THE GREAT UNITER STRIKES AGAIN.. Boy bush forgot to mention a minor fact, when saying that he was a GREAT uniter. Boy bush has effectively united the World against America. Imagine that !?!
“Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that both President Putin (Russia) and President Hu (China) have ordered the immediate activation of 10 Combat Ready Divisions to counter the increasingly aggressive moves being made by the United States in the Caspian Oil Regions of Central Asia. Special Forces Army Units of both Russian Spetsnaz and Chinese Immediate Action Units were also ordered to be immediately deployed to both Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to surround the large American Military bases in those regions, and that the governments of both of these countries have ordered the Americans to leave.”
‘Holy SHITH !!’ Senator Blutowski
From above article: “Moscow Officials further report that upon hearing of these latest moves by the United States against Russia President Putin remarked, “Then let’s see how well they are prepared when the UN orders them (the Americans) to return California to Mexico.””
At least Putin has character that bush could only wish to have. Putin does deliver some zingers from time to time. EtJ
PS: Does that mean that Mexico get’s Arnold ?!?!!
I’ve never heard of Jeff Rense, nor (obviously) heard his program.
There seems to be a lot of, shall we say, rhetoric at the linked site?
That’s not to say it isn’t true, but the sourcing is lacking.
Global Security’s list of CENTCOM facilities, including those in the named countries. There was one article I found dealing with the subject and it involved the group of countries responsible for the “stans”. They’re demanding a date certain for the U.S. and others [Germany; France] to leave.
I think you’re thinking of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization – which consists of the PRC, Russia, and (Kazakh/Kyrgyz/Tajiks/Uzbekis)-stan. Apparently Pakistan, India, and Iran have joined as Observers.
Interesting Kommersant article on it here, as well as a few stories (here and here) on the Declaration you’re referring to.
Yep. That’s the one. But no mention of troop call-ups.