Ugh, I’ve been totally engulfed in my determination to find the RNC talking points that have been referenced in a few articles that I’ve seen. I figured the best way to find them would be in Freeperville. I’ll post them below the fold, but then I’m off to take a shower…
Update [2005-7-13 12:3:53 by Man Eegee]: The best response to this, in my opinion, is not to enter the argument with rebuttals, but rather to call them on the B.S. Write letters to your local papers, contact your media sources, Congress(wo)men, Senators, etc.
Let them know that you have read the RNC talking points and are appalled that they are spinning a very serious situation. Our national security has been compromised with the Plame outing, otherwise there wouldn’t even be an investigation.
- Republicans = corrupt
- Republicans = following Bush’s lead and refusing to admit mistakes
- Republicans = playing politics with our national security
- Rinse and Repeat
If you can stomach it, here’s the link. Disclaimer: I have no way of verifying this information.
E-Mail forwarded by Texas GOP National Committeewoman, Denise McNamara | 7/12/05 | Scott JenningsPosted on 07/12/2005 10:05:04 PM PDT by anymouse
- The Democrats Are Engaging In Blatant Partisan Political Attacks.
- Karl Rove Discouraged A Reporter From Writing A False Story Based On A False Premise.
- The False Premise Was Joe Wilson’s Allegation That The Vice President Sent Him To Niger And That His Report Was Shown To The Vice President.
- The Senate Select Committee On Intelligence Confirmed That Rove Was Right And Wilson Was Wrong: The Vice President Didn’t Send Wilson Anywhere.
- Both The Senate Select Committee On Intelligence And The CIA Found Claims Wilson Has Made To Be Inaccurate.
- Karl Rove Has Fully Cooperated With This Investigation For More Than A Year And Has Permitted Any Reporter He Spoke With About Joe Wilson To Discuss Their Conversations.
- Government Investigators Have Specifically Asked Every Witness In This Case, Including Karl Rove, Not To Discuss The Subject Matter Of The Investigation.
- Time Magazine Reporter Matt Cooper Called Karl Rove, Rove Didn’t Call Cooper.
- Cooper Told Rove He Called To Discuss Welfare Reform And Brought Up Wilson In Their Conversation.
- Rove Said He Was Willing To Discuss The Wilson Situation Only If Cooper Promised Not To Use, In An Effort To Kill An Inaccurate Story.
Cooper’s Own Email Claims Rove Warned Of Potential Inaccuracies In Wilson Information:
“[Time Reporter Matt] Cooper Wrote That Rove Offered Him A `Big Warning’ Not To `Get Too Far Out On Wilson.’ Rove Told Cooper That Wilson’s Trip Had Not Been Authorized By `DCIA’ – CIA Director George Tenet – Or Vice President Dick Cheney.” (Michael Isikoff, “Matt Cooper’s Source,” Newsweek, 7/18/05)
Karl Rove’s Lawyer, Robert Luskin: “A Fair-Minded Reading Of Cooper’s E-Mail Is That Rove Was Trying To Discourage Time Magazine From Circulating False Allegations About Cheney, Not Trying To Encourage Them By Saying Anything About Wilson Or His Wife.” (Pete Yost, “White House In A Bind Over Rove E-Mail,” The Associated Press, 7/12/05)
· Luskin: “The Fair Inference … Is That Rove Was Trying To Warn Time … Away From Perpetuating Things That Turned Out To Be False, And Not Try To Encourage Him To Say Anything About Wilson’s Wife.” (Richard Simon and Richard B. Schmitt, “Democrats Take Aim At Rove In Leak Case,” Los Angeles Times, 7/12/05)
Rove Didn’t Know Wilson’s Wife Name; Rove Didn’t Say Her Name:
Newsweek Reporter Michael Isikoff Said Cooper E-Mail Does Not Indicate Rove Knew Plame Was Covert Operative. “[A]s many people have pointed out, and we pointed out, Karl Rove doesn’t identify Valerie Plame by name, so that’s an important distinction. And there’s nothing in the e-mail that indicates whether or not Rove knew that she was a covert operative. In fact, there’s nothing in the e-mail that indicates he does.” (CNN’s, “Inside Politics,” 7/11/05)
“Luskin Said Yesterday That Rove Did Not Know Plame’s Name And Was Not Actively Trying To Push The Information Into The Public Realm.” (Josh White, “Rove Told Reporter Of Plame’s Role But Didn’t Name Her, Attorney Says,” The Washington Post, 7/11/05)
Joe Wilson Falsely Claimed That It Was Vice President Cheney Who Sent Him To Niger, But The Vice President Has Said He Never Met Him And Didn’t Know Who Sent Him:
Wilson Says He Traveled To Niger At CIA Request To Help Provide Response To Vice President’s Office. “In February 2002, I was informed by officials at the Central Intelligence Agency that Vice President Dick Cheney’s office had questions about a particular intelligence report. … The agency officials asked if I would travel to Niger to check out the story so they could provide a response to the vice president’s office.” (Joseph C. Wilson, Op-Ed, “What I Didn’t Find In Africa,” The New York Times, 7/6/03)
Joe Wilson: “What They Did, What The Office Of The Vice President Did, And, In Fact, I Believe Now From Mr. Libby’s Statement, It Was Probably The Vice President Himself …” (CNN’s “Late Edition,” 8/3/03)
Vice President Cheney: “I Don’t Know Joe Wilson. I’ve Never Met Joe Wilson. … And Joe Wilson – I Don’t [Know] Who Sent Joe Wilson. He Never Submitted A Report That I Ever Saw When He Came Back.” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 9/14/03)
CIA Director George Tenet: “In An Effort To Inquire About Certain Reports Involving Niger, CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Experts, On Their Own Initiative, Asked An Individual With Ties To The Region To Make A Visit To See What He Could Learn.” (Central Intelligence Agency, “Statement By George J. Tenet, Director Of Central Intelligence,” Press Release, 7/11/03)
Tenet: “Because This Report, In Our View, Did Not Resolve Whether Iraq Was Or Was Not Seeking Uranium From Abroad, It Was Given A Normal And Wide Distribution, But We Did Not Brief It To The President, Vice-President Or Other Senior Administration Officials.” (Central Intelligence Agency, “Statement By George J. Tenet, Director Of Central Intelligence,” Press Release, 7/11/03)
Wilson Denied His Wife Suggested He Travel To Niger, But Documentation Showed She Proposed His Name:
Wilson Claims His Wife Did Not Suggest He Travel To Niger To Investigate Reports Of Uranium Deal; Instead, Wilson Claims It Came Out Of Meeting With CIA To Discuss Report. CNN’S WOLF BLITZER: “Among other things, you had always said, always maintained, still maintain your wife, Valerie Plame, a CIA officer, had nothing to do with the decision to send to you Niger to inspect reports that uranium might be sold from Niger to Iraq. … Did Valerie Plame, your wife, come up with the idea to send you to Niger?” JOE WILSON: “No. My wife served as a conduit, as I put in my book. When her supervisors asked her to contact me for the purposes of coming into the CIA to discuss all the issues surrounding this allegation of Niger selling uranium to Iraq.” (CNN’s “Lade Edition,” 7/18/04)
But Senate Select Committee On Intelligence Received Not Only Testimony But Actual Documentation Indicating Wilson’s Wife Proposed Him For Trip. “Some [CIA Counterproliferation Division, or CPD,] officials could not recall how the office decided to contact the former ambassador, however, interviews and documents provided to the Committee indicate that his wife, a CPD employee, suggested his name for the trip. The CPD reports officer told Committee staff that the former ambassador’s wife `offered up his name’ and a memorandum to the Deputy Chief of the CPD on February 12, 2002, from the former ambassador’s wife says, `my husband has good relations with both the PM [prime minister] and the former Minister of Mines (not to mention lots of French contacts), both of whom could possibly shed light on this sort of activity.'” (Select Committee On Intelligence, “Report On The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments On Iraq,” U.S. Senate, 7/7/04)
Wilson’s Report On Niger Had “Thin” Evidence And Did Not Change Conclusions Of Analysts And Other Reports:
Officials Said Evidence Was “Thin” And His “Homework Was Shoddy.” (Michael Duffy, “Leaking With A Vengeance,” Time, 10/13/03)
Senate Select Committee On Intelligence Unanimous Report: “Conclusion 13. The Report On The Former Ambassador’s Trip To Niger, Disseminated In March 2002, Did Not Change Any Analysts’ Assessments Of The Iraq-Niger Uranium Deal.” (Senate Select Committee On Intelligence, “Report On The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Assessments On Iraq, 7/7/04)
“For Most Analysts, The Information In The Report Lent More Credibility To The Original Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Report On The Uranium Deal, But State Department Bureau Of Intelligence And Research (IN) Analysts Believed That The Report Supported Their Assessments That Niger Was Unlikely To Be Willing Or Able To Sell Uranium.” (Senate Select Committee On Intelligence, “Report On The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Assessments On Iraq, 7/7/04)
CIA Said Wilson’s Findings Did Not Resolve The Issue. “Because [Wilson’s] report, in our view, did not resolve whether Iraq was or was not seeking uranium from abroad, it was given a normal and wide distribution, but we did not brief it to the president, vice president or other senior administration officials. We also had to consider that the former Nigerien officials knew that what they were saying would reach the U.S. government and that this might have influenced what they said.” (Central Intelligence Agency, “Statement By George J. Tenet, Director Of Central Intelligence,” Press Release 7/11/03)
The Butler Report Claimed That The President’s State Of the Union Statement On Uranium From Africa, “Was Well-Founded.” “We conclude that, on the basis of the intelligence assessments at the time, covering both Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the statements on Iraqi attempts to buy uranium from Africa in the Government’s dossier, and by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons, were well-founded. By extension, we conclude also that the statement in President Bush’s State of the Union Address of 28 January 2003 that: `The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.’ was well-founded.” (The Rt. Hon. The Lord Butler Of Brockwell, “Review Of Intelligence, On Weapons Of Mass Destruction,” 7/14/04)
Sens. Roberts, Bond And Hatch All Dismissed Wilson’s Claims:
Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS), Kit Bond (R-MO) And Orrin Hatch (R-UT) All Stated, “On At Least Two Occasions [Wilson] Admitted That He Had No Direct Knowledge To Support Some Of His Claims And That He Was Drawing On Either Unrelated Past Experiences Or No Information At All.” (Select Committee On Intelligence, “Additional Views Of Chairman Pat Roberts, Joined By Senator Christopher S. Bond And Senator Orrin G. Hatch; Report On The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments On Iraq,” U.S. Senate, 7/7/04)
“The Former Ambassador, Either By Design Or Through Ignorance, Gave The American People And, For That Matter, The World A Version Of Events That Was Inaccurate, Unsubstantiated, And Misleading.” (Select Committee On Intelligence, “Additional Views Of Chairman Pat Roberts, Joined By Senator Christopher S. Bond And Senator Orrin G. Hatch; Report On The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments On Iraq,” U.S. Senate, 7/7/04)
“[J]oe Wilson Told Anyone Who Would Listen That The President Had Lied To The American People, That The Vice President Had Lied And That He Had `Debunked’ The Claim That Iraq Was Seeking Uranium From Africa … Not Only Did He NOT `Debunk’ The Claim, He Actually Gave Some Intelligence Analysts Even More Reason To Believe That It May Be True.” (Select Committee On Intelligence, “Additional Views Of Chairman Pat Roberts, Joined By Senator Christopher S. Bond And Senator Orrin G. Hatch; Report On The U.S. Intelligence Community’s Prewar Intelligence Assessments On Iraq,” U.S. Senate, 7/7/04)
Rove Has Cooperated Fully With Special Investigator:
“[Luskin] Said Rove Had Fully Cooperated With Special Prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald And The Grand Jury Probe.” (Richard Simon and Richard B. Schmitt, “Democrats Take Aim At Rove In Leak Case,” Los Angeles Times, 7/12/05)
Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald Has Said Rove Was Not The Focus Of Investigation:
“[Luskin] Said He Has Received Repeated Assurances From Fitzgerald’s Office That Rove Is Not A Target In The Case.” (Bill Saporito, “When to Give Up a Source,” Time, 7/11/05)
Cooper Called Rove; Rove Didn’t Call Cooper:
“Rove’s Lawyer, Robert Luskin, Said [Time Reporter Matt] Cooper Called Rove During The Week Before Novak’s Story Appeared …” (Bill Saporito, “When To Give Up A Source,” Time, 7/11/05)
Cooper Told Rove He Was Calling To Talk About Welfare Reform:
“[Luskin] Said Wilson’s Wife Came Up As An Afterthought In A Conversation That Cooper Had Initiated, Primarily For A Story About Welfare Reform.” (Richard Simon and Richard B. Schmitt, “Democrats Take Aim At Rove In Leak Case,” Los Angeles Times, 7/12/05)
During Cooper/Rove Conversation, Cooper Raised The Question Of Wilson’s Trip:
“Cooper Had Called Rove To Discuss Other Matters On A Friday Before Deadline, And The Topic Of Wilson Came Up Briefly. Luskin Said Cooper Raised The Question.” (Josh White, “Rove Told Reporter Of Plame’s Role But Didn’t Name Her, Attorney Says,” The Washington Post, 7/11/05)
Rove Believed He Was Only Discussing Wilson On Background:
“Cooper Proceeded To Spell Out Some Guidance On A Story That Was Beginning To Roil Washington. He Finished, `Please Don’t Source This To Rove Or Even WH [White House]’ And Suggested Another Reporter Check With The CIA.” (Michael Isikoff, “Matt Cooper’s Source,” Newsweek, 7/18/05)
“Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald Has Said Rove Was Not The Focus Of Investigation”
Well, if he’s not the target, I’d love to know who is…we’re already scoring some political points on this. Is this just the beginning?
Heads up: Matthew Cooper is testifying today (Wednesday)
They’ve run out quite a few transparent talking points, eh? They must be feeling the heat.
The fact that they even have talking points is asinine. I’m not so concerned with rebuttals as I am about screaming to the world that they are playing politics with our national security. We know it here, but for most of the country they are barely waking up to the fact that they have been snookered by the spin.
Rove’s “Wilson’s wife” IS identification.
Wilson never claimed that Cheney sent him to Niger.
It was the CIA sent him to Niger. Why would a VP
be involved at that level in the first place?
Wilson was right – there was no nuclear program in Iraq
and no yellow-cake uranium went to Iraq.
Fitzgerald declined comment on whether Rove was a subject
or a target of his investigation.
Rove was called three times before the grand jury. This
is unusual and does not indicate Rove’s full cooperation.
Valerie Plame was undercover, a covert agent, a NOC.
Valerie Plame did not send her husband to Niger, she
was not at the meeting where the decision was made.
She merely informed the members beforehand that her
husband had the qualifications for the mission.
Make up your minds wing nuts, was Valeria Plame an
insignificant desk jockey at the CIA or was she
important enough to make decisions such as the
Niger mission? What is it, is she insignificant
or is she important?
*”The White House Iraq Group” started the propaganda
about Iraq’s nuclear program. The program did not exist.
The White House sought to discredit Joseph Wilson and
his report and did not concern themselves about
the treason of outing a CIA agent in the process.
The White House was intent on invading Iraq and was
forming policy to meet that intention.
*White House Iraq Group formed in August 2002 by Andrew Card met weekly in the Situation Room. Among the regular participants were Karl Rove, the president’s senior political adviser; communications strategists Karen Hughes, Mary Matalin and James R. Wilkinson; legislative liaison Nicholas E. Calio; and policy advisers led by Rice and her deputy, Stephen J. Hadley, along with I. Lewis Libby, Cheney’s chief of staff. This group

See Raw Story for the rest.
for the confirmation and the counter-points.
BooMan was right – at this point it’s all politics, all the time. Fun to watch/read, but leading only to opposing echo chambers. I saw McClellan’s “dancing” at the press conference, and not one reporter mentioned politics. Next day the headlines are full of “Democrats….”
The Grand Jury and Patrick Fitzgerald have the information. The rest is politics as usual.
Yup, I’m getting ready to fire off an email to Keith O and some other “friendly” pundits telling them how disgusted I am that the R’s are playing politics with the investigation. While Scotty and the WH are silent, they are working behind the scenes through their political arm–RNC–to spin spin spin. It’s abhorrent.
cskendrick has a good diary over at kos with counter arguments. Point-by-point. It’s made it to the reco list just now.
This all seems to be the ‘baffel em with bullshit’ theory that the repubs are doing-throwing out any scenario/talking points and hope some of this shit sticks with the public instead of what the real story is.
And it doesn’t help when a anchor on CNN-Kyra Phillips I think her name is just brazenly says that the democrats are waging a massive smear campaign against Rove..yeah that’s good unbiased reporting isn’t it.
As usual the only decent media coverage on the whole Rove mess was Jon Stewart last night. He did an excellent report.
My suggestion upthread is to contact media sources, write LTE and tell them all that you have read the RNC talking points and are appalled that they are trying to distract from an investigation into a compromise of our national security. Hit them hard, call them on their B.S.
Good to ‘see’ you ink!
Always good to ‘see’ you too…I’ve had trouble this summer keeping up with diaries due to health stuff(usual stuff that’s just worse in the summer)plus trying to go to Eurotrib and learn more over there.
is that they are using the tactics of distraction to keep the light off of the essential point – that Rove was apparently involved in the outing of a CIA agent – and changing the subject to what are essentially irrelevant details (i.e. whether Plame sent her husband to Niger or suggested his name to her superiors.)
This is what matters:
But outing Plame was itself a distraction – what mattered when Novak published his column was that the Bush administration had decided early on that the best way to sell the war that they had been planning and lobbying for since 1998 was to terrify the American people that deadly chemicals, horrifying disease, and nuclear holocaust would be the price of not invading Iraq. And of course, people were vulnerable to this strategy because of 9-11.
The extremists now running our country, either members of or heavily influenced by the PNAC saw 9-11 as a golden opportunity to advance the timing of their political agenda. Before 9-11 they were working toward an invasion of Iraq in the 2010-12 timeframe. Their reaction to 9-11 was “Yippee! We can invade now!”
Outing Plame was a distraction from that. Bush lied us into a war.
Their propaganda efforts and manipulation of information – and even of our memories of events that did, in fact, happen have reached truly Orwellian proportions.
to baffle me with their B.S. It’s as if they are taking advantage of an A.D.D. culture so as to keep everyone’s mind moving in so many directions that the central point is non-discernable. Thanks Janet for helping us refocus.
to refuse to let them define what is being discussed. We must resist taking the bait – wasting our time answering their talking points. It does not matter if we are right about who sent Wilson to Niger. As long as we are talking about that, we are doing exactly what they want.
We must insist on changing the topic back to the essential point – Bush lied us into a horrible war.
Exactly janet…each time they spin the wheel of talking points someone just needs to say “The point is George Bush lied about the reasons for going to war. HE fixed the intelligence to fit the policy. This needs to be repeated over and over and over again. Of course they will scoff and ask where you get that info and you bring up DSM over and over and over again.
Exactly. Don’t get drawn into debating individual points. That’s what they want, as it lets them repeat and reinforce the points, and play he said she said. Call them on their entire argument being BS.
Add names of pundits that are repeating the RNC talking points. I’ll compile email addresses of them and update the diary later so we can express our disdain
1. Joe Scarborough –
This all sounds like, “B-b-but we didn’t like what Wilson had to say! And we never saw what he said anyway! So when Rove blew Plame’s cover he didn’t have a motive! And Rove talked about Wilson’s wife but he didn’t say her name! And pointing out this whole shitpile of our own making is a partisan attack! And critizing us is unpatriotic! Fucking liberals!”
This is their brand of “cleaning up Washington”: pretend the shit doesn’t exist.
“Smell? I don’t smell anything!”
Just one example of their utter bullshit:
Cooper Told Rove He Called To Discuss Welfare Reform And Brought Up Wilson In Their Conversation.
And how would the RNC know that unless Rove told them?
Guess who’s still playing politics.
Stop stonewalling. Start telling the truth.