Bill Gallagher, of the Niagara Falls Reporter, is ranting again:

Retribution, a quintessential Rove political weapon, brought him to expose Plame and risk national security in the process to get back at her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, for telling the truth about George W. Bush’s phony claims that Saddam Hussein was shopping for enriched uranium. Wilson debunked the bogus story that Iraq was seeking the nuclear material in Niger. That was a body blow for the Busheviks, who had worked so diligently to “fix” intelligence and build the lies to justify the invasion of Iraq.

A few weeks ago, when Rove claimed liberals coddled terrorists and wanted to provide them “therapy,” I offered a few thoughts about the deputy White House chief of staff, the president’s “brain,” and designer of his political career.

I wrote, “Karl Rove is the most vile, despicable, duplicitous, power-addicted, warmongering, lying neo-fascist in the administration, save Dick Cheney and the man who lets them run the government for him.”

Yes, I know. I am prone to benevolence and understatement.

Read the whole diatribe here.