I suppose it is a good day to write a diary about what I know of the Kinesthetic communicators among us. Feeling yucky today about the plans for military bases in Iraq and that tells me my Kinesthetic is turned on. I lack the gentle patience though of the people who use this mode of communication primarily.
I think that the blogs are full of Kinesthetic individuals and I like to think that whoever is in charge up there has a plan. Kinesthetics are computer cracks and hacks since it involves participation of their body to turn on their minds. The things that Kinesthetic people soak up about computers like sponges just blows my mind sometimes. They are also very feeling sensitive and very gentle and very patient and during this time in history when so much info is falling through the cracks and being pushed to the side and I’m yelling at the computer and turning off the T.V.s in frustration and having to take days off due to frustration, the gentle patient Kinesthetics are doing their thing day in and day out. They don’t attack either/they hug, so whatever they oppose never gets any footing to claim victimization and it isn’t a strategy with them because that is how they are built. They just keep informing one day after another after another and one foot in front of the other is easy cheesy for them. They have worked for thousands of years in this fashion and they have a deep faith in this approach that I utterly lack, but I believe I am now seeing the erosion of denial due to many of their daily chipping away at it efforts.
Kinesthetics really inhabit their bodies fully, taste, feel, and smell. They are good cooks because food must taste good to them……if I’m in a hurry and starved I’ll eat burnt toast with butter but people who are very Kinesthetic would most likely just pass on that taste and texture. Shoes must feel good. My father is Kinesthetic and I wanted to buy him a good pair of shoes last Christmas since he has Diabetes and he tried on every single pair available to try on in the store…GOOD LORD! When Kinesthetics buy a car they drive every car on the lot to “feel” the driving of it. Kinesthetic like dangling earrings too…they can feel them, and sometimes they are very loud colors too.
Clothes must feel good and not itchy or scratchy. If you go clothes shopping with a Kinesthetic person notice that they touch all the clothes. I’m looking at the clothes judging the fit and “style” and whether or not it matches but Kinesthetic people are TOUCHING EVERYTHING and they fear no bright color. All colors look good them, in fact all of the colors at the same time look good on them. Auditory folk like stripes and plaids and I still don’t know why, they told me that in the class and it holds true with my husband and daughter. Visual people like things tailored and matching even if it is a bit uncomfortable because it is okay for beauty to be painful. For Kinesthetic people pain and suffering is overrated and it is hard for anybody to appear beautiful with their forehead all furrowed while their toes are all scrunched up so forget that.
Kinesthetics speak slowly and sometimes softly if they use their auditory skills the least. Many people who make things are very Kinesthetic. My father was a construction contractor and built houses and schools and such his entire life. It was his passion. My mother’s father was very Kinesthetic and he was a bricklayer and used his whole body doing what he did every day wrestling around with sometimes enormous rock, and he was so gentle……like a big bear, like a huge teddy bear.
Kinesthetics live for and survive and thrive on touch and hugs. They must have these things. Kinesthetics are also most at risk in our culture for not getting what they need because we are kind of weird sometimes about touching…..maybe some Victorian Puritan thing still hanging around or something.
If you discover you have a Kinesthetic child never allow any teacher to tell that child that they can’t follow a line in a book while reading with their finger or tell them that they can’t move their lips while reading silently or jiggle their foot while they study. Touch and movement turn on the Kinesthetic brain and to demand things from such people but attempt to take away the means by which they could give it is abuse. Most teachers are visual and auditory and if they don’t understand the Kinesthetic they either need to take a class in it or maybe find a different job. Sorry so blunt, but I remember what they did to some of the Kinesthetic kids that I went to school with when we were stupid about such things and I have no tolerance for it any longer ever again and I’ll say so right to a teacher’s face now.
To let the Kinesthetics in your life know how much you appreciate them, give them a hug or a small touch on the shoulder or arm……..a pat on the back. Until I took this class I walked around like someone had taped my arms to my sides. Hell, I didn’t know that touch could be a good thing……it disturbed the thinking of most of the visuals in my family and all the dads were huggers but they worked all day and were usually tired at night. I thought you hugged people when they were tired!!
To put things in order Kinesthetics make piles. I don’t know how they do it, but they know where everything is too just about as well as I do. If I’m looking for something sometimes I have to look in two cupboards, sometimes they have to look in two piles. Because I can’t function in piles very well I used to call this person’s office a mess, now it is the office of a Kinesthetic person and nothing more or less than that.
Kinesthetics usually sit in a comfortable position or stand leaning against a wall. Sometimes it is like the more contact points they can make the better they can feel their surroundings. My daughter laughs at my driving sometimes because I look like a bird on a perch surveying the landscape when I get nervous or scared and lose touch with the other two communication modes……as a visual person I have as little of my butt touching the car seat as possible. This totally cracks her up.
Don’t want to hurt anybodys feelings either but the Kinesthetics are the best lovers too. We can learn though. We can close our eyes and put in some ear plugs and get into that Kinesthetic groove when it is all we have left to experience through, who knows, maybe we can get real good at it with enough practice!
I was talking to my husband, who is an elementary school teacher, about this series and he was telling me about different approaches he uses in teaching depending on the type. The one that I thought particularly interesting is that with Kinesthetic kids he found that he could help them understand division by using the kids to act out division problems.
they did a problem solving thing in the class that I took which we did bodily, there was about 12 of us and I was super visual then and almost nothing else was turned on. We kept at it and couldn’t seem to get it, finally the instructor asked if somebody in the group believed that it couldn’t be done and I raised my hand…..my all alone hand. She told me that I was the problem. It’s funny now but I was so intimidated at the time, I stood there quietly and let the Kinesthetic people tell me where to go in the problem and sure enough…..the first time it is approached without my constraining visualness in the way we got to the solution as a group. Hmmmmm! I love hearing about the teachers that know a lot about it now, people can all learn so much if it is approached in a manner that they can absorb it in.
Ahhh…this made me want to stretch out on my 400- count 100% egyptian cotton sheets, put my head on my goosedown pillow, open a good book, put my nose inside and smell it, then maybe read for a few minutes before taking an afternoon nap.
I don’t know what kind of a learner I am, but I sure can relate to touching and smelling everything. I can’t stand tags in clothes and the best invention of late is the stamped-on label instead of the sewn in ones at the neckline. I must have 100% cotton clothes…okay maybe 2% spandex or something to keep it from getting wrinkly. I never wear shoes unless must. I love the feel of having my feet on the ground, whether it is on a wood floor, the grass, soft carpet or pine needles.
I don’t like bright colors, though, especially on me. I wear black, brown, white, soft blue, and green exclusively. There is no one who looks more uncomfortable in bright colors than I do! Makes me feel like a fruit salad!
you were a Kinesthetic with visual as your secondary since you like to read and you don’t care for the LOUD colors. Kinesthetic could be your secondary though and visual first. My husband is auditory first but his kinesthetic is so high he is like you about clothing tags….hates em. The first thing he did with all the baby clothes was cut the tags out them not wanting his kids to feel scratchy. He has to have that mostly cotton thing too and I have given up on ever buying him a wool sweater that he would ever wear more than once just to please me. Sometimes if he sees a big stretch of grass and its green and looks soft he has to pull over and if there is time he has to put his bare feet on it. He loves orange…….he’s not much visual. He is the only person I know who owns like 10 orange cotton Tshirts.
Both you and Second Nature just described me, even down to orange being the only bright color I love to wear. Love orange. Can NOT wear uncomfortable clothes. Hate tags. Love barefoot or flip-flops. Love cotton. Hate stiff. Feel VERY awkward in stripes/plaids. Can not bear wool. Am sitting in 90 degree weather without air conditioning and enjoying the breeze from the fan on my sweaty skin.
Do people ever change? I used to be horribly sensitive to noises and lots of them annoyed me to distraction, but not any more. Also used to hate orange.
It would be like those “color consultants” but instead you would figure out our communication type(s) and then — well, just think of all the things you could advise on!
to take and they made some pretty outlandish claims to what it could do for my fledgling landscaping business that I was just starting. They had a money back guarantee though so what the hay? After I took it I asked my fiancee/business partner to take it and he did. We didn’t get married……that was not a good match. Our landscaping business grossed $250,000 our second year though. After taking the class and understanding what and why different people needed and wanted different things it took almost all the stress out of providing what people wanted. The damn bank account just grew and grew and kept on growing. We did do the Walmart they built at the start of that second year though and thank God we had lots of other work lined up after that because we didn’t get paid fordamnedever and Walmart just about broke a few of the small contractors that bid the job and it was the first job of the season. Bad time to not pay and they didn’t pay. Some small contractors had all of their seed money in the Walmart and almost couldn’t make monthly operation costs when they didn’t pay us for over 7 months. That damned Walmart……damn Colorado Structures!
Landscaping certainly wasn’t what I was thinking; I was thinking more like taking schlumps like me and doing miracle personality and life makeovers.
Though if you are still doing landscaping, I sure wouldn’t be surprised if you preferred that than a lot of face to face contact time.
some of this communication mode stuff though can spice up a love life when applied properly. For instance, if you nibble on a visual persons ear they swat at the air like a fly is bothering them. If you nibble an auditory person’s ear they melt into a puddle of Oh My. Bring flowers to visuals and fine chocolates to kinesthetics and all PMSers (that’s a different course)……download a song for an auditory person and tell them beautiful things and share your stories. Take a visual to the museum for lunch and you rock! Take the auditory to their favorite concert and you rock! Take the kinesthetic to bumper cars, race cars, skiing, hiking, disneyland, just take them someplace to do something and you rock! Kinesthetics like camping……camping for the highly visual is a hotel room with the door left open.
Another fun one!
I love to read… will stay curled up for hours with a book (if there is time, and it’s interesting), but… I hate being read to, whether by someone I know, or an instructor or audio books. I start to feel irritated if people are reading to me (or, as I put it, at me). I can’t really grasp something unless I read it myself, it seems.
For clothing and shoes, tho, I go strictly for comfort, and sometimes love bright colors (other times, I go for very, very drab).
I wanted to let you know that I, too, have found your communication “modes” very interesting and entertaining.
One of the nightmares of educational standards and testing is the rigid format used for assessment. Teaching aligns with the form of assessment, leading to more and more time with paper and pencil.
I wonder how many “kinesthetics” end up identified as “ADHD?” Perhaps the “visuals” and “auditory[s]” end up with the “ADD” label.
IMO, the true tragedy is school failure is internalized – “I can’t” or “I must be dumb.”
The more we learn about how we learn, the better able we are to seek and/or ask for what we need to be able to learn. We are also better able to recognize when we are being manipulated and the methods used – a VERY important skill.
Thanks for the information.