(Crossposted at Daily Kos and My Left Wing.)

Do you follow the news? the blogs? the opinion pages? Do you wonder which of the things you read are accurate?

For a mere $29.95 (ok, I’m kidding, it’s free) there is a simple, verifiable, repeatable test to discover the truth about any issue, or the veracity of any person relaying information.

Of course this could easily be denounced as yet another “tin hat” theory, except for the fact that anyone can do it.

Here’s the key. Applied Kinesiology (or “muscle testing” in the vernacular).

Any person will go strong when exposed to things which  support life (truth), and go weak for things which are bad for them (untruth).

Anyone who’s ever consulted an alternative type healer may be familiar with this.

Here are the instructions.

If you are alone right now, you may have to find a friend or partner to help you with this. You may very well not believe I’m telling you the truth until you start experimenting with this. If you follow the instructions you’ll find that universal truth is accessible to you, and anyone.

Some of the easiest tests to experiment with are organic vitamin C as opposed to Sweet’N’Low. Every person on the planet will go strong for the Vitamin C, and weak for the artificial sweetener, even if they have no idea what they’re holding.

With practice, you will not even need a partner.

Anyone who’s ever listened to GW Bush speak and said something like “I just can’t listen to him, it makes alarm bells go off in my soul,” knows what I am talking about.

My own truth detector is on all day, every day. This has come about mostly because of my extraordinarily debilitating health problems, and the measures I’ve taken to try to correct them.

Although I seem to have been born a liberal progressive, it’s only in the last few years that I have been able to prove, consistently, that the things I know are true, are true.

Of course there are minor exceptions. Some very unwell people will go strong in the absence of truth, and the terms you use when asking questions must be totally unambiguous … framing really is everything.

Now, the instructions page I linked to mentions Dr. David R. Hawkins book: Power VS Force. I highly recommend everyone read this. However this is fairly advanced spiritual material. If you are somehow resistant to this, please save it for later.

Those of you who know me know that I rarely go off on a serious tangent, and when I do it’s because it really is serious.

This is serious.

I would be happy to talk to anyone who wants to know more. E-mail me, and we’ll take it from there.