Seems that Bush with the Dems has sojourned,
To pick a SCOTUS without being burned.
It could be by October,
If Republicans act sober,
Seems the old “No Timetables” have turned!
(four more after the fold)
For dead crews everybody will pray,
As Discovery launches today.
They’ve repaired damaged tiles,
Answer questions with smiles,
“Light this Candle!” they ironically say.
He escapes without reprimand,
General Miller retains his command!
Seems it’s OK to duct tape,
And to simulate rape,
And threaten families, but just who’s Taliban?
Aage Bjerre, the French and Germans despised,
For not supporting the US wartime franchise.
Jailed Dane says, “No Slices!”
When left his devices.
Now his Pizzeria will just draw “Freedom Flies”.
And in similar news from Beijing,
Japanese customers must an apology bring.
They’ll get no won ton,
From this shop they’ll be gone,
Without accounting for the rape of Nanjing.
As I’ve been up all night I can’t think of one dam scintillating thing to add except good morning bood.