Gov. Dean stopped in Madison for a fundraiser at the Orpheum Theater Wednesday. Speaking before the DNC Chair, Wisconsin Governor Doyle touted the list of Republican bills he’d vetoed, including the ban on distribution of contraceptives by State Universities, and the Concealed Carry bill.
Dean noted the Republican’s attacks on him as a “New England Liberal.” but pointed out that Vermont has the nation’s most tolerant concealed carry law. I clapped, silencing the hall for 10 seconds.

The Milwaukee Journal/Sentinal covers the interaction here

Committee Chairman Howard Dean touched briefly on concealed weapons laws, noting that in his home state of Vermont one “can pack anything, anywhere.” Dean is a former Vermont governor and physician.

That line got fervent applause from one member of the crowd. Wisconsin, after all, came as close as you can come to having its own concealed weapons law, after the Legislature fell just one vote short — the vote of a Democratic lawmaker — of overriding Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle’s veto of that bill.

“There’s always one, even in Madison,” Dean said.

He paused, then added, “But only one.”