This started as a comment, but it got so long I decided to post it as a diary. It probably won’t be too popular, but here goes.

I’m sorry this is a rant – I hope you all can forgive me. I am just getting a wee bit frustrated.


I understand why many of you are upset.

But . . .

What is this place to you? Is Booman a blog where like minded people can get together and discuss issues in a more supportive environment . . . or a place to “complain about Kos” 24/7?
Booman has worked hard to make a place for a balance of the sexes, a respectful place to hang out and try to be politically active and thoughtful. He has offered a place where your voice matters. So use your voice – HERE. Can’t you hear him subtly begging for you all to use this place for its intended purpose? He is too kind and polite to come right out and say it – because he is caring. I feel, frankly, many of you are taking advantage of his kindness and walking all over him. I don’t like seeing friends treated this way.

If you don’t like it over at Kos – fine. Come over here. Enjoy it. Find the voice of Booman. I can’t hear it any more under the cacophony of complaints about Kos. This place used to be a second home for me as well. But now every time I come here there are multiple diaries about how horrible it is at “the other place”.

I feel like this is the friend that had a bad breakup . . . a long time ago . . . that you eventually have a hard time being around – because all they can talk about is how horrible their significant other was (even though the “other” is also a friend of yours). And you have to agree with everything they say, and claim your hatred of the other person . . . or you are viewed as uncaring and it amplifies the complaints even more as they attempt to garner your 100% support. Eventually, you don’t even want to answer your phone any more because they constantly call at odd hours of the night with some remembered grievance that popped into their head while they were dozing.

Some grieving over loss of what you thought was something close is necessary, but there comes a point where it is unhealthy to go over it again and again and again. You become unable to move forward and are unable to recognize what life has given you. So use this place for what it can be on its own – not a second rate blog to bitch about what is wrong with another one. It really is unbecoming.

And as many problems as there are with Kos, wouldn’t energy be better spent fighting the real enemy? The Conservative side thrives on finding where we fight amongst ourselves, because then all they do is sit back and let us do their dirty work. We will not all agree on all issues – ever. We are too diverse. I won’t pretend many horrible things were not said at Kos, because they were. But we are all going to be supporting the same group of Candidates – whether you like it or not, we will be working toward that same ’06 goal. You do see that, don’t you?

If Kos wants a place where rational thought supplied with evidence and support of your main position is important . . . and you don’t like it . . . don’t go there. It will be easier on everyone involved. If it frustrates you don’t.go.there. Then you can be here and be constructive instead of stuck complaining about someplace else.

I waited for awhile after the Pie fights because time was needed for everyone to settle into a new home. But I am starting to wonder if that is what many view this environment as. Move in, fluff the pillows, buy some fuzzy rugs in a color you like – but move in. Do you need to check every move Kos makes? Or is it time to move on with your life and make your unique contributions?

There is so much potential here . . . Please, please, please . . . can I have my Booman Tribune back now? Please.

Update [2005-7-13 18:11:42 by SeattleLiberal]:: Well, I was not expecting this response from a diary I posted at 3 in the morning.

My intention was not to insult any member here and I apologize if any took it that way. Any overgeneralizations are my own – and I did use some. This is one of the drawbacks of a format like this one. This is still how I was feeling early this morning. This has been a place I have frequented since April, and as you all know there have been many changes since then.

I appreciated the responses below. And many comments pointing out errors have been noted. I may not agree with everything disputing my little morning rant, but I see your point of view. I thank you for the dialog.