high-value prisoner by saying he would go after his family. This was in violation of U.S. military law, the investigation found.
_Military interrogators impersonated FBI and State Department agents. This practice was stopped after the FBI complained.
_Interrogators improperly used duct tape on a detainee. An FBI agent said a prisoner was bound on the head with duct tape, his mouth covered, because he was chanting verses from the Quran.
_Interrogators used cold, heat, loud music and sleep deprivation on prisoners to break their will to resist interrogation. These techniques were approved at certain times at Guantanamo.
_Chaining a detainee to the floor in a fetal position was not authorized; however, the investigation could not confirm an FBI agent’s allegation that detainees were left in this position for long periods.
These are not allegations. They have now been officially reported to the United States Senate.
Now will you PLEASE sign the damned blogroll?
I just cried.
Ohhh … I’m so sorry. It’s terrible. I’ve never seen those allegations elsewhere…
I hope you cross-posted this at DKos.
Thanks for linking this in the Open Thread. That’s how I found this.
He escapes without reprimand,
General Miller retains his command!
Seems it’s OK to duct tape,
And to simulate rape,
And threaten families, but just who’s Taliban?
Check out my diary – you did not even include the worst torture which was at the end of the description.
Glad to see you over here. Did you delete your DKos diary? I was looking for it and couldn’t find it.
I just revisited the link I posted in my diary and the article appears to be an updated/expanded version than the one I discovered. It was only 19 minutes old at the time when I wrote this diary; AP has added alot of relevant information. I recommend everyone visit it to get more info about the atrocities committed.
Check out this one – it is even more expanded with more info than I had. It is even worse than in my diary.
According to investigators, the interrogators told him his mother and sisters were whores, forced him to wear a bra, forced him to wear a thong on his head, told him he was homosexual and said that other prisoners knew it.
“They also forced him to dance with a male interrogator and subjected him to strip searches with no security value, threatened him with dogs, forced him to stand naked in front of women and forced him onto a leash, to act like a dog. He was kept in solitary confinement for 160 days, and interrogations for 18 to 20 hours a day, for 48 out of 54 days.”
“Guantanamo holds 520 prisoners, while more than 230 others have been released or transferred to the custody of their home governments. Most were captured during the U.S. war in Afghanistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks; only a few have been charged with any crime.“
Considering “only a few have been charged with any crime” in the American Gulags, as some as accused. There is evidence that people have been tortured to death. This is a disgrace for our country. The way the Patriot(wink wink) act is written, ANYONE can be sent off to one of their ‘Gulags’, on one of their whims. Will the American public will wake up in time to what is happening to THEIR country…
Imagine what has happened, that we have NOT heard of ?!?!
If “few have been charged with crimes,” we can only assume that most of the detainees were not terrorists. Sadly, the treatment they received could be enough to turn them into terrorists, or turn their children, neighbors, etc. into terrorists. The blowback on this could be devastating.
In regards to: “The Republicans are unfit to govern.” Much of the bush destruction has been OK’d by over 90% of the Senate… Issue is, these Republicans are NOT Republicans. Further THESE Democrats are unfit to govern, cause they are NOT Democrats. While America Dickers on who is to blame; republicans(bush for example), or democrats(clinton for example), our country remains DIVIDED and continues to self-destruct from within… United We Stand, Divided We Fall, as the free-fall in America continues. What is the politician doing for YOU, heck with the title(rep/dem). What is the politican doing for AMERICA ??????????????
The torture continues in YOUR name. MOST politicans are to blame, regardless of their party.
What about the argument that our military men and women could be treated similarly if captured? It finally dawned on me that this administration just doesn’t care.
Bush, Rumsfeld, and the Military
*don’t care about sending our troops into battle with inadequate equipment
*don’t care about sending them back to Iraq and Afghanistan over and over again
*don’t care about medical or psychiatric care for veterans
So why in the world would they care if their torture policy hurts our brave troops?
You are so right to say that “Republicans are unfit to govern.
Oue entire government is unfit, with the esception of maybe a handful. I see time after time how even a majority of Dems don’t care and wash over it. They punish the low level soldiers and the comanders are untouched. We should be ashamed that these people in government are our elelcted officials. How are we suppose to look the world in the eye when we can’t stand our government. I remember this old bumper sticker I saw once. it said ” I Love My Country, I fear my Government”
“They” don’t hate our freedom. “They” hate President’s policies and the arrogance that Bush will never admit a mistake or take responsibility for any of the administrations actions just trickles down the line to the military commanders allowing these things 1)to even ever happenand 2)to go unpunished. What has the world come to what is this place where torture is acceptable. I am crying with you Manny.
The punch line to this joke goes something like :
But they didn’t flush the Koran down the toilet
Seriously. This is despicable, and so is the media silence on this. I guess they all learned from Newsweeks lesson that you don’t talk about torture or Uncle Karl comes after you.
Isn’t it ironic…
After hearing how bad Saddam was… how cruel his son’s Uday and Qusay (sp?) were… how they tortured people… how “that alone [justifies] the war”…
Well, it sure seems Bush and Cheney would gladly have Uday working down in Gitmo these days.