As Congress works to crack down on methamphetamine ingredients, mammoth retailer Wal-Mart is a driving force for a national law that supersedes – and potentially weakens – tough state laws such as Iowa’s …

 (from the Des Moines Register)

Like many other midwestern states, Iowa recently passed a law restricting sales of the decongestant pseudoepehedrine, which is also a precursor of methamphetamine.  The new law has been very effective, with a 75% drop in meth lab seizures since it was passed.  However, Walmart has thrown its weight behind efforts to pass a weaker federal law that would also preempt any state regulations.  

Iowa Senator Grassley is so angry at the changes that he has withdrawn as a sponsor of the law.  The law’s two primary sponsors are Jim Talent (R-MO) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).