Bill Gallagher, of the Niagara Falls Reporter, is ranting again:
A few weeks ago, when Rove claimed liberals coddled terrorists and wanted to provide them “therapy,” I offered a few thoughts about the deputy White House chief of staff, the president’s “brain,” and designer of his political career.
I wrote, “Karl Rove is the most vile, despicable, duplicitous, power-addicted, warmongering, lying neo-fascist in the administration, save Dick Cheney and the man who lets them run the government for him.”
Yes, I know. I am prone to benevolence and understatement.
Read the whole diatribe here.
The only reason I ask is that he tells it like it is with no reticence towards unleashing his anger at the admin….as opposed to those others who poo-poo and white wash the White House while seeking out dinner party invites from Andrew Card…
a legit news organization…
The dude always writes like that, only usually with a little less viciousness.
Wow, great rant, I feel like I just took a shower. Thanks, Bill.
BTW, does this sound like a BLITHERING IDIOT to you?
“The best place for the facts to be done is by somebody who’s spending time investigating it.”
The best place for the facts to be done? WTF???
Sure, George. I definately want my facts to be done by somebody who’s spending time investigating it, and I also agree that its the best place for the facts to be done there!
It’s rare to find an ad-hominem, a rant, and a wiltingly accurate assessment rolled up into one like that. They usually don’t mix ^_^
Here’s the meat:
This is why the GOP thugocracy and their mindless minions are out to bury this story any way they can. What Joe Wilson discovered was that the only remotely compelling reason for the Iraq war was pure bullshit, concocted by Ahmed Chalabi under the direction of his oil-hungry neocon handlers, who were, of course, directly answerable to the President.
That so many have accepted the ex post facto justification that we are on some kind of mission to spread democracy — something Republicans have never, ever in their entire history shown any interest in — is proof that the media has been bought and paid for and that Republican efforts to disembowel public education over the last half-century have finally borne fruit.
“The pressure of having his lies exposed and having to lie some more is clearly taking a toll on White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan. He looks like a just-goosed Pillsbury doughboy.”
I’ll be damned if that isn’t exactly what he looks like these days.
No, Scotty, I said hitch your wagon to a star, not a satyr. Did you and Dubya skip a lot of school together?
Hee hee!
Oh man. . .check this out – from the same article,
WTF? (That sound you just heard was the loud thud of my jaw hitting the floor. . .)
It is a rant, but what a dandy of an op/ed rant it is.
This is good old-fashion Victor Reisel, Jack Anderson, Westbrook Pegler, Quentin Reynolds style attack op/ed, and with flair too!
Kudos to Bill for a ferocious op/ed.