We’re not talking conspiracy theories, here.  We’re talking about the Project for a New American Century – many of whose member hold high positions in the US government.  These men openly, and unashamedly promoted wars with Afghanistan and Iraq long before Bush ever came to office.

Their letter to Congress, signed by people we all know and love (yeah, right), years before 9/11, urged the policy that we now know as the War Against Terror – make that Iraq.  Their treatise, Rebuilding America’s Defenses, became the model for the Bush Doctrine….a policy of military domination and superiority around the globe.

PNAC people are all around us. Can you name them? Do you recognize them when they appear on TV as the experts and pundits who promote Bush’s wars?  They’re never identified as PNAC, which seems to be the verboten word in the media.  Most Americans have never heard of them.  The topic is off limits, everywhere.  Why?

Editorial from TvNewsLIES suggest this should be the #1 topic of discussion.  Here’s a snippet:

We must open PNAC and 9/11 to public discourse because all roads may very well lead to or from 9/11.

9/11 is not the reason the Bush/PNAC agenda took shape, it is the
excuse for implementing it.

 9/11 gave these men everything they could possibly ask for including unlimited power to implement their otherwise unacceptable plans for global domination. Nothing else would have enabled them to go ahead with their plans. 9/11 was the greatest thing that ever happened to these men. If that does not make you suspicious, nothing will. What are the odds that all of this is nothing more than a historical coincidence? Do these facts, at the very least, merit public discourse?

Unless the events of 9/11 are discussed openly and without apprehension, nothing else is real. When the people who benefited the most from the events of 9/11 were the very people responsible for preventing them, something is wrong. Since these people had ability to prevent, permit or conduct the events themselves, their collective and individual responses to the events must be examined and analyzed to the last detail.  Anything less would be cowardice.

PNAC is not the figment of a conspiracy theorist.  The people are real, and they have a self-proclaimed goal easily accessed on their own web site.  The article is a discussion of what is known, and what is openly admitted by PNAC.  But the serious question remains about the reasons for the silence and the refusal to acknowledge the role these men are playing in the decisions that determine the foreign policy of the US.

For the full article: