JB Williams of the Conservative Voice adds his voice to the legions on dittoheads that put politics ahead of national security. He’s also an idiot.
I can’t even feel the least bit sorry for Valerie Plame, who is starting to look like the Bill Burkett or Mary Mapes of this DNC conspiracy. Best I can tell she’s just a low-level CIA desk-jockey with a political ax to grind of her own. She had the misfortune of marrying an idiot who let his political anger cloud his judgment so badly that he unwittingly outed his own wife for his personal political agenda.
How did Wilson out his own wife?
by speaking up and making Karl Rove mad. I guess?
He contradicted Our Great Leader, and for that he must be punished…and his wife’s cover must be blown.
“Judith Miller appears to be the only tight lipped person in Washington and she’s sitting in jail as a result. I bet the source she protects is none other than Valerie Plame.”
What’s there to say.
Idiot couldn’t even spell Abu Ghraib correctly…confirming my suspicions about the sort of people who would support Rove and co.
He knows all about desk-jockeys, which would explain the projection.
All these loudmouths are showing their fear. Next we’ll see their little heads billowing smoke out of their ears, only to explode into piles of mush, the true essence of what they truly are.
can’t stand these people. They have become the party of smear and blame. They smear anyone who challenges them and blame everybody else when things go wrong. Just like their dear leader, they can never admit to any weakness or any mistakes.
They can dish it, but Lord knows they can’t take it. Just disgusting people. I don’t know how they just lie w/o a conscience. Amazing.
the incubator that spawns loathsome and ridiculous creatures like these? There’s more at work here than simple propaganda. There’s a deeper contamination, a pathological disturbance, a clinical affliction that even medication won’t cure.
of the senses and induces migraines.
I finally caught Meet the Press at 7:00 pm, and still feel contaminated from watching it. It was disgusting that Mehlman was allowed to dominate the conversation with his smear-the-DNC-and-Joe-Wilson talking points (which were ALL LIES) and Podesta seemed to be there just to remind everyone of what a sleaze bag Bill Clinton was. He made a few good points against Mehlman, but it was pretty tame stuff, like “this guy must have been asleep during the nineties.”
The thing that pissed me off so much that I started yelling and scared my cat was Woodward and Bernstein just sitting there congratulating themselves about how great they were at protecting their sources to make Matt Cooper look bad without once getting a clue that THIS IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SITUATION!
Where is the parallel between reporters who act as a virus to spread Bushco lies, smears, and propaganda, and real investigave journalists who protect whistleblowers in order to get at the truth? Where is the fucking parallel?
This is not about Joe and Valerie Wilson and it’s not about Matt Cooper or Judy Miller, it’s about the way that the gangsters who are occupying the WH house got there by doing just exactly what Karl Rove did. Now it’s out in plain sight for all to see how they use the MSM as a propaganda machine to spread their filthy lies.
Without the cooperation of the MSM, they could not have defeated McCain, or Kerry, or any of the other people Rove has undermined with his evil smear campaigns, because there would be no one to spread those evil lies around.
And the same MSM helped them deceive this country into an illegal and immoral war. How do you “fix the facts around the policy”? You whispers lies, smears, and propaganda into the ears of journalists like Bob Novak and Matt Cooper and Judy Miller and they do your dirty work for you, that’s how you do it.
Phew, that was a rant! (My cat is feeling better, too!)
Perhaps these right-leaning folks are in the “final throes, if you will,” of their belief in Bush’s leadership. Wishful thinking, I know. We need to keep plugging away at the crux of this Rove affair: the fact that Wilson tried to find the truth about Iraq’s nuclear capabilities and that truth did not fit the intelligence fix the WH was engaged in. That’s what this is all about and no glib sarcasm from the ultra right can change that.