image: An Iraqi man screams in pain in a hospital bed after he was injured in a bomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq Sunday, July 17, 2005. A series of bomb attacks rattled the city before noon following a massive explosion caused by a suicide bomber late Saturday night in Mussayib, Iraq killing at least 60 people. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Al-Badri)

Cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, and European Tribune.

image and poem below the fold

Down With Fanatics!
by Roger Woddis

If I had my way with violent men
I’d simmer them in oil,
I’d fill a pot with bitumen
And bring them to the boil.
I execrate the terrorist
And those who harbour him,
And if I weren’t a moralist
I’d tear them limb from limb.

Fanatics are an evil breed
Whom decent men should shun;
I’d like to flog them till they bleed,
Yes, every mother’s son,
I’d like to tie them to a board
And let them taste the cat,
While giving praise, oh thank the Lord,
That I am not like that.

For we should love the human kind,
As Jesus taught us to,
And those who don’t should be struck blind
And beaten black and blue;
I’d like to roast them in a grill
And listen to them shriek,
Then break them on the wheel until
They turned the other cheek.

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support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
support CARE
support the victims of torture
support the fallen
support the troops
support the troops and the Iraqi people
read This is what John Kerry did today, the diary by lawnorder that prompted this series
read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
read Today in Iraq
read this soldier’s blog
witness every day