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Good Day Everyone and Welcome to the FBC. Newspapers by the door, coffee, pastries, tea and sandwiches for Eastern Time Zone. |
Hope everyone had a great weekend, perhaps you will tell us what you did. Anyone see any movies, I saw Star Wars and it was the first movie I have seen in the theater in many years.
Morning, good morning, good to see you all today. Come on in, and have some coffee. It is self serve today unless one of the virtual waiters come floating by.
We always made it to the theatres to see Star Wars. I can probably count on one hand the rest of the movies I’ve seen on the “big screen” since 1989. Reasons? I got tired of the cost of attending a show that really doesn’t have any benefits for doing so.
If I want a theatre experience at home, I just ask the kids to block my view, talk over the film and discuss spoilers during the movie. š Plus my Yamaha sound system is better than the sound system they have at the local crap-o-matic cinema. It really cheapened Star Wars this last time as the sound system was so not there.
However this year might tip the bucket for us…. we’ve seen the final episode and the kids and Dad saw “Herbie” and we are planning to see Burton’s Wonka.
We, here, are huge Wonka (Roald Dahl book fans) I KNOW! I KNOW! The Purists in me says… the script for the original movie was dressed up by someone other than Dahl… but I love the lines in that movie so much. I grew up with this movie and have watched my kids grow up with the same movie.
Part of me wants to not like the newer version. So can remain “loyal” to a script that wasn’t loyal to the author’s book who wrote the screenplay that then got altered…. (breathe) you know what I mean? But another part of me wants to like it.
If we don’t end up seeing it in the theatre, we’re likely to buy it when it’s released…. along with all the other Wonka schtuff they’re sure to come out with. š
Haven’t yet seen the Star Wars movie yet but I am hoping to. I did get my copy of the Harry Potter book but after all the hoopla there were literally hundreds of them readily available. Why wait in line at midnight? Oh, can we get some flavored coffee in here? Thanks.
Good morning Diane. It was hot hot hot all weekend and tried to just keep the sprinkler moving and not much else. As a side note did you get my email about the product Shot Gun to keep away the raccoon? My sister checked and it is for all animals who desire the fruits of your labor. My grandchildren brought in our first tomato last Friday. It really wasn’t quite ready but they were excited. At least it will be cooler today but the hoped for rain did not happen. Next weekend is county fair and it is always a big weekend for the grandchildren.
Hello, I think I got your email, but cannot locate it, could you send again.
I think my problem in garden may be Possums, not raccoons, but who know. I wrapped my ‘one large tomato’ in the mesh bags, vine ripened tomato are packaged in, in the grocery store. It has worked so far, we shall see, when the tom. gets red…
Our local County Fair is going on right now,,my whole family loves the fair, not me so much anymore, but I don’t like to go anywhere.
What part of the country are you in?
I will send it again. We are in Iowa and last year it was so chilly for the fair the kids were in jackets. This year it is suppose to hit about 95 over the weekend. This is the same fair I went to as a child back when there were all those side shows with the barkers and the lady who ate the snakes still is a vivid memeory. She swallowed them and then erpped then back up. I don’t know what got me more the lady or the poor snakes. I am not going to be really happy to go when it is so hot but it is in a nice location with lots of big trees for shade. The port a potties are going to really stink!
I’ve atayed away from here so far, being the old curmudgeon that I am, who routinely avoids social situations like the plague. I think I was absent the day they handed out the small talk and chit chat genes, but I still enjoy being around folks , so you’ll find me sittin quietly over here on this little porch, having coffee and an (outdoor) smoke, enjoying watching this good bunch of folks all carry on now and then. Hmmm. Coffee’s good!
š scribe
Hi Scribe, good to have you here, scoot over I am having a smoke break too.
I am not the most social (real life) person, but the virtual world is easier for me right now, don’t have to dress up to go out.
I hope you will come back often.
Wow, you guys are so cool. Smoking outside is soooo polite to us asthma-sufferers.
I just stopped into the bagel place where my daughter works and watched her serve up cappucino and coffee and bagels and such to the workday morning crowd.
There’s something so weird about watching your baby out in the real world. I sat there reading the paper and drinking hazelnut coffee and quietly observing her out the corner of my eye…you know, the ones that mothers have that allow you to do several things at once and still watch every breath your child takes?
Anyway, here she is last year sitting in a field of gold….aka the beach nearing sunset.
what a great pic. of your daughter and I know of the things you speak about watching your children, I still do it and my kids are grown. Watching the grandchildren is a whole other thing..
Yes babies out in the real world, I still am amazed everyday at my kids, they are really full functioning adults, wow…So much pride…
Your picture above made me think of the teenage years with my daughters and sons.
to work…my niece got a job at a local book/record store, and most of her paychecks have been going back into the registers in the form of gifts for self or friends…not much chance of that happening with bagels, I’m sure! š
Thank you for this. As the mother of a teenage girl I find your words coupled with the picture unbelievably poignant. (I must be missing my baby; she’s off at camp for a couple more weeks.)
Yes I got short changed on small talk also and any party makes me want to hide anywhere I can. How do those people do all that chit chat anyway?
Beats ME, Jake!
Oh well, there’s lots worse things that can happen to a person besides being a little “chit-chat-challenged”, I guess.
Small talk!! Oh, that’s what I do wrong. . .<slaps forhead with palm of hand>. . .I seem to find someone that has an interest in something philosophical, and get into deep conversation with them. No wonder no one invites me any more. Heh!
hey…those are just the kind of conversations I like. Joining in conversations over the years with people I didn’t particularly know only to have them end up ‘accusing’ me of being a school teacher or something ..like being a school teacher or sounding half way knowledgeable was a bad thing..(and no I’m not a school teacher).
If I could just end up at a party you were at we could have a swell time! I feel like those chit chatters do not live in any world that I do. I have mundane day in day out why oh why do I want to re-hash it like it was the most important thing on earth? I don’t want to get into a match with people I hardly know, over whose children are doing the supreme best. I don’t think they do, read, or see anything interesting. Or they may but they don’t want to get the looks I do when trying to introduce something else in the conversation.
Well lets just say we’re having a party right now here here at the Cafe. You mentioned reading..I honestly don’t understand people who don’t read..yeah a value judgment I know but some people act as if they’re proud they don’t read and that really gets me. One person I knew actually said reading was an escape from reality, waste of time plus it was boring.
There’s nothing wrong with chit/chat for a few minutes but……when that’s all someone can do or they want to talk about how hilarious that show ‘Blue Collar Comedy’ is…I can’t even stand to see commercials for that show…uggh.
You are always invited to any party I attend or give, though I tend towards a small group of friends in intimate settings talking through the night, following threads of magnificent tapestry co-created in quiet moments of thought and laughter.
You are on my “A” list! (and I seldom spend time with the B or C list)
Say there Ms. Shirl, would you mind turning on your im. I am anxious to talk to you.
I don’t have any trouble talking – but I have a lot of trouble shutting up. And the “small” talk thing. Most of what is in my conversational repertoire these days is politics, and well, another rant from me about the PNAC doesn’t exactly endear me to folks who are gathered for a little friendly socializing.
I find myself desperately searching the inside of my skull for appropriate topics – what is it we’re supposed to talk about? (Comes up blank.)
But here at a political blog – notice my comment with the lily pad – here I post a comment about the weather. š
I am very good at chit-chat and I hate every minute of it. Based on being politically active and near the top of management at work I end up at lots of “mandatory social functions” as I call them.
It is a real pain in the butt to make small talk. My best tool is to ask someone about themselves or their kids…and not yawn! Sometimes the price to be paid for getting a candidate elected is boredom with cronies writing big checks. So be it…write the check and I promise not to yawn!
Keep going to events folks – I need you for my sanity. Every once in a while I’ll meet someone that has interesting philosophical opinons and feel like I’m in heaven.
Thank heavens someone can in those circumstances. I could never run for an office nor get anyone to give money. One of the reasons I got out of the corporate world was when this wave of kiss ass became more important than the job. You can really tell the government is being run by former corporate SOB’s. But I do know that people needed to be patted and soothed and all that stuff so glad you can do it. Which leads me to ask at what point did it become expected that you had to be patted and soothed. I guess I always thought good manners when dealing with people was all you needed. When I get that kind of treatment from others I am always put off. I don’t need or want to be “handled”.
I’m convinced it’s some special gene that gives one supernatural social abilities. Some people get it and some don’t.
I’ve given up even pretending to have any social skills and have concentrated on strategies to help me avoid situations where I might need them.
For me the best way to avoid small talk or trying to think of something to say was to listen intently(or at times seem to listen)which makes people believe they just had a great conversation with you yet you didn’t really have to say anything.
Of course if you don’t like social situations much this can be a double edged sword as I found out people would seek me out to ‘talk’ cause I was such a good listener…
The problem is that I don’t just want to avoid having to make small talk, I want to avoid situations where someone would expect me to want to make small talk.
I have come up with a whole set of evasive tactics for getting out going to wedding showers. I’ve tried to work up a similar set for baby showers but this has proved harder as people tend to feel much more strongly about baby showers than wedding showers — based I guess on the idea that kids have more staying power than marriages.
I suppose I’ve become ‘lucky’ in one respect with my disability and that is that I never go anywhere thus I don’t have to talk to anyone anymore. I mean that quite literally. Except for the few people in my apt. complex who continue to come ringing my doorbell every other day..the only outings I do are when my sister takes me(I no longer drive-haven’t been able to for almost 20 years now)to video store every Tuesday and doing grocery shopping twice a month..and that usually cures me of wanting to talk to people. Just by listening or overhearing stupid conversations or people who seem to have no concept of grammar either. And living here as I’ve said before in the reddest part of Ca….9 times out of 10 you will run into bush loving whacko christians-who are bigoted anti-gay assholes.
In a burst of getting out we had the theater here reopened and my sister has taken me to 3 movies this summer..but that still means I don’t really have to talk to anyone.
I’m sorry that your disability limits your mobility (and it’s good for me to remember that I have the choice to go to all those social events I’m trying to avoid). But I’m glad your sister comes through for you.
I hope the folks at BT help make up for the lousy conversations that you are (not) missing in the real world.
Which reminds me — you mentioned romantic comedies downstream and I had some to suggest that you might not have seen:
Indian Summer (Alan Alda, Diane Lane, Elizabeth Perkins)
Cold Comfort Farm (based on a classic British comic novel)
Gregory’s Girl (quirky Scottish comedy)
My mobility has been limited for over 40 years so it’s not like it just happened although it has gotten progressively worse. Just something that has to be accepted or else I’d be a bitter old women I guess.
Thanks for the movie suggestions..no hadn’t seen them and will write them down and see if they are at the video store here.
I own Gregory’s Girl and Indian Summer. If you can’t get them at your store, I’d be glad to loan them to you, though it will have to wait until after July 29 because I’m going on vacation Wednesday. If find you can’t get them and do want them, you can just let me know in one of the FBC diaries after I get back.
Thanks very much and will keep that in mind.
Reddest part of Calif?? Tell me you’re not in Lake Co.(?)
If so, I’m a good talker AND listener š … and I LOVE chocolate. š
Ok I’m not in Lake Co..actually just outside of beautiful(not)Bakersfield….ah the smell of oilfields in the morning. Oh yeah, chocolate is definitely one of the main food groups, right?
Ah okay… that is just as Red as Lake County.
Bummer though… I was hoping you lived nearby š
Chocolate is a food group and it’s medicinal! It’s my.. uh… my… spiritual aphrodesiac.. that’s what it is. š
Chocolate=spiritual aphrodisiac..love that. And I don’t know why but somehow I had the idea you were from Texas?…isn’t there another Janet here that is?
that would be janet Strange, and I get the two mixed up also.
Hi Chocolate, good to see you here, haven’t talked to you in awhile.
hi diane..I’ve been trying to spend a bit of time at Eurotrib and learn more about politics and such over there. Also have about 10 small painting projects that I am trying to get done this summer. Have to do it outside and when the heat is 100 I’m running inside every few minutes to cool off. Plus it really really wears me out and then I’ll spend a couple days on the couch resting…anyway good to be here today.
gawd forbid… they’d burn me at the stake in Texas, I suspect. I would just be LOOKING for trouble down there LOL.
However, there’s alot of people on these boards that are from TX. I have a hockey friend who sends the kids hockey cards who is a Democrat living in Texas.
I know, I couldn’t do it. No way.
I’m having a hard enough time not packing my schlipstick together and moving to Costa Rica.
(originally I’m from Washington… mostly Whidbey Island and then some of the Mossyrock (Mt. St. Helens area) Military Brat – “I’ve been around”
Potter that is. I’m not quite finished, fortunately, but I ran across this gem: Dumbledore describing Voldemort’s (early) followers:
Spouse got it for my b’day which, due to having to be out of town 2 weeks, I didn’t get to open until last night. It’s our official read-aloud book until finished.
He also got me the HP glasses, tattoo, and word-search scroll that were bundled as a gift-pack. Ha ha ha! And bought two of Hogwarts books Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages — the ones that support UK Comic Relief charities for children — 20% of proceeds. So buy, enjoy and feel good about giving to yourself and others.
That line leaped out at me, too. I finished reading the book yesterday. Loved it. Will say no more about it. Do you think she can really stop writing them after the next one??
One of the things I love about her books is her unashamed, unabashed use of the much-maligned adverb. It’s part of what makes her writing so very very utterly totally charming, imo. Purists often forget that adverbs are great for humor.
Morning, all, and thanks for the mid-day snack and iced tea, Diane. Back to work now. See ya later.
I finished the book a little while ago. Had to dry my eyes and get over the sense of loss a bit before returning to my buddies here at BooTrib. Wonderful book, much more tightly written than the last and full of Rowling’s unusually dry humor.
The plot for the next one seems fairly well laid out in advance so there won’t be the kind of suspense I felt about this one. Well, except, I suppose we shouldn’t assume that Harry will defeat Voldemort…
The only 2 days to vacation hike is Elkhead Pass, the second highest peak in Colorado, in Colorado’s Collegiate Peaks Wilderness. This is a 10 mile round trip gut-buster that takes you from 9660 ft to 13220 ft, climbing 1300 ft in the first mile and 1/4. But the gain for the pain is considerable as you leave a pleasant forest and work your way through the expansive and inviting Missouri Gulch up to Elkhead with its views of the Missouri Basin and the surrounding peaks. Of course, since you’re in Colorado Rockies, be sure to get to the pass early to avoid the always expected thunderstorms.
Note for peakbaggers: this hike provides access to three Fourteeners, Missouri Peak, Mount Belford, and Mount Oxford.
Missouri Gulch
Kansas, I count this a triple blue dot — not only am I blue as we well know but my hat is blue and my backpack is too.
Wasn’t there a song like that? “Blue on blueeee. . .”
Blue on Blue but the lyrics are pretty much a bummer so I’m not too keen on them:
Blue on blue heartache on heartache
Blue on blue now that we are through
Blue on blue heartache on heartache
And I find I can’t get over losing you
But I’ve got a better one. Did you know that the old Sylvania flashcbulbs motto was “Blue Dots for Sure Shots” (okay, neither did I but my husband did).
If you go to this link you can see an old advertisement where the motto is on the lower right side
Made me laugh. And I confess I do remember that slogan. Funny it was about photography, eh?
Yeppers, got all three on the same trip @ 10 yrs. ago…paid dearly for it…never had blisters like that before or since…or should that be “sense” as in “lacking”. Ha!
There’s no way we would even attempt something like that. Just getting up to the pass pretty much did our old legs in.
And of course, the thunderstorms showed up after we’d been at the pass for about 15 minutes.
VERY SCARRY…always start early, like dawnish, and get off the top before 1-2 pm.
Here.s a T storm shot I took last year…this one in Kansas:
Beautiful and dangerous
We started early but unfortunately so did the storms — they showed about 11:30. There was the pattern for that whole trip — instead of showing up early afternoon, the storms would move in before noon. But even if you have to hurry, it’s still a great place to hike.
Wow. That’s gorgeous. I “copied” it over to Word Perfect so I could see it bigger and it’s even more impressive. You must have taken that from a plane window?, but it’s so clean. I’ve flown in small planes when there have been electrical storms going on just over the way, parallel to the plane. That’s really incredible, to see lightning inside the clouds, way up high.
from the side of the road on I-35, just N of Wichita…Canon Ftb, circa 1974, w/ 85-205mm zoom, Kodachrome. Always travel w/ a camera..heh?
Glad you like it, I’ll try to upload some more from that series.
Ooo, please do.
Did you drive through the Flint HIlls?
I-70 skirts the Flint Hills but I’m quite familiar w/ them…grew up in Wichita…left in ’67 and only go back to Ks to hunt Pheasants and see family…frankly can’t stand the place…
This is the only other one I have handy:

and suggests yet another reason not to go to Kansas
OMG!! When you deliver, you deliver! Thank you!
The first line should read:
The only-2-days-to-vacation hike is Elkhead Pass, the second highest pass in Colorado, in Colorado’s Collegiate Peaks Wilderness.
Sunday I got a wonderful chance to meet SallyCat and Jonathan in Napa. They didn’t run screaming from me and the kids which was a positive sign. Was incredible talking and smiling with people who are so involved in trying to stop the Bush Attrocities.
((((SallyCat, Mr. SallyCat & Jonathan))))) Thank you sooo much!
What drew me to these blogs… strong people with strong ideas and passions. (I used to be surrounded by those who felt otherwise…that voicing your concern about issues was akin to being a “terra-ist” and after this last “election” I was feeling terminally isolated) No more š
Bought another fan as I am the only Californian who does not have AC. On the drive back my husband and I talked about solar powered AC… do they have that? LOL. And why is it that if we got “off the PG&E grid” we would have to PAY to get off the PG&E grid? I think that’s called, “effing you both ways”… isn’t it?
Gotta run and get some chow for the week. Just hanging out with a small cup of joe and my MoJo (Mother Jones)
I see that KTVU news has nothing to report…. typical asshats. (The Mr. had it on for weather… and he got so frustrated with the BS news… he too now has sworn it off)
Oh… butterfly bushes have FINALLY blossomed.
Don’t you just love meeting blog people in real life? We went to the Harpers Ferry meetup over Memorial Day weekend, and it was so much fun…got to meet Brother Feldspar, Pastor Dan and Mrs. Pastor, Carnacki and family, DCDemocrat, Jsmdlawyer and family, and many more!
It was such a good time, sort of like a reunion only you’ve never actually seen each other before…
I read up on all that Harper’s Ferry Reunion (almost feel like I was sorta, kinda there) It’s great you all get together and the support emails.
It’s really encouraging to know you’re not the only one who wanted to pull their hair out Nov. 2, 2000 AND 2004.
One cool thing about the internetS, they help make the world into more of a neighborhood.
Meeting with Damnit Janet, Mr. Damnit, and Jonathon94002 was a lot of fun…and the giant burgers were really good.
Kidlets were great…and tell Wesley again thanks for being willing to let us share his prized book. We’ll come visit in your neck of the woods to look at with him again! Danni is as sweet as she is cute!
Mr. Cat and I will contact you about a weekend trip to the Mendocino area redwoods…where the weather is cool and the camping is easy!
It was really great meeting you for the first time and I know there will be more times to come. Your Mr. got my Mr. thinking and now he wants me to sign up for some class whatever whatever rafting whatever trips… ohhhkay. I’m game š
He meets so many that are couchpotatoes or mousepotatoes. I met a strange bird, he’s a “geek” who is extremely athletic. So it evens it all out š He REALLY liked chatting with Mr. Cat.
Kids were actually pretty good considering they had to sit and listen to a bunch of adults for such a time. Wesley usually likes to eat and run. So he was patient. But… talkative š I have no (ahem) idea where or (ahem) whom he gets it from LOL
Danni is cute, but watch out she’s a firecracker. Firecracker about to get her purple belt.
I would love the information about a Mendo trip. We’re trying to get outselves up to the beach to do some camping before school starts as well. Today I bought a shark kite in antici…pation.
There was so much to talk about that I forgot to mention while there that I remembered on the car ride back LOL I promise, next time we meet, I’ll have my hair CUT. I’m in need of hairtherapy BAD LOL
That burger joint has gone up and up and up. We didn’t realize it. But it all worked out fine.
Didn’t get any strawberries as “planned”. Bought a fan and some… take a guess… some dvds. š
((((((SallyCat))))))) Thank you for so many smilie dimples!
And just as hot in the South Bay as up in your neck of the woods…looking forward to some nice cool ice in a few months! š
Didn’t get any cleaning done over the weekend again…so it looks like it’s up to me to get this place in shape. Oh, you wanted to keep all that stuff, honey? My bad… š
Okay, time to get moving and back to work…
I bet it’s hot down there. Yikes. Been turning me into a human salt-lick.
In gearing up to redo the house to sell, and since we’re in such a transition mode right now – we went thorugh our drawers, closets and such. Loads and loads to the thriftstore and to a special friends house who ensures good stuff gets to good homes.
And STILL I have schtuff to go through. It procreats, I’m sure of it š You have my sincerest understanding of the undertaking it is.
Stay cool š good to see you š
How is everybody?
I am grumpy…
Last week and this week, the boys are going to summer camp from 9 to 12 at a school about a half hour from home. Because it doesn’t make any sense for me to come home (and because it’s beastly hot and humid and I still don’t have air conditioning yet), I drop the guys off and head for the local coffee shop with my laptop and work. It’s been wonderful; we chatter all the way there, and I’m really enjoying the time spent!
This week, their friend’s mom wanted to carpool. But instead of taking turns doing the driving on different days, she wants to drop off in the morning, and me pick everyone up at 12. This way, I still have to make the same trip everyday that I did last week, except now I have to drive my kids down to her house (it’s only a mile or so away) in rush-hour traffic-light back-up disaster. And then, I’m heading off to find air conditioning anyway. So this scenario has no benefit for me.
I suggested that I could just pick everyone up, and drive my own kids down to camp in the morning, but she doesn’t want to do that. Any suggestions for extricating myself from my inability to say no?
Yes, say this is “no longer working for me” and I am going back to driving just my own family, period.
No if you can say that, good going for you, it is not easy to say things like that, but why suffer with the way things are going. I know just what you mean and have had many probs. such as that with my long years of child rearing.
Bottom line, my kids, my life, my stress, my happiness, why not just, eliminate the stress…
She is holding you hostage, do you like that, oh I know you don’t…so buck up girl and go be a Taurus…
Hugs and hearts to you today>>>>>
But you know, I bucked up last Friday and told the ex-husband we’re ALL taking a vacation from him and his problems for awhile…which was something that desperately needed to be done. In contrast, this is a 4-day problem, and the boys like riding with their friend…whoo I don’t mind bringing along on the way home, I just don’t want to give up my kid time in the morning…argghh
Thanks for your support Diane!
Big hugs to you!
I let go of the emotional vampires a while back.
I can now do what I NEED to do rather than what they WANT me to do š
Just say, “hey look, we need to cancel our subscription to your issues” š
and know that you can always hang your head on us when you need too.
Thanks, DJ. I dumped this particular emotional vampire 8 years ago, but he has recently been trying to suck the kids dry again. Every time we think he’s hit rock bottom, he gets out his shovel and starts to dig!
The good news is that since the boys and I cut the contact 3 weeks ago, everyone is much happier, calm, and cooperative. Strengthens my resolve.
I think it’s amazing you did it š Hooray!!!
As for the carpool mom… I’m a sucker along those lines myself… I seem to get drawn into things where I’ve gone from helping someone out to somehow being their Girl Monday through Friday.
I’m toughing up a bit though, maybe together we can start the school year anew š
Good luck with it CabinGirl! Carpools can kill ya if you don’t level with the other parties when it isn’t meeting your needs. Years ago my friends’ late habits were making me late when it was my turn to drive to our kids’ pre-school. I sympathized with how hard it can be to get kids out the door, but I bit the bullet and told the parents it just wasn’t working. It was hard to tell them but the world didn’t end! They were never again late to preschool that year.
I’ve had more than one parent tell me they wanted “quality time” with their kids in the morning and only wished to carpool in the afternoons. It’s understandable.
Well, I think that’s going to be my official line then. “We really enjoy our morning routine together, but I’d still be happy to bring your son home with us at noon.”
Thanks everyone!
Can I please have an Irish Mist… and has Yvonne the barmaid been in by any chance????
Morning diane and to everyone dropping by today-good morning, good day and goodnight..paraphrasing Jim Carey from the movie the Truman show..
My sister took me to Star Wars and Batman-liked both and Mr.&Mrs. Smith, very good and lived up to the hype. I’m a sucker for romantic comedies and I see that one is coming out this month with John Cusack, who I think is great, and Diane Lane so we may go to that also.
And speaking of movies-I have always wondered why Tom Cruise was so popular and now you couldn’t pay me to go see War of The Worlds…especially now with his brain dead(no pun intended)war on psychiatry and women with post partum depression. Exersize and vitamins my ass.
And I can’t wait for my sister to finish reading the new Harry Potter book so I can read it..yeah we’re huge Potter fans. The underlying themes of the books are so good-friendship, family, anti-prejudice are what really make these books standout I think. Plus they are just lots of fun.
Other than that it’s been a 100 for over a week here so no one much is stirring around this little apt. complex I live in. Other than myself. I’ve got a small drop cloth outside in a shady part and have been painting a few tables etc while running in the house every few minutes to cool off.
Wow, what a winning combination. I’ve loved John Cusak since 16 Candles and Diane Lane since A Little Romance. I went over to IMDB to see what the movie was; it’s called Must Love Dogs and it’s got one very enthusiastic review for someone who saw a preview.
The bonus of course is that Cusack is on the right side(no pun there)of the political spectrum and is a good lefty. Wasn’t there a web site the last election called John Cusack for President? And yeah he’s grown up to be a pretty cool dude it seems and a very good actor.
IMBD is my bible by the way…any good movie fanatic knows that site rocks.
Quick! List the Top 5 songs John Cusack would play at his inauguration. š
Joan Cusack is pretty damn cool, too.
Great movie and of course since you said quick name 5 songs my mind is completely blank. The only song that springs to mind was an old song by Jimmy Dean? Big Bad John. And of course Jack Black just about stole the movie.
You’re right, Joan is pretty dam cool also. Grosse Point Blank was another cool movie of his-and hers.
Anyone else for a top 5 list?
My house is filled to the rooftop with Jack Black fans. I love him, too. š
I can never make lists like that off the top of my cranium either. The mosquito that keeps my braincogs moving goes for a smoke each time someone says “QUICK!” š
Actually… it’s because my brain is filled up with such important information like…
movie quotes and lines from plays I’ve been in over a decade ago… ACK! It’s a curse. LOL
I’m very fond of Say Anything but I think best thing he has done, even though it can be very hard to watch, is The Grifters.
Joan is a genius at wringing everything she can out of a role. She makes her itty bitty part in Grosse Point Blank absolutely memorable and as far as I’m concerned she stole In & Out. And then there’s Adams Family Values — gawd I love everything about that movie.
I love her in “Toys”. Every breath she takes she takes as the charachter. She’s a freakin’ genius. The way she eats at the char. … she’s brilliant!
the way she eats as the charachter.
Sorry, was eating a milk choc. Eskimo pie ice cream bar while trying to type.
It’s insanely nearly impossible. š
… since and I quote Chocolate is a food group and it’s medicinal! It’s my.. uh… my… spiritual aphrodesiac.. that’s what it is. š
Although since I think Joan is herself a spiritual aphrodisiac (not sure about the food group or the medicinal part), this does seem excessive.
Given your feelings about chocolate I feel morally obligated to let you know that I sometimes travel for work to other countries and have the habit bringing back chocolate to my hubby and he was just about moved to tears by the dark chocolate swans I brought him back from Bruges, Belgium.
Wow. Now that’s what I call Fringe Benefits! š
I have a friend who is Danish and she swears by Belgium chocolate. She creates chocolate desserts that are truly to die for.
But… nestle tollhouse cookies (cookie dough) works really well in a pinch š
have a friend who is Danish and she swears by Belgium chocolate.
I was there for two trips totaling three weeks and there were three absolute truths I learned about Belgium:
So if you don’t care about surly waiters, you might want to include Belgium in some future travel plans. And actually, Bruges is a fascinating city — it was at one time the center of lace-making in Europe and its old medieval center city is nearly intact. And, of course, it has an abundance of chocolate shops.
About your Danish friend, on another trip I spent some time in Copenhagen and I — not at all a desert person — was blown away by the pastry. I had a hazelnut torte that was worth fighting to the death over.
That was a terrific movie and one I do have. And I think Joan stole In/Out also.
I love it. Except when I know it to be wrong or incomplete. Then I start worrying about how much I rely on it.
I’ve even sent them updates for their film credits before and had them accepted (I’m hoping they verified the information with someone else first).
I guess we should remember that any database is at the mercy of the people who supply the information.
So cool that you’re using my pic for the FBC! Here’s another one in case you’re moved to invite folks to pull up a lily pad:
We had over an inch and a half of rain last Thursday and more rain over the weekend. All formerly brown, now green things are appreciative. However, it’s intolerably humid. You notice Sven hasn’t been around lately. Sure he said he was going sailing, iirc. I suspect that he’s over here installing a giant sauna that covers all of central Texas.
I haven’t noticed any naked people walking around though, so maybe that’s not it.
Great photo, JanetS.
I am laughing at the idea of all those naked Texans. Oh, my, what Sven has wrought.
I picture them in boots and cowboy hats to shade their delicate parts from the sun.
I’m back. Windblown and reddish.
Too hot to think here.
That’s a fine shot. Do you have larger sizes available?
I can do that. I can email you a bigger file and you can make it whatever size you want. (Email me at address below.)
No photos today; the sky is crystal clear blue which to me says there’s nothing to photograph. We’re going near to 80F in the afternoons. We actually got Florida mom stripped down to one layer, and finally to come in from the sun yesterday. With our fisherman’s shack house being largely uninsulated, the afternoon full frontal sun puts a demand on our window fan, but then the peak heat is just after supper during nap time. So no worries.
I see some lovely photos pinned up around the cafe today. Now it’s back to my craft shop for the afternoon. I think mom’s finally getting it in her mind that with the house being 2/3 shop, there’s no longer any such condition as “straightened up” except near the couches and the safe zone we carved around her bed.
I’ve finally discovered that I can do the boring tasks at work while listening to Bobby D. (Highway 61 at the moment) on headphones, so I’ve managed to get a chunk done today and it’s break time! I’d love a single low-fat cappuchino if the espresso machine is still going. Is that too picky? It always reminds me of that Steve Martin movie L.A. Story when somebody in a trendy cafe orderes a half double decaffeinated half-caf with a twist.
They’re selling postcards of the hanging, they’re painting the passports brown…
The espresso machine is always on here.
LOVE the LA Story reminder – so true! š (Shhh I’m from the Seattle area I shouldn’t laugh too hard LOL)
I’m more along the lines of Mike Myers “So… I married an ax murder” where he’s in the joint and orders a cappuccinno and it’s a humongous monster of a cup and he goes, “I asked for the LARGE cappuccinno” as if he was handed a mini cup. š
A virtual waiter checkin’ in:
We have some yummy biscotti too–
I’ll be buzzing about, give a nod if there’s anything else I can get you!
hits the spot exactly! Thank you Brother!