Do you really think this White House has the what-with-all to actually think straight?  They are setting a pattern of  conspiracy.
Remember this that came out this week????  Bush and his staff must go asap or the war on terror is doomed.

It appears that the Valerie Plame leak was only one of the White House’s spy leaks that may lead to the deaths of coalition agents and civilians. ABC and the Pakistani government have gone on record saying that last year, timed to coincide with the height of the media hype surrounding the Democratic convention, the White House prematurely leaked news of a Pakistani Al Qaeda capture in order to steal the media thunder of candidate Kerry.

Well here we are:

Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan, had become a deep cover agent for the UK and Pakistani governments, and HAD ON HIS LAPTOP THE PLANS FOR THE BUS BOMBING THAT JUST OCCURRED IN LONDON! His mission had to be prematurely aborted as a result, and the first Al Qaeda mole was a bust. But Tom Ridge and the Department of Homeland Security got the headline grabbing story and stole the media thunder from the Convention.

And so we see, once again for the sake of political expediency, the Bush Administration jeopardized an agent. And this time with deadly, directly related consequences.

My opinion next~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Can we honestly believe that this WH is innocent of much of anything!  It does seem a pattern is being set.  We can not afford much more of this kind of behavior, for our nation’s security, let alone the world’s security.