Okay. Forget what CD or DVD you would take to a desert isle. What would be your three wishes for your genie in a bottle? And you can’t ask for a date with Barbara Eden or Larry Hagman.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hmm…how about one wish? It’s a doozy, though:
Bushco out of office, replaced by people with as much integrity, honor, and empathy for others as they lack.
Okay, number 2 would be for the mess in Iraq and the middle east to be resolved peacefully and without further bloodshed.
I’m willing to share number three with someone else who needs it.
Further on the Bush theme, however, my first wish would be for some assurance that, with Bush and his cronies out of office, they are each brought to justice for their crimes against this country and against humanity, if not in this life, then in the hereafter. Methinks it’s mighty warm where Cheney’s going…
Second wish would be for a functioning laptop, amazingly with broadband access. Assuming I’m not permitted to ask to be rescued, or for 3 more wishes, my last wish is for the richest countries to recognize the violence mankind is commiting on the environment and to reverse course, tout de suite.
and selfishly, to be able to “winter” here:

San Jose Del Cabo
that I wish I had a fly sprayer full of “crotch rot”. This spray would completely disintegrate balls and all. All I would have to do is pretend I was spraying for moths, or nile fever mosquitos and go squirty with my “fly” spray. (My grandson alerted me to the pun there!) And then soon they would look down and see NOTHING! And they would NOT be able to multiply themselves.
Although having had this thought I wondered if Bush would even notice. Or Rove – maybe he would secretly LIKE it? Save on sex change operation and he and Gannon would live happily ever after.
But Dick would notice!
Nothing better than a twisted sense of humor with a desire to save the world from madmen Grandma Jo.
I haven’t laughed this hard in well….a long time :O)
Got to agree with CabinGirl here. There is no higher priority than exposing and working for the demise of this corrupt administration.
Now WTF is this all about:
Turdblossom seems to have prepared his cover carefully. Still a crime, though, he confirmed the info to Cooper – and, possibly others.
This, I think, is part of the Bush/Rove defense, turn the other guy’s story around, black is white, war is peace, lies are truth, Kerry is a war coward. You know the drill.
The same story appeared in the NYTimes and the WashPost so, clearly, it was shopped to them.
Don’t stop at Glen Canyon — include Hetch Hetchy too.
Isn’t Glen Canyon draining naturally even as we speak?
It’s filling again. There was a lot of snow in the Four Corners this winter.
But it did drain partway, and all the southwestern cities got along just fine without it.
silting up will get it before draining does
Desert Isle CD, hands down, can’t live without,
Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble: Texas Flood
1)To find inner peace and contentment in spite of the Big Old Goofy World I’m surrounded by :O)
2)To come back in a second life and find my wife all over again.
3)That the world my children live in after I’m gone, won’t be as uncertain and full of hate as this one.
I was hoping to squeeze Alanis Morrisette in there somewhere but………
1)For Bushco to have never taken office. (We’re in Al Gore’s second term and he is working on his legacy.)
2)For a basement under my house. (and not a useless crawlspace.)
3)For my son, happiness always.
My first two thoughts were easy: An end to all prejudice and to have for myself the biggest dam library in the universe. For the third I think I’ll go with being in Johnny Depp’s mind for a week.
via Dave Allen —
1) Bottomless pint of Guinness.
2,3): 2 more of the same.
Seriously, I’d use all 3 wishes to suspend time for 6 months and convene a Constitutional convention to create a document that would actually function in the information-industrial-mass-media age.
1.No suffering in the entire universe
2.Endless supply of ice cream
3.Bigger calf muscles (they are totally my trouble area!)
Turn back time to November 2000. And change the outcome, of course. No butterfly ballot. No pre-election voter roll purge. No voter intimidation. No Katherine Harris.
Or December 12, 2000. Intellectual honesty and judicial restraint win the day.
Or turn time forward – the House and Senate impeach and convict Bush and Cheney. Speaker Polisi is sworn in. Her first act is to nominate Barack Obama as Vice President, and he is overwhelmingly confirmed by both houses of Congress.
The present day (or thereabouts): the California legislature passes the Marriage Equality Act. Governor Schwarzenegger signs it. I marry shortly thereafter.
More genies.
No wishes
the three noble ones:
1.That peace breaks out-everyone with a weapon suddenly realizes they’re pointing them at someone exactly like themselves.
2.That Patty hadn’t committed suicide last November leaving behind a sorrowful and confused husband of 30 years and many grieving friends.
3.That gender stereotypes (one of the things that killed Patty) were seen by all as the poison that they are and all humans became valued as the unique beings that they are.
the not-so-noble ones:
1.To remember my grandmother’s and mother’s potato salad recipe.
2.The extremely handsome guy who works in the supplements department at New Seasons wants a date with me (sigh).
3.That when I go to work on Monday I find out that both my boss and the guy I supervise have been caught doing something so vile they are fired on the spot.
Insomnia is a real bitch isn’t it. I’ve pretty much had it since I was a kid. And there doesn’t seem to be all that much known about insomnia yet in medical circles. I’m talking about the chronic insomnia some people seem to have their whole life that has nothing to do with medical problems or depression etc etc.
Have you always had insomnia Man, or is this something new for you?
hi ink, sorry didn’t respond sooner. I’ve always had insomnia. When I was a toddler, my parents would try to get me into bed at 8pm and i would fuss till 1am. Eventually they just figured out that my sleeping clock was different.
That those who want the Rapture would get their wish, right now, and Jesus or whatever would scoop ’em all up and take them someplace else. (Don’t quite know where that would be, since what got Left Behind would have become Heaven.)
I’m going to sign up for this one. I love it!! Someone over at dkos, I forget who, had a sig line that said something like, “when the rapture comes, we get all their stuff.” Was that you?
guess that could be my second wish…
This brought back to mind the episode of the X Files in which they ran across a genie. The genie had lived through centuries of people’s stupid wishes – all of which had a significant downside that hadn’t been considered by the wisher.
Despite the many warnings from others, Muldoor (?) couldn’t stop himself from wishing for peace on earth. When he subsequently exited the office building after making the wish – there wasn’t a peep to be heard. Everything on earth had come to a halt – with no noise whatsoever. (Get it? Peace on earth ;^)
With that in mind, it’s too early on a Saturday morning to consider all the potential ramifications of my wishes. But they’d involve the old standards of eliminating war, feeding the hungry, and happiness for all. (Oh yeah. . .and as soon as Chocolate is out of Johhny Depp’s head. . .I’d like some time with the rest of him – before anyone lets loose with the “Fly Spray” :^)
I’m reminded of a very old science fiction story. The Devil was having a special on soul buying: wish for anything you want, and all you have to pay is your lousy soul. Of course everybody totally screwed up their wish, as such stories require. Even the well-intentioned wished turned out very wrong.
Until a young girl decided to try it anyway. She wished to become the poorest, most miserable, saddest person in the world, with no change in her own situation. It was the key wish that the Devil had always feared. Hell imploded, the world became a near-paradise, and the girl didn’t even lose her soul, ’cause there was no more Devil to take it.
Can’t remember who wrote it. Sounds like Theodore Sturgeon.