What could be more damning than the charges Edmonds has made?
The charges are as follows:
- Certain “semi-legit organizations” operating inside the United States facilitated the 9-11 attacks through money laundering and narcotics trafficking activities on behalf of the terrorists (one of these Organizations has been revealed to be the Brent Scowcroft-led American Turkish Council).
- These Organizations have ties to powerful people in the U.S. government
- Targets of the FBI investigations of these Organizations were deliberately allowed to leave the country months after 9-11, a la the Bin Laden family airlift.
Combining the above facts with the knowledge that it is the Bush administration that has been leading a frontal assault on Ms. Edmonds might lead one to conclude that Sibel Edmonds has evidence that would lead to the impeachment and removal of office of the Bush/Cheney team. And there is quite reason to think this is so.
So why then, have not the Democrats been calling for public hearings on Ms. Edmonds case? Why did they not leak her testimony to the public on the eve of the presidential election, and thereby hand the White House to John Kerry?”
MORE: “Ms. Edmonds is quoted by Steve Perry as saying, ” . . . I have had certain Democrats who have wanted to do absolutely nothing with it. In fact they would say that they don’t want to mess with it, because considering the upcoming election, it would hurt the Democrats.”
EVEN MORE: Edmonds let out an even more telling clue. Note the following exchange I hand transcribed:
Horton: . . . are we talking about ties between these semi-legit organizations and officials in the Bush administration?
Edmonds: One thing I have said is that the issues I have talked about are by no means partisan . . . some of this intelligence goes back to 1997, 1998 and continues to this day, right now . . .
Since most of Edmonds rhetorical fire in the past has been directed at the Executive Branch, her pointing out the time frame would seem to indicate that both the Bush and Clinton administrations have some involvement in the scandal. This is a detail which might explain why the congressional Democrats are so reticent to take up Sibel Edmonds’ cause. Could the legacy of Bill Clinton, along with George W. Bush be at stake?”
With any research is it evident that through incompetency or corruption, the government was involved with 9-11 taking place. Further that Clinton is no angel, much like bush(s). As much of the country dickers over who was worse; bush or clinton, the country is being destroyed from within. Easy to see the destruction if one looks.
UNITED We Stand, Divided We Fall !!! Quite simple folks. The current so called Republicans and so-called Democrats are out to destroy America as we know it. Destroying America, while they become filthy rich. Bush/cheney/rice, or hilary/kerry the divison will continue. Many of todays politicians are out to line their thieir own pockets as well as those corporations that make them rich.
Has anyone else noticed that bush sr. and clinton appear quite often together, often in a chummy fashion. Quite simple, they have the same boss.
I’ve written about this. And you’re right. The Nugan Hand-BCCI criminal conspiracy involved Clinton. He scaled back their activities, but he did nothing to eradicate it.
How come I missed all that?
A quick google opened up an amazing can of worms!
Boonam, could we go to the area of which the Thacher son got involved with/in last year? Might this be of any help as well? I think this is so intertwined that it is crazy to even to unwind this whole mess. Do I detect a sense of our government involvement to include the Iran-Contra investigation done by Kerry? What does he know that he is not willing to expose to all of us? Will it threaten his life to any extent? and so forth………
Also look at the Porter Goss connection to Berry Seal and what they did south of the border back early on. What a tangled web we all weeve!
Look for the connections between:
Chertoff and al-Qaeda suspects involved in an HMO scandal in New Jersey.
Negroponte and the Contras.
Goss and the Cubans/Contras.
Armitage and the Laos drug trade/Shah armament program.
Look at all the Iran/Contra suspects, and look at what positions they are currently holding in the government.
Look at Richard Secord, Heinie Aderholt, Gary Best, and Farhad Azima’s activities in Azerbaijan in the early 90’s.
Look at the make-up of the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce.
Look at Azima’s relationship with Clinton and Gephardt, as well as with the Iran-Contra crew.
Finally, ask yourself if there is any connection between Azima and Hilliard.
That’s is as far as I got before I had to call it off and put my tin-foil hat away.
Check out Debraz’s link to Indira Singh Sibel Edmond’s letter for a real kick in the head.
Google PTECH, Indira Singh, Coleen Rowley, or Sibel Edmonds for more. Talk about a can or worms(snakes)..
Holy macro – I was up until 5 am. Couldn’t stop reading. Didn’t even scratch the surface.
Boo, you’re right as usual – its too big to get a grip on. Question is, how to divide it up into bite sized pieces.
I had great hopes for Kerry as President, because he understands the so-called Octopus better than any other American politician alive.
He wasn’t going to to campaign on it, but he did talk candidly about it to many on the campaign trail.
They use violence and they control all levers of government right now.
So, there is nothing we can do to expose them. Edmonds is the perfect example of this, with her muzzling by the states-secrets act.
Simply put, any talk on this will be shouted down as conspiracy talk, and pols from both parties are complicit.
Read and understand, and then watch your back.
I’m still trying to wrap my brain around what the so-called Octopus is. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
is a theory.
It is called the Octopus because it has so many hands in so many places.
How should I summarize this quickly?
During the Cold War there were a lot of things that the West wanted done, but they didn’t want attributed to them. For example, we fought secret wars in Laos, Cambodia, Nicaragua, and Afghanistan.
Even much of Congress was unaware of what was going on, and they didn’t appropriate money for it.
The Octopus were in charge of getting the financing. They were experts in money laundering, and they raised money through stealing military equipment and selling it, and through skimming off the international drug trade.
The Saudis also payed for much of this, and the Israelis played a role too.
The same characters moved from Laos, to Iran, to Afghanistan, and Central America, and then after the Cold War, to Azerbaijan.
The most visible glimpses of their activities were the Castle Bank, Nugan-Hand Bank, Iran-Contra, and the BCCI scandal.
In Bush’s first two terms, he has populated every area of government with veterans of Laos, and Iran-Contra.
Thus, your conspiracy theory.
Your turn for a thread on the Octopus ?? The more investigators that we can drag into where all the hands go, the more that could be found. We could take turns on keeping this concept going, educating more people as the concept maintains it’s life. What is going on, is sooooooo much bigger than most would believe. Investigating can make one tired, as well as dizzy. Without a doubt, AMERICA WE HAVE A PROBLEM !!! AMERICA needs it’s patriots more than ever. This also seems to be a global problem as well. You seem to have went places that I haven’t, as well as I have traveled to places not familiar to you… One hint on my end, the Illumanati conspiracy does make some sense. EtJ
I can’t do it anymore. I’ve dedicated myself to another mission.
But I’m happy to point you in certain directions.
Look for connections between Farhad Azima and Wally Hilliard.
Azima holds the key, in my opinion.
Will look into these names. Gotta play grown-up for awhile today…..
Have you seen this picture ?
LINK: http://rense.com/1.imagesE/zion_tentacles.gif
When one finds a new lead, this kinda stuff happens: “I was up until 5 am”!! Sooooooooooo much dirt on this gang, and in investigating one, you find dirt on the others. When digging on the bush family I found more than I wanted on Clinton and Kerry. The bush team goes way back, they are the pros of pros, when it comes to crime.
Indeed! There’s only one way to do it systematically, and that is to find a wall and a lot of post-its and start mapping. Navigating thru this stuff has to be visual to illuminate the connections (for me).
Boo talks about his ‘timeline’, and that is useful when you need to identify what is cause and what is effect – but I find the linear view limiting, or rather that it doesn’t throw up so many revealing connections.
I am not going to spend much time on this Octopus – except I find the Promis software stuff very significant and relevant to a movie script I am working on.
Gee, and I thought it was just Clinton’s life-long quest to be finally be considered in the club…to finally and forever wipe the Arkansan smudge from atop his forehead.
Many in the Georgetown set didn’t like him. They considered him–charitably–to be a hick.
So much for the myth that “any little boy can be President of the United States.”
Oh, but we already knew that was a myth.
But to circle back to your point–yeah, they do have the same bosses. Only it seems that Clinton can’t quite bury his conscience to at least try to do something good, so he throws himself into good causes: Tsunami relief, AIDS, etc.
That’s nice. What we really need are his considerable political skills that will both do us good AND save our government, because this set of corrupt creeps seem intent on destroying it.
A must see, Indira Singh who was fired by Morgan Stanley for what she found on PTECHand reported to the FBI and Congress illuminates Sibel’s testimony. Chilling, don’t watch before bedtime.
Scroll down and play “Indira Singh Sibel’s Letter”.
“On May 11, 2005, Muhamed Mubayyid was arrested and charged in Boston’s District Court for filing false tax returns on behalf of Care International, for which he acted as treasurer.[1] Mubayyid was also the Customer Services manager of the company known as Ptech, a privately owned technology company based in Quincy, Massachusetts.[2] Ptech, which recently changed its name to GoAgile, developed a software, also called Ptech, that was used primarily to develop enterprise blueprints that held every important functional, operational, and technical detail of a given enterprise. “
“When Ptech was raided in December 2002, no arrests were made and the company continued to operate. Interviewed by a local newsletter, on May 2004, Ptech’s CEO, Oussama Ziade said: “Ptech still has government agencies as customers, including, the White House.”
Catte Nappe, Wonder what they have on Richard Clarke to shut him up ??!?!? From your linked article: “Richard Clarke in his testimony before the Senate on October 22, 2003, said: “Qadi was the head of Muwafaq, a Saudi relief organization that reportedly transferred at least $3 million, on behalf of Khalid bin Mahfouz, to Usama bin Laden and assisted al Qida [sic.] fighters in Bosnia.” Moreover, according to the Treasury Department letter to Switzerland’s Attorney General in November 2001, Muwafaq fronted for, and funded Makhtab al-Khidamat (MK), al-Qaeda, HAMAS, and the Abu-Sayyaf organization, to name just a few. Yet, Muwafaq was not designated as a terrorist organization.”
What a nasty bed that our government has jumped into. TRUTH be known, there is BIG money in fighting terrorism.. Enough to fund the terrorism that your Fight(wink wink).
Debraz, This is a true must see/hear…. “Indira Singh Sibel’s Letter.” Interesting tidbits from letter: “Through his contacts in Afghanistan he received information that: 1) Osama Bin Laden was planning a major terrorist attack in the United States targeting 4-5 major cities, 2) the attack was going to involve airplanes, 3) some of the individuals in charge of carrying out this attack were already in place in the United States, 4) the attack was going to be carried out soon, in a few months. The agents who received this information reported it to their superior, Special Agent in Charge of Counterterrorism, Thomas Frields, at the FBI Washington Field Office, by filing “302” forms, and the translator, Mr. Behrooz Sarshar, translated and documented this information. No action was taken by the Special Agent in Charge, Thomas Frields, and after 9/11 the agents and the translators were told to ‘keep quiet’ regarding this issue.”
This led me to a search on PTECH, and to this: PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR – Part I
PROMIS Connections to Cheney Control of
9/11 Attacks Confirmed
Jamey Hecht
THIS: “FTW: You said at the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission hearings, you mentioned – it’s on page 139 of transcript – that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.
Indira Singh: Yes, I have a good diagram for that.” explains a lot..
and of course, after 9/11, Thomas Frields was…. promoted.
Excellent job of connecting the dots. So many failures, but NO ONE held accountable, and those that failed the most were PROMOTED… Promoted ’cause nothing went wrong. 911 was so much more than America realizes. The enemy is within.
Listen to Indira Singh’s description of what the software is designed to do. That’s very important, and its everywhere.
Found this Newsweek Web Exclusive
Updated: 3:57 p.m. ET Dec. 10, 2003
Now that the Customs-led Greenquest operation has been folded into the new Homeland Security Department, NEWSWEEK has learned, the FBI and its parent agency, the Justice Department, have demanded that the White House instead give the FBI total control over Greenquest.
One senior law-enforcement official called the lack of coordination between the FBI and Greenquest “an intolerable situation” and noted that the bureau–not Homeland Security–has been formally designated by President Bush as the “lead agency” for terrorism investigations. “You can’t have two lead agencies” conducting terror cases, the official said.
The FBI-Justice move, pushed by DOJ Criminal Division chief Michael Chertoff and Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson, has enraged Homeland Security officials, however. They accuse the bureau of sabotaging Greenquest investigations–by failing to turn over critical information to their agents–and trying to obscure a decadelong record of lethargy in which FBI offices failed to aggressively pursue terror-finance cases.
“They [the FBI] won’t share anything with us,” said a Homeland Security official. “Then they go to the White House and they accuse us of not sharing … If they can’t take it over, they want to kill it.”
But even while the White House was preaching cooperation, the various agencies that were being folded into Homeland Security were squabbling with the FBI–the behemoth in the domestic war on terror. One prime example of the tension is the investigation into Ptech, the Boston-area computer software firm that had millions of dollars in sensitive government contracts with the Air Force, the Energy Department and, ironically enough, the FBI. In what turned into a minor embarrassment for the bureau, the firm’s main investors included Yasin Al-Qadi, a wealthy Saudi businessman whom the Bush administration had formally designated a terrorist financier under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. Al-Qadi has vigorously denied any connection to terrorism.
The Ptech case turned into an ugly dispute last year when company whistleblowers told Greenquest agents about their own suspicions about the firm’s owners. Sources close to the case say those same whistleblowers had first approached FBI agents, but the bureau apparently did little or nothing in response. With backing from the National Security Council, Greenquest agents then mounted a full-scale investigation that culminated in a raid on the company’s office last December. After getting wind of the Greenquest probe, the FBI stepped in and unsuccessfully tried to take control of the case.
The result, sources say, has been something of a train wreck. Privately, FBI officials say Greenquest agents botched the probe and jeopardized other more promising inquiries into Al-Qadi. Greenquest agents dismiss the charges and say the problem is that the bureau was slow to respond to legitimate allegations that an outside contractor with terrorist ties may have infiltrated government computers.
So, with Gonzales as AG, and Chertoff now at Homeland Security, all the bases are covered.
The bush team is a thorough group…. Whenever someone is nominated by bush, google the name with CIA, FBI, or crime(s), and see what you get… Most are corrupt as corrpt can be. Criminals running America, when does she lose her tempter. When the shit hits the fan in America, America will be one pissed lady… When is the only question left for America losing here cool….
To me – this quote from the above was the lid of Pandora’s Box
“….what hidden technologies might be making the Neocons so brazen in their attempts at bullying the world into submission”
The answer to this defines the gestalt of everything we face: moving from an anthropocentric worldspace to a technocentric worldspace. This paradigm shift (to use a cliche) would question the value of real life (all life/all nature, not just Man) versus a simulated existence – ie an imperfect but superlogical, anthropomorphic HAL versus the old man about to die.
Kubrik laid it all out in his Space Odyessy. A million times more relevant and chilling to a view of the future than any Lucas comic book claptrap.
Now we know why Cheney spends all his time in a bunker.
You young bucks go and do the legwork of investigation. I’m happy that our project finally touches on philosophy 😉
women. No offense, it’s terrible people are missing or hurt. We need more “investigative” reporters to unearth and publize these facts and more. I doubt there are real reporters any way. Remember the song from the 80’s “Dirty Laundry” (an ex_Eagle sang this), that how I view most of the so-called reporters.
Is this why Ms. Edmonds never got her day in court, so to speak, with the 9/11 commission? If she ever hit the airwaves with all of this, would she have to have a special security onclave to guard her?
could she be like Dr. David Kelly and the reporter Gary Webb ( I think his name is) and commit sucide, accidently?
There would be a definite chance that she would be suicided. Fortunately she has a lot of dirt on this gang, and she has some heavy-weights behind(only eason she is alive) her. She needs a mouth piece to the public, THAT is what she needs, EtJ
how can we arrange this for her?
The mouthpieces are you and me, my dear. Then those that we can educate, then others that they educate. Main Stream Media is locked down on this. It is up to the “TRUE” patriots of America.