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Good Day/Night Everyone and Welcome to the FBC. This is now a 24 hour cafe, so you can have whatever you choose, breakfast or libations and my choice classic Coke. |
Here are some snacks:
I worked all day making these so enjoy, libations of all sorts will no doubt be found in the diary below.
I am singing these words, can you hear me.
Forget to say earlier that I picked the first plumeria of the season and it is floating in a dish of water on my desk now and giving off it’s gentle fragrence.
Thank you for that lovely fragrance, Diane. I caught a little bit of it here in my office.
It’s still afternoon on the west coast but where I live it’s foggy as all get-out and may as well be evening. May I have a cup of green tea, please?
If you ever come to San Francisco in the summertime, beware! This is what the fog looks like pouring through the Golden Gate. And it’s coooold.
I’m sure I don’t need to quote Mark Twain here, but what the heck:
A conclusion that both my parents (who went to college in the area) seconded.
The worst part is knowing it’s 30 degrees warmer just across a bridge, or sometimes just a few blocks away.
come visit me in the Mission – it’s beautiful over here. I am internetting from the porch as we speak!
hey Abbott. LOL! My friend in Ingleside was complaining yesterday that it was socked in all week over there, while the sun was out in the Excelsior. On what street is your porch?
Hampshire – kinda between potrero and mission
just across the bridge in Marin….we get the wind about 3:30 and the fog about 10:00pm at my house…perfect for sleeping. :^)
It’s nice to see the evening breeze and some fog back though. The heat the last few days was brutal.
I’ll be ready for white wine in about an hour…
SallyCat, I’m glad you’re getting a little cooling off over there in the evenings. I didn’t make it out of town this weekend, and from what I hear heat-wise it was just as well! The sun did come out in my neighborhood yesterday so it wasn’t too bad.
between the bunch of us we can find a micro-climate that’s perfect!
Picnic brunches rotating from place to place – 1/2 hour any direction for a change of climate – only in the Bay Area!
which begs the question, when is the BMT Bay Area Happy Hour?
Well since I started wine tasting at 10:30 yesterday morning in the Napa Valley……
It must start pretty early around here!
right now in the South Bay…getting a nice breeze through the sliding door. The view is sooo much better than our old place; got the trees the perfect shade of green, and the occasional sight of a head from over the patio fence showing that folks are out and about.
Life is good… 🙂
It’s my dream to move to the Richmond District in San Francisco. Maybe it’s because I was born there, but I’ve always loved the morning fog in San Francisco. And it’s home to part of my second favorite beach, that helps.
I’m aiming for a move there 3 years from now.
And your photo makes me think, yessss!
and your second favorite beach is… China Beach?
Nope, Ocean Beach, it’s so bare. My favorite is Cronkite — we used to have the best family picnics at Fort Cronkite.
You just have to remember to bring a winter coat.
When I was a kid there was an amusement park adjacent to Ocean Beach and if I went with my cousins, there was a good chance we could go (my mom had a fear of amusement parks and it wasn’t worth it to go with her).
YUM! So delicious, Diane. And so beautiful, it’s hard to eat.
Just stopping by for a bit. Forgive me being in shorts … it’s toasty today!
Well look who stopped by, glad to see you here Susan, you should stop by more often. Take some rest from your pursuit of the news once in awhile, folks here will treat you nice, see Infidelpig, over there, well actually he is Captain Infidelpig, and he is quite a southern gentleman.
Is is hot there in Wash. today Susan, it was tolerable here today, we haven’t been hit with the real heat yet.
Oh and please have your fill of the food, there is more in the back.
Imagine that. Okay. Just one thread. I read down the first 150 comments and felt an overwhelming sense of despair. All those hopeful, wishful predictions of justice being served. I’m actually getting tired of Rove-o-rama. Until indictments are issued, I just don’t want to hear any more speculations. And the spin/counter-spin is making me dizzy.
I know the majority of the public haven’t gotten bored with the subject yet. But, since I’m one of the over-informed, I resent having my hopes raised by endless speculations and predictions. It’s one of the problems with being ahead of the curve, once a story hits the mainstream it’s already been beaten to death in Left Blogistan. But, I suppose, we have to keep making noise or the whole thing will get blown away like leaves in a summer storm…
Nice snacks, Diane, thank for the yummies.
Wow…Whiskey Bar open again???? Oh yeah – even if for one thread that’s great for Billmon!
I loved the old Whiskey Bar until the trolls got to be too much. Billmon tried but they were gawd awful…
You and Jerome and so many others posted wonderful comments. I think I only posted once because I was awed by the contributions of others. You’d all said it for me by the time I scrolled to the end of a thread.
So much happens on the internet late at night. Us early morning folks always arrive after the eye of the storm has passed. I’m glad you were there to speak for me.
I didn’t even think twice about spending hours late at night there….geez it’s a wonder we slept at all in those days! lol
What a fancy-pants snack table you have here! Give me cheese and fruit and I’ll follow you anywhere.
My husband is out of town for a week so it’s just me and the kids. We had rice pudding for dinner! There is something wildly freeing about being sans spouse for 7 whole days. Shhh. Don’t tell him. 😉
it drives the Abbottette nuts how much I enjoy sleeping diagonal when she’s out of town! 😉
Ah’ll have a Mint Jewlup pulease mam…and then Ah’ll retire to the vur-an-da to enjoy the scents of the night bloom’n jasmine, on thu suuth’n breeze ; )
Here y’are, suh. Lawd, but it is muggy, ain’t it?
thank you kind suh, join me for a fine cuban cigah?
hmm… what can I bring to the party to get in on those cigars? I have some Sam Adams in the fridge, but I can hit the store on the way over!
well kind suh, just bring yo good mannuhs, and fine wit, and join us in sum convuh sation, yohr company will be shurly welcumed.
thank you kindly, I will be there just as soon as I can!
Oh Miss Diane, I do believe I’ll be takin’ my federally-mandated smoke-break now.
are a gentleman and a scholar. fine, fine work!
and yes suh, this humidity is absolutely frightful this even’n, but it is intended, so as to demand our total re-laxx-munt..
A fine choice of smok’n endeavohs you bring kind suh, fit for gentul men of the even’n.
It is my deepest pleasure, suh, to pro-vide such fine gen’l’men as yourselves with the finest of confections from that candied isle.
aahhh yes suh, the spice of the cuh-rib-ean…and the mannuhs of the south, my salute suh.
Ah good sir, you have caused a flutter in my heart with your southern good manners and charm.
Here is your mint julep, placed on the table to your left, if you please and do look down, my fan lies on the ground, nearby.
Allow me madam, to be of yawr survice, (laying the fan handle first across the forearm for her to recieve, and a slight bow of the head)
Would you do us the honuh of join’n us on the vur-an-duh?
Us gentul men will sit down wind, so as not to disturb the fragrunce of yoh delicut puh-fume, while we indulge in a fine cigah ; )
I would be deeeelighted to join you Captain, it was Captain wasn’t it. I don’t think I will need to be downwind as I will be smoking one of my fine Capri cigarettes. Make some room there for my hoop shirts, they do take up a lot of room.
Perhaps you will want to fill out my dance card for later, suh…
Gee I can speak southern, but I can’t write it…lol
LOL..it is an a-qwir-rud endeavoh ; )
(strikes a match on his cigar case to light her smoke)
Uh yes mam, it is Captain, and Ah’ll arrange the pillows on the wickuh set-tee to allow for your uh-tire.
And may I offuh you some li-bation for this fine summuh even’n? Possibly a Mint Juwlup?
Oh you are such a charmer, Captain, my word you do make me smile.
I like you, Captain, much better than the ‘swamp daddy’ that comes by here on occasion, tells tall tales of gator wrestling and cooking, lands sakes, what a fella.
Has a name something very biblical, can’t quite remember, oh yes ‘Infidel’, it is…
You will protect us ladies if he happens by this evening won’t you kind sir.
Aaah yes mam, I know of whom you speak, and he is of thu routy sort, but quwite the good felluh to have yoh back in a tight spot ; )
Ah’ll keep him within his mannuh’s shuud he come a visit’n this even’n.
But he truly does like to fool around with them gatoh’s, and is qu-wite the cook, as I have partaken at his rustic table ovuh the yeahs many a time, and qu-wite the fine spread he does so lay in frunt of a puh-son.
As for the biblical aspect, I would be quite suhprised if there is any Bible amonst his posessions, as he tends to follow the Native American ways for the most part, tossed in with some Oriental beleef’s as well…rathuh a strange rogue that one ; )
I bid you’all a Good Night, and it has been a lovely even’n of conversation, and libation, pleasant dreams to all, and peace be with you and yours always.
What a fabulously beautiful spread, Diane – the plating is superb!
Just wanted to peek my head in the door to extend my greetings to all. (Greetings!) For those of you interested in women’s issues, I just ran across a documentary from 2002 that’s going to be on Sundance at 6:30 p.m. CST. (7 minutes from now)
The name of the show is Sixteen Decisions, which is an “examination of the cultural forces that keep Bangladeshi women from fulfilling their potential”. Just a heads up, in case anyone is interested.
Wishing all a wonderful evening (morning, afternoon). The weather was amazing in the Twin Cities (MN) today – high in the lower 80s with an incredibly fresh wind. One of those days that makes you feel especially grateful to be alive (even after the ice cream truck drove by playing the theme from “Love Story” ;^) For the love of Pete – Ice Cream Boy is on the next street, with “Silent Night” blasting out of the speakers. . .and yet the day is still amazing!
Thanks for the compliments about the spread, only wish I could manifest.
How have you been my dear, haven’t run across you for ages..
Would anyone have an idea what channel that might be for Sundance on Adelphia.
Hugs to you.
Hi everyone! Just a quick hello and then off to my workout. God Diane, I am salivating over the hor duevres…yummy! I too have a plumeria but no blossoms yet. Plumeria trees were everywhere on Kauai. When they would bloom the fragrance would almost become overwhelming. Plumeria are the most common flower used to make leis.
Yes I know they were everywhere in Hawaii, the fragrence is subtle but delicious, and I hoped you would see the comment as I know we share that.
The plumeria plant is the ugliest plant in the winter, losing all its leaves, and then summer comes and the dead looking, plant springs to life and soon beings forth a beautifl array of flowers. Mine are yellow. Had some pink ones but they died.
I was so surprised to see the blossom today, it just recently put up it’s flower spikes.
I had to vote Other because I’m in the Middle of Us.
You know, one of the nice things about having already read HP is that now I don’t have to worry about running into a spoiler anywhere. Whew. Hate ’em!
I’m so boring! Must work. Bye.
I should have said the Missippi is the dividing line tween east and west as far as the survey goes…whatever will we do, now that there is one misplaced vote…
time zones would work nicely…unless of course you’re in Russia, which if memory serves, has 11.
Gotta go…back later
I’m thinking I’ll vote ‘other’ with kansas, because I’m just not feeling either East or West.
If I vote.
of those who comment seem to live anywhere!
Puget Sound has your California weather today. Cloudless blue skies, temps rocketing into the 70’s, gentle breezes, and our fog is evidently vacationing in San Francisco.

This is your Official Photograph of the Olympics. It’s actually from last winter, but since there’s only sand, sky, water & mountains in view, it looks exactly the same as today.
We just finished a delicious supper of shortcut-recipe Paella made with 3 kinds of fish (Florida mom can’t eat any shellfish). I’ve got to pop back down to the dirty section of the craft shop for some epoxying, as mom snuggles under a blanket in the sun to read, then I’ll take another look at those treats up front.
I feel like I’m the middle, too. The thing is, it’s not only that Texas is in the middle if you look at a map of the (continental) US – culturally, east Texas is more like the Deep South (which would be East) and west Texas is more like the West. I’m in Austin, which is a) in the middle of Texas and b) culturally unlike any other part of the state.
Which is why I live here. It will probably tell you something that folks that live in other parts of Texas refer to my city as the “People’s Republic of Austin.” And that our current motto is “Keep Austin Weird.”
Here’s the view from the middle about 45 minutes ago:
just stopped off for an after dinner cognac and perhaps a game of snooker…assuming suskind hasn’t removed the table in my absence. But I see Cap’n Pig has departed and taken the cuban cigars w/him, shame.
Be well, and catch ya on the flip.
So I live in their future, while I can only hope that they are enjoying my past. My happy hour is their lunchtime, or their breakfast…… living in a time warp is not easy…
Evening all,
There’s a fabulous diary about how people are getting low-rated radio stations to switch formats to Air America Radio, and a template for how to do it near you. For some reason, it doesn’t seem to be getting much attention (only one comment–from me–and only one other recommendation). Please, go check it out and recommend if you agree with me that it is very valuable info!
Hiya Slacker, good to see you around here. Thx for the heads up on the diary, I have been trying to get AA here in Tucson for awhile now.
Hi everyone, I just posted a diary with some action items to help promote the site. I’d appreciate any feedback and recommends you can give. Hope you’re all doing well.