I find it mildly ironic that Bloomberg reporter Richard Keil, who went jogging with the President the morning of 9/11, has just ripped a hole a mile wide in the Bush administration.
The memo, prepared by the State Department on July 7, 2003, informed top administration officials that the wife of ex-diplomat and Bush critic Joseph Wilson was a CIA agent. Seven days later, Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, was publicly identified as a CIA operative by syndicated columnist Robert Novak.
On the same day the memo was prepared, White House phone logs show Novak placed a call to White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, according to lawyers familiar with the case and a witness who has testified before the grand jury. Those people say it is not clear whether Fleischer returned the call, and Fleischer has refused to comment.
The Novak call may loom large in the investigation because Fleischer was among a group of administration officials who left Washington later that day on a presidential trip to Africa. On the flight to Africa, Fleischer was seen perusing the State Department memo on Wilson and his wife, according to a former administration official who was also on the trip.
It looks like Keil has talked to Powell, and Powell is blaming Ari Fleischer for leaking from a classified memo that Powell requested. Keil makes the obvious surmise:
Powell is fighting back.
if this is true and it is Powell then all I can say is it’s about time Colin. Sorry, there was a time that I actually liked and respected Powell but that all went down the drain the day he went to the UN and pimped this illegal occupation for Bush.
the first segment of Hardball and they said they are covering RovePlameNigerIraqGate ALL WEEK.
Bwahaha. So much for the London bombings changing the subject back to terrorism.
NBC news just had 2 really harsh pieces on. One was on Rove and his role in Plamegate, the other was on the lack of available troops to do the job in Iraq. Not a good news day for Bushco.
I saw the NBC broadcast and the hubby and I thought the same thing. Not only are they talking about it, but they’re the lead stories.
Not a great start of the week for shrub.
SOME OF US should track local TV news. On the local Seattle channels, when I’ve caught the news, it’s a very prominent story given a lot of time.
Local news coverage will have a big impact on the people.
I don’t get it. How does anything in this article show that he talked to Powell?
Maybe this nasty head cold I have is making me denser than usual, but I’m just not getting it.
I believe this is the key part:
according to a former administration official who was also on the trip.
I don’t know who was on the trip, but I think that perhaps Powell is the only person who is a) a former administration official b) not on the trip and c) not Ari Fleischer?
b) should of course read “on the trip”
Maybe, but wouldn’t there have been other State Dept. people on board AF1? They were going to Africa and I would think there would be other State people on board to brief the Prez or to keep him from fucking up.
in the entire world for that.
Someone in an earlier leak had fingered Powell for this I believe. This is just petty tit fo tat.
I didn’t extend this diary to include today’s other articles that characterized Powell as walking around Air Force One waving a classified document in his hand. That document is the memo in question.
After half a day of that shit, suddenly it is Fleischer who is waving the memo around. And it is an ex-administration official who is the source.
Josh Marshall has picked up on an interesting discrepancy about this memo. Apparently, the dates–date prepared, date supposedly prepared–could get interesting. It’s the second item down now, beginning “The point is.”
Do those other articles potentially incriminate Colon as the leaker? Do those articles blame him for the leak?
Please link them, Boo.
Powell is still a weinie coward in my book.
Glad the coward is leaking though. He would never have the balls to say it in public … might damage his new Silicon Valley investment gig.
Was Wolfowitz on that plane, too?
No way he gives someone Ari up I suppose?
like Ari
when he goes public in opposition to the Bush travesty of a presidency.
Like that’ll ever happen.
If they try to pin it on a leaky Colon, I think that is as huge a tactical blunder as disbanding the Iraqi army was.
I believe that the shred of dignity that Powell preserved in leaving/ being forced out will propel him to start namimg names.
I’m smelling a shift to plan B: make it all about identifying the “leakers” and forget that this is Bush’s responsibility. Catching the “bad guy(s)” does not put an end the this. The question is still about Bush’s lies, broken promises, and ultimate culpability. Don’t let the detective stuff distract from that.
Seems to me the most unbelievable development is being largely overlooked: the president of the United States now promising that any convicted criminals will be fired from his administration, as if he’s making some kind of grand concession. The fact is, he could clear this up in an hour if he wanted to. He doesn’t want to, but has opted instead to hope the traitors he hired and still defends might get off on a technicality. This is what the US presidency has come to.
I’m gonna beat this story like a dead horse until the cows come home. I’ll beat it from every angle. The mascot of this site is a frog, and the frog will be punished.
Horses, cows, frogs. It’s a zoo around here.
You go, BooMan!
Seems to me the most unbelievable development is being largely overlooked: the president of the United States now promising that any convicted criminals will be fired from his administration, as if he’s making some kind of grand concession.
This is the political equivalent of the Chris Rock joke about folks bragging about taking care of their kids:
“That’s what you’re SUPPOSED to do, you low expectation havin’… Whaddya want–a cookie?!”
is calling for impeachment on Hardball.
He’s talking about looking into impeachment of Rove, not of Bush, if I’m understanding correctly.
I know Powell did but did Tenet? I’ve been figuring Tenet was the whistleblower here and not Powell but at this point it could be either… or both.
Tossing this around with someone at the DK.
Rove and Libby knew about Wilson and Plame months before June 10, July 7 (or whenever the fnck the memo is). Probably around March 2003.
Wilson’s article on July 6
Furious about the article, AF1 discussions on the 7th are about how to set up the smear in the media.
(Ari??) becomes leaker #1
Rove and Libby know they will be called to confirm leaker #1.
(Rove slapping forehead)”Shazam! I heard about that, too!”
didn’t know where to stick this, but this seemed like a good spot:
In my mind’s eye, I keep seeing villagers bearing torches…

Truth shall prevail!
I’d just love to see old pumped up suit man in jail.