“I think what’s important for you to know is that I feel I know what to do. I really do. I may not be able to tell you exactly the nuances of the East Timorian situation, but I’ll ask Rice, or I’ll ask Paul Wolfowitz, or I’ll ask Dick Cheney. I’ll ask the people who’ve had experience.”- Bush, June 13th, 1999.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Rove to tell me whether he was involved or not so that I know all the facts.
I’ll wait to see if Fitzgerald figures that out or not.
If you’re looking for us to fill that little thought bubble with what he’s thinking, I think the picture is already as accurate as you’re going to get.
(Note: This comment intentionally left with the same content as His Nibs’ thought balloon.)
“Why do those fancy-pants intellectuals always have to make it obvious that my brain is time-sharing on a single neuron?”
shows Bush thinking about his plan for Iraq.
God Boo, you should have warned us a pix of this moron was coming to avoid the gag reflex. I’m also thinking that no matter what caption anyone comes up with won’t rival what the idiot is probably really pretending to think.
is his way of doing Kegel exercises.
Hooray for Boo and Jerome Major Mojo!
Wow, did he really use the word nuances? I’m impressed.
What he’d actually thought he was saying was “new onses”, since he was only familiar with the “old onses” regarding the Timorians.
“I’m going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it’s the Mother in me.” –George W. Bush, Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
Here we go again
I think that should probably be spelled ‘Mutha’. Can someone take out a patent on stupidity by the way?
He’s Stupidityy V2.0, Jeb is 2.5
It’s amazing how sane Bush Sr. seems as compared to his crazy son, but I remember Papa Bush ruffling my feathers too.
I remember reading quotes from Bush daddy comparing them with Jr…and had forgotten how dumb daddy sounded also. Then again maybe that’s why daddy picked Quayle as his VP..he sounded so dumb made Sr. sound good-well sorta.
Gawd….I never thought I’d think that – let alone say it….
Aww geez – Bush is always thinking “I want my mommy!”
I dunno, Sally. With a mother like Barbie, I wouldn’t say that. But I’m smarter than Dim Son.
“I want to thank you for the importance that you’ve shown for education and literacy.” –George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 13, 2005
He can’t be wasting that “beautiful mind” he got from Bab’s on trivialities like the truth…asshat…Bah!
The man’s a menace.
I believe with all my little black heart that at every military funeral and service and before any and every “speech” about how we should support the war effort – they should show the footage of Bush joking around and looking under desks for the WMDs.
and flog my latest diary:
On Dissent
It is so blistering hot and humid here today, I want to be that penguin!
Which one?
The one getting knocked through the ice, of course!
The good news is that the HVAC guy tells me he isn’t leaving until my new central AC is hooked up and running tonight!
If he succeeds, I’m giving him my last 2 Magic Hat beers in undying gratitude…
is there a long line up of penguins about to be whacked?
If it is the latter, then the whacker is Fitzgerald.
from March of the Penguins?
[gotta see that movie soon…]
When reading the quote Boo put up I wonder if people who voted for the idiot realized how stupid that must sound. Instead of saying he’d do the research himself and immerse himself in finding out all the ‘nuances’ of a given situation like any president should-he’s going to instead just ask someone for a report. Hey in that case I guess I can run for President and win too, right?
I thought he liked ‘hard work’. Then again having to continually ask people to give them a report so they can tell him what his opinion should be I guess is his criteria for ‘hard work’.
Seeing the heading “Mojo Tread”, I thought you might be fearing a troll-invation. So on a whim, I put ‘troll bush’ into the images search engine – and I swear, this was the first image to come up:

(Here’s the link to the search page.)
Assuming their daddy doesn’t blow up the world in the meantime, it’s going to be really interesting to see what the trailer-trash twins look like in, say, twenty years or so.
Jenna doesn’t have the bone structure to keep her looks for long, even if she weren’t reputedly too fond of toxic substances. Not Jenna might fare better.
Some of us former trailer park kids totally resent these two being brought into our neighborhood.
We always used the “S*ut” word for girls like that….and it fits.
You know, I probably shouldn’t even use that term, because I realized too late that it is disrespectful of people who live in trailer parks. But the alliteration is soooo good.
Slut works. But needs a good modifier with it.
Way to go press corps!
Is that you, Sally?
and what is that in the chair? Is that a sleeping cat?
looks to me to be laying in wait for the other cat to come under the chair so he can “kitty attack” him in good clean, kitty-evil fun. Instead, he’s getting an extra dose of “Purrma” š
…tee hee hee…..
Time to kiss them good-bye….

I turned on his show for the heck of it.
A caller just told him that he’d read that Michael Ledeen is the likely originator of the Niger forgeries.
Schultz had no clue what the caller was talking about. And that was that.
Didn’t ask the caller who Ledeen is either.
(I haven’t enjoyed Schultz’s show when I’ve listened before, and this didn’t help.)
There was good call-in session with Joseph Wilson today. It’s supposed to be posted on Schultz’s web site sometime, but I don’t see it right now.
Link to show’s web site
hmmmm, then Bush must have asked Gannon how to screw us ; )
“Speculation on Rove – Everyone (except for the dittoheads) seems to agree that the investigation has moved beyond the Plame leak into something more serious. On the far end, we have to consider what is in the CIA after-action report. If any of our intelligence officers were assassinated as a result of this leak then we are talking about a nightmare of Watergate proportions.”
Linked: 7/18/2005
— from Salon’s Daou Report
Boo was linked from Buzzflash sometime last week I think on one of his diaries…which I thought was pretty cool also.
Jerome A Paris Featured at Enviro Site
— my daughter says this site is HUGE — very hip, very, very popular — woohoo!
situation is mass death :
Following a military coup in Portugal in 1974, East Timor felt independence inching closer, and several political parties sprang up. Indonesia also saw an opportunity, and on 11 August 1975 an internal dispute between the two major Timorese parties, Fretilin and the Timorese Democratic Union (UDT), gave the neighbouring power all the excuse it needed. The invasion commenced on 7 December 1975, and although the Fretilin forces proved their worth as guerilla fighters, Indonesia’s military prevailed. East Timor was officially declared Indonesia’s 27th province on 16 July 1976.
The Indonesian invasion and occupation was brutal. Falintil, the armed wing of Fretilin, fought a guerrilla war with marked success in the first two or three years but after that began to weaken considerably. The cost to the Timorese people was horrific, with estimates of 100,000 or more dead, many through starvation or disease.
The invasion drew the ire of the international community. The United Nations did not – and has never – recognised Indonesia’s sovereignty over East Timor. But despite passing a resolution to the contrary, the UN Security Council took no action. Only one country recognised the illegal occupation: Australia. The nation that possibly owed its war-time survival to the East Timorese turned its back for expediency’s sake: Indonesia was too important an ally to make a scene, and the waters between the two countries are oil-rich.
And when it comes to mass death, Rice, Wolfowitz, and Cheney do indeed have experience.
Oh my God, that cat in a frog hat is just too funny! I have reindeer antlers for my cat but he always shakes them off.
This young cat comes to visit me every morning
The prize? my undying respect, okay?
I sent that photo to my daughter … she finds it fascinating.
Beautiful too.
Thanks Susan.
My son came by when it was on my screen and he was
fascinated too! He wants copies for himself and his
I’ve got some treats for mystery cat’s next visit.
Sadly, Johnny Damon recorded the last out tonight, going 0-5 as the Sawx drop one to the Rays. Hitting streak over.