The Bush administration has been a scandal since its inception. In fact, it was born in the scandal of Florida vote suppression, and the overreach of the Supreme Court.

We know that Cheney was selected as vice-president to run our foreign policy. Chimp-boy couldn’t even remember General Musharraf’s name, let alone devise a coherent worldview.

We know that Cheney then populated the government with advocates of war in Iraq, as spelled out in the PNAC documents.

We have them on record lamenting the failure of the American people to support preemptive wars of aggression. We have them on record pining for a second Pearl Harbor to buck up the American public and turn us into the bloodthirsty patriots we were born to be.

They got their Pearl Harbor, and then some. And they did NOTHING to stop it. NOTHING. Their own chief of counterterrorism said they did nothing. John Ashcroft told his briefer that he didn’t want to hear another damn word about al-Qaeda. And he didn’t. But he did decide to stop flying commercial airlines.

President Bush was given a memo saying that al-Qaeda was determined to attack us, determined to hijack airlines, and that they wanted to do so IN THIS COUNTRY. In spite of this, when a plane crashed into the World Trade Center he pretended to think it was an accident. He pretended to be unaware that al-Qaeda was planning just such an attack.

And he did NOTHING. He went into a classroom and read a story about a Pet Goat. He laughed and chuckled, and made jokes. And when he was told that a second plane had hit the WTC, he still did nothing. He looked shocked, yes. But he did nothing.

Doing something wasn’t his job. It was Cheney’s job. The 9/11 Commission soft-peddled it, but they determined that Cheney never even called Bush to ask for permission to down any remaining jets. Why would he? It was Cheney’s job to decide such matters.

And it was Cheney that told Bush that he had to have a little war in Iraq. “The little tyrant tried to kill your Daddy, you gonna take this shit?”

I can’t prove it, but the dark forces behind Cheney were busy at work long before they ever took office. The Niger documents were created while Clinton was still in office. They were crude forgeries. El-Baradei exposed them as forgeries in a few hours, as had the French and Italians, before him. The CIA claims they didn’t know they were forgeries, but that is preposterous. They obviously didn’t believe what was written in them, even if they thought the documents were genuine.

Cheney’s minions undoubtedly created the documents in the first place. Perhaps it was Michael Ledeen, as Vincent Cannistraro suggested:

Ian Masters, host of Background Briefing, in Los Angeles, interviewed Vincent Cannistraro, the former head of Counterterrorism operations at the CIA. Cannistraro came close to naming the man who forged the Niger documents. When Masters asked, “If I said ‘Michael Ledeen’?” Vincent Cannistraro replied, “You’d be very close.”

Right now, we are arguing over whether Karl Rove committed a crime by destroying the career of a CIA officer. But this whole fiasco is covering up a far bigger crime. The crime is the Bush administration itself. Born in crime, raised in crime, and now fully mature and sociopathic in nature, the Bush administration has been a fraud from the beginning.

If this sounds paranoid, it’s not. We have been leveling accusation after accusation at this White House for five years now. And every one of them has eventually been exposed as true. Paul O’Neill revealed that Cheney was bent on war with Iraq in their very first national security meeting. Clarke revealed that they did nothing about terrorism. Someone at the CIA leaked that Bush had been briefed about a plot to hijack airplanes in this country and attack us with them. Joe Wilson told us the administration knew the Niger claims were false.

Karen Kwiatowski, a former Pentagon insider, told us:

“What these people are doing now makes Iran-Contra look like amateur hour. . . it’s worse than Iran-Contra, worse than what happened in Vietnam,” said Karen Kwiatkowski, a former air force lieutenant-colonel.

“George Bush isn’t in control…the country’s been hijacked, key areas of neoconservative concern were politically staffed”.

We said the evidence for the war was being fabricated, and we have confirmed that it was fabricated. The policy was war, the intelligence was ‘fixed’.

The media seems to find this all somewhat amusing. It’s old news, or just one side of the story. Wilson exaggerated, Wilson lied too. That’s bullshit. The only question is whether Fitzgerald is going to indict the whole lot of them for crimes against humanity, or whether he will be satisfied to slap Turdblossom with a slap on the wrist.